Today marks day 14 and still can't walk. I can stand when I get up with both legs together.
Yesterday I was at school for 11 hours and when I got back home, my ankle was extremely swolleen and the bruises were much darker. Being without ice for so long was making things worse.
The swelling has gone down and the bruises is less dark this morning. So I stopped being so difficult and just scheduled an appointment with the Podiatrist for Monday. I'm THAT annoyed of not being able to walk. And because I live in America where insurance only helps by half, my hospital and doctor bills will be huge. I'm jealous of all the people with free healthcare, haha.
Also, I weighed myself but it was on carpet in my room (right next to my bed so in case I fell, I had a soft landing lol) which means I'll weigh a lot less if it was on tiles and the scale showed a 4.4lb loss but I'm not officially counting that because it was on carpet.