Woke up still sooooooo thirsty. Don't understand it at all. Having abit of a down day today got quite a few stressful situations and would normally be thinking f*ck it by now and planning a super naughty tea but I'm going to try get through the next 2 days as I've obviously got to eat at the weekend.
It just annoys and upsets me that I've let myself get to this weight, every time in the past when I've started/restarted a diet I've said the same thing and lose a couple of stone but then put it and more back on. I don't know why I'm so big though I don't drink pop or eat chocolate or cake and 90% of my food is home cooked and I hardly drink alcohol only on occasions. I know that all sounds like I'm lying as I wouldn't be the weight I am but it's true. Granted I don't exercise but still.
I'm just sad that I'm having to be so extreme to try and lose weight Guess it's just one of those days its first one I've been sad so I guess that's something