Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

Thank you
I'm feeling much better now. I took stock and thought exactly that Monday is a rubbish weigh day when I've been off plan. I didn't eat naughty food while Away, I turned down my favourite takeaway while others are it around me!
Today I had a hot chocolate shake this morning then a choc caramel bar for lunch but only half as wasn't hungry, had a Cliwnt appointment and she tried time after time to get me to eat a chocolate brownie she bought me specially but I declined! Feeling very proud of myself that I've made strong choices last night and today even in the face of disappointment.

This morning I was thinking I was going to go off plan this week as have so many good things that I didn't see the point but decided I need to keep going on the times I can. Yes I'm only into my third week but it's a journey and I can't stop living x
Omg one and a half is amazing! You should be proud and of the fact you are back on it x
image.jpeg Day 15
Mixed things up a little today, started with a hot choc shake, then had chocolate caramel crunch bar half cold half hot, then finished tonight with a hot peanut bar.
Don't think I like the bars hot. I'm only at 2 litres of water today that's very unlike me.

The bf came round eating pizza earlier I resisted and was proud x
Well done on resisting the pizza :)

Not sure I would like my bars hot o_O
Lots of ppl were raving about it but def not!!
How rude eating pizza I would have had to make him eat it outside lol x
I have had a good day thanks all!
I've had 2 litres of water, honeycomb shake this morning then a COLD peanut bar half at 2 then other half 4-6.
Drinking my third litre now and got another shake to have. I did consider trying the gooey pudding but don't want to risk not liking it lol daft I know!

I've got the course next 2 days. The foods always gorgeous and they put amazing snacks on too! I'm going to take a bar with me incase there's nothing I can eat at lunch, people always sit together so difficult to avoid eating. Sometimes there's plain salmon and salad other times it's pie or curry! Hopefully good food and I can make good on plan choices.

I'm looking forward to my night away on Friday but feel annoyed I'll be totally off plan but it's with the bride to be my best est friend and we haven't had a night away just us in years so I'm just going to do what I want and then get back on track Sunday X
Good luck with your food choices over the next few days :)
Chocolate bar this morning.
So I survived day 1 of temptation! I resisted the cookies, popcorn, sweet trolley and choc raisins! At lunch I did NOT have chips, pie, curry or cheese board!
Instead I had this.... Salmon, mixed leaves, onion, peppers and cucumber. Think I made a good choice?? Opinions welcome!
That looks a pretty good choice to me :)
Looks yummy, mmmmm real food!!!! X
A www you're all so amazing! I don't know what I'd do without you!

Just had a hot honeycomb shake as my 2nd product but third meal. Had my first chocolate bar cold for breakfast which I mentioned before and I liked that!

Hope hope hope there will be good options tomorrow! X

Question for Friday, I'll be having 2 products but then a meal out on the night as I'll be drinking and after learning about the dangers planning on having some carbs with tea to bring me out of ketosis. What would be best? Jacket P? Pasta? Risotto? Sweet potato? Just trying to get an idea so I can have a look on the menu! Obviously I'll be doing damage with booze but if I can be good ish with food may be damage limitation!
Going Lucia wine bar and grill in Harrogate on their new menu. Must resist cheese! X
I would think any of the carbs you mention would take you out of ketosis - I'm not sure whether one is better than the other.
I would think any of the carbs you mention would take you out of ketosis - I'm not sure whether one is better than the other.

Of course there's also the question of calories and personal taste - the potatoes either one have great nutritional values, and are like give or take 90cals/100g - it's always what you add to them that will send those calories shoot up, but sybersadie's right, they will all take you out of ketosis :D
Question for Friday, I'll be having 2 products but then a meal out on the night as I'll be drinking and after learning about the dangers planning on having some carbs with tea to bring me out of ketosis. What would be best? Jacket P? Pasta? Risotto? Sweet potato? Just trying to get an idea so I can have a look on the menu! Obviously I'll be doing damage with booze but if I can be good ish with food may be damage limitation!

Slow release carbs (those on the lower end of the GI scale, such as sweet potatoes or wholegrains) might be a sensible choice to make you feel less cravings as a result. White bread / pasta / rice or potatoes will give you a quick release of energy and may leave you wanting for more as your blood sugar dips afterwards. But as Sadie says, any type of carb is likely to take you out of ketosis.

I think I went out of ketosis at the weekend (indulged in fruit, which is full of sugar carbs) and actually found getting back on the diet easier than I thought. Good luck!
Thanks so much for all your replies! Much appreciated! Feel I need a vague plan so I don't have a carb fest! I wonder why I'm fat lol potato skins, pasta and garlic bread and a pud would be normal favourites lol x
Not as good choices today on the course but resisted the naughtyness and had the below, hope it's not too bad!