Felix's new to SW diary!

JezVonSavage said:
It's like Lea & Perrins but restricted to Yorkshire!! My Uncle lives in Sheffield and takes a bottle on holiday with him coz he reckons there is nothing like it.

I have a bottle in my cupboard for when he stays in mine :)

The packet mix is 6.5 for the whole pack so probably 3 for that, I'm sure she has 2, then syns for the roast pots or mash x
Hmmm so OH came in at 5am and woke me up to show me a mug he had bought me as a present... How very very odd.

Having a lazy day today :) OH is going to pick up some vintage china teacups he bought me from eBay. I'm excited! Might make them in to teacup candles.

Other than that I have nothing much to say. Only had a banana and coffee today as I'm not really hungry...
Oh yes and Hendersons relish is exactly how Jez described it. It's like Worcester sauce but better! Sheffields finest. I miss working in Sheffield because they used to have a bottle of it in the canteen on every table and I always had it on my jacket potato and beans :D
Haha were on Earth did he get a mug at 5am? Strange! How's his jaw?
Is that his way of saying sorry?? Buying you a mug :) Hell at least it's useful, my OH once bought me artists pencils which is great considering I can't draw for toffee :(
He went to see a dj called Mr Scruff, and he makes his own tea and has a cafe in Manchester so they were selling mugs! It's really cool I'll post a picture of it! He also had a brew whilst he was there. Very strange...

His face is alright. He said that I probably punch harder than the bloke did, and he didn't hit him back because he said he would have just floored him. I hate it when people fight!!
Haha I love drunken purchases! It's just lucky most shops are closed in the middle of the night, apart from online of course. Not sure if it's just a Glasgow thing but all the 24hour newsagents sell really overpriced stuffed animals like almost lifesize tigers for like £60 and display them in the windows. I assume it's for drunken people but really who buys them I'd just buy hundreds of curly wurlys and crisps instead :p x
Oh wait, same time posting that makes the purchase a bit less random! I want more gigs with tea that sounds awesome! x
Oh my god I wonder how many people wake up with one of those stuffed toys haha! He said the tea was the highlight of his night...
The offending mug.


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Happy Monday! Just got back from work and weighed in. STS this week :( at least it's not a gain though! I would have been gutted!

I have been thinking about it (and I know people will try and talk me out of it!) but once I've eaten through my food which I have left, me and OH are going to go back on CD for a few weeks. I am only going to do it until I'm down to 12 and a half stone then come straight back to SW. The reason for this is because I have literally about 3 tops, 2 dresses, one pair of works trousers and some jeans (which are very tight) that fit me in my wardrobe and everything else fit perfect at 12 and a half stone. I think it will take me about a month and half to do on CD, and it would take much longer on SW. If I had the money to go and buy some new stuff to tide me over, I would stick with SW! I think I have about a week left on SW but I'll be back in no time (literally no time if I fail haha). I will keep posting on everyone's diaries when I make the switch though :) if you think about it, 6 weeks will fly by..
Whatever is best for you Felix, you aren't going to abandon us though are you??
Ah good. I'm quite interested to hear about Cambridge anyway. Like how the hell does it work??? And is it expensive? That is my back up plan for when I get to June and I haven't lost enough weight to fit into my dress :D
Best of luck with whatever you think will work best for you Felix! Hope to see you back soon :) x