Doctor notes can't help like they do in Europe. I wish lol.
I found that the two people who got hired on the same time I did are getting paid more than I am and I have more experience. So I sent humans resource an email about this and she is the Vice President of human resource and she replied with " not everyone makes the exact same pay rate. This is something that is negotiated upon hire with the candidate, hiring manager & HR. I strongly encourage you to never focus on what others are making and/or doing, but rather focus on yourself and being the best employee you can be.....this is how you grow with a my experience wasting time worrying about what others are doing or making will get you nowhere." I showed this to my coworkers and they couldn't believe how much of a b*tch she is. She took that and went too personal. I was going to email the owners of the company and forward her message so they could see it and ask is this how they conduct business?
Another friend said I should report it because they're discriminating that I'm Bosnian and the other two are black and I have more experience but they're getting paid more. We have the same job, just different clients. I have the biggest client and I'm still getting paid less.
I've applied to seven other job already and once I get another one, I'll be sending that email over to the owners.