Tomorrow I think I'm gonna try success express for few days cause this over eating is killing me with heartburn!!
Never really managed 2 get my heda round how that works since I never went 2 group 2 ave it explained properly! lol! Good luck wif it anyway n let us kno how u get on
Basically instead 1/3 superfree you need 2/3 and 1/3 free food. Snacks can be mullerlughts or super free. And with syns you always take higher value so eg if sausage 10 on green 3 on red you count 10 x
keep warm its bitter here
laundry is never ending but at least it could be line dried today - I think it smells nice when it is line dried
I could not face walking today so took the car to the doctors - usually I dont use the car for such a short journey but just didnt want to face anyone
hope you had a lovely sleep
H xx