Hi all! Haven't posted properly for ages!
Today's menu -
Breakfast: 2x weetabix with skimmed milk
Snack: grapes
Lunch: Mugshot, yoghurt and satsuma
Snack: satsuma and banana
I also had some 'Herman' cake which a lady at work made. It's made from sourdough and is packed with apple, pineapple, cherries, cinnamon and almonds. It's German I think! Only had a small bit but don't know how to syn it, so I'm going to have a syn free meal for tea then should be ok. I can't imagine it being more than 15!! It was GORGEOUS though!!
Think I'm going to make sweet potato and lentil curry for tea. Was meant to be going shopping for my nieces birthday present but it's chucking it down and the traffic in Leeds is ridiculous so it can wait until tomorrow... Going home to my parents house on Friday night as my brother is coming up from stoke with my baby nephew, and I'm going to see my two beautiful nieces too

can't wait!! I don't get to see my family much even though they are only 40 minutes away in the car, but as I can't drive it makes it hard and I feel guilty asking my OH to ferry me round everywhere! Will be coming back on Saturday evening as OH has his 'leaving do' from work (even though he left last Friday! Waiting until after payday haha). His work friends will be having pre drinks here so need to make sure the house is spotless!!
Also I've realised something today! Since Monday I've been having terrible stomach ache and I've been so bloated, and I've realised Monday is when I decided to stop drinking coffee/tea and I swapped to green tea. I thought it relieved bloating but apparently it makes you windy! I'm windy enough as it is! So I'll not be having any more of that!!
Also I'm a happy bunny today because i got drenched on the way home but came back to two packages. A new iPhone case and a MAC mascara! I got one of their mascaras to try and for some reason it didn't seem to have the 'suction' when you pulled the wand out so the brush was just totally full of the product and it was unusable! I emailed them and they replies straight away saying they would send me a replacement no questions asked. I'm really impressed with their customer service. I could have easily made the whole story up haha (I didn't by the way!!!)
Wow this was a long post..... Off to make tea!