Felix's new to SW diary!

I've just popped in to say that my OH has just gone for an effing nap!!! He's put off going shopping for 6 hours and now this. Could kill him!!
I've just popped in to say that my OH has just gone for an effing nap!!! He's put off going shopping for 6 hours and now this. Could kill him!!

I wish mine would go for a nap. Just got home from work in a fowl mood and snapping at everything I say!
I wish mine would go for a nap. Just got home from work in a fowl mood and snapping at everything I say!

Eurgh, maybe you need to go for a nap??
Haha naps ahoy!!

Well we have sorted it now, although I'm still a little miffed at him. Went to see my family for a few hours and my nieces and nephew. Here's a picture of the offending napper with my humongous baby nephew.

Just sat with a chops watching telly now. OH has gone to pick his friends up the they are going out later. Going to have a bath/pamper session and watch some trashy tv tonight. Quite looking forward to it!


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You girls need to give your napping men a rude awakening lol. Accidently trip with an ice cold glass of water or something lol.

Glad you got to your family, nephew is too cute x
Aw hold old is he? Unfortunately I'm useless with children and have to be told if its a boy or a girl and how old. I once met a girl wearing blue and it threw me quite a lot, can't trust stereotypical baby colours anymore!
I was just about to write 22 then realised who you were talking about haha! He's 6 months and he's heavier than my niece who has just turned 1! He looks like Phil Mitchell from Eastenders when he cries!!!
Awww, he's adorable. I'm so broody lately - working with babies doesn't help haha!

Chipmunk89 said:
Awww, he's adorable. I'm so broody lately - working with babies doesn't help haha!


Me tooooooo! Trying for a bubba now and everyone around me seems to be pregnant... Oh well, best keep trying ;) x
Me tooooooo! Trying for a bubba now and everyone around me seems to be pregnant... Oh well, best keep trying ;) x

We're not trying just yet, though I'd love to! :( Not really financially stable at the minute so waiting till we're a bit more sorted :)
Chipmunk89 said:
We're not trying just yet, though I'd love to! :( Not really financially stable at the minute so waiting till we're a bit more sorted :)

Yeah we've waited so long and I'm now 32 and feel like times running out hahaha x
I only get broody when I'm not with children...
I get so broody constantly!!! I'm only 21 though so don't want any for a long long time yet! I was convinced I didn't want any at all until I met my OH (soppy I know!) I think he would be a great Dad.

At the moment I can cope with nieces and nephews who I can hand back when they start doing my head in :D
I've just turned 23... I've wanted one for a long time but of course wasn't necessarily "ready". I'm so so ready to have one now. I can't wait to be a mum! My friends all wanted to be lawyers, teachers, midwives... I've always just wanted to be a mum. Didn't have many ambitions otherwise!
Oh yes, you KNOW I'm having a chicken mugshot with a bucket load of Hendersons Relish in it. I could easily bathe in the stuff if I was allowed.
Felix said:
Oh yes, you KNOW I'm having a chicken mugshot with a bucket load of Hendersons Relish in it. I could easily bathe in the stuff if I was allowed.

Check out you broody lot!!! LOL. I remember that feeling well ;) now I have my two little monkeys who keep me too busy to even think about being broody lol

What's henderson relish then? x
It's like Lea & Perrins but restricted to Yorkshire!! My Uncle lives in Sheffield and takes a bottle on holiday with him coz he reckons there is nothing like it.

I have a bottle in my cupboard for when he stays in mine :)