Fiona's baby diaries.....

Breakfast toast with tomato and onion gravy
Dinner chilli con carne rice salad

H ex a milk
H ex b toast x2

Syns popcorn 5.5 mayo 2.5 cracker bread 4 (12)

Going to go for a nice walk with tony and Imogen. They just don't know it yet :) maybe for a little stroll along the beach?? Anyhow that's bound to burn some syns.. X
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I so wished I lived near the beach - it is something I really miss (was brought up near the coast) DH can take it or leave it - but to me there is something about it that I love :)
enjoy your walk - hope its not too windy to enjoy it
I so wished I lived near the beach - it is something I really miss (was brought up near the coast) DH can take it or leave it - but to me there is something about it that I love :)
enjoy your walk - hope its not too windy to enjoy it

It's snowing so we did not get to go on that walk :( x
we have been threatened with snow showers too today - hoping not to see them but the sun is not out and its very cold again
so I did a leslie sansome dvd to get some walking in - will also walk to a friends for lunch - she is doing soup and a roll - I am quite looking forward to it :)
we have been threatened with snow showers too today - hoping not to see them but the sun is not out and its very cold again
so I did a leslie sansome dvd to get some walking in - will also walk to a friends for lunch - she is doing soup and a roll - I am quite looking forward to it :)

Tony and I bought second hand exercise bike today so will cycle gently on that this evening in front of the box :) x
Well I hopped on the bike and guess what I lasted 5 mins and thought I was gonna fall off :( I can walk for hours on end even swim bike it and I'm half dead what is that?? X I will be increasing by 5 mins then at a time ill I can easily go 30-60 mins. No point making myself hurt xx
Well I hopped on the bike and guess what I lasted 5 mins and thought I was gonna fall off :( I can walk for hours on end even swim bike it and I'm half dead what is that?? X I will be increasing by 5 mins then at a time ill I can easily go 30-60 mins. No point making myself hurt xx

Go easy n don't b doin yerself a mischief hun! x
No can't do that I have a very busy Imogen to run about after lol :) how you doing? X

I'm doin good thanx hun. Almost 22wks now n the bump's progressin slowly but steadily! lol! I was horrifically bad while off work over the Easter hols, lots of meals out n a Chinese take-away 2 so I wasn't lookin 4ward 2 WI 2day at all! As it turns out I was rite 2 b worryin as I'v gained a few lb BUT I'v been on plan 100% since goin back 2 work yesterday n fully intend 2 b strict wif myself n stay 100% plan until my b'day at the end of the month. Hubby always takes me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat so I'v got sumthin 2 aim 4. I always seem 2 cope better when I kno I'v got a treat comin up! lol! :D
I'm doin good thanx hun. Almost 22wks now n the bump's progressin slowly but steadily! lol! I was horrifically bad while off work over the Easter hols, lots of meals out n a Chinese take-away 2 so I wasn't lookin 4ward 2 WI 2day at all! As it turns out I was rite 2 b worryin as I'v gained a few lb BUT I'v been on plan 100% since goin back 2 work yesterday n fully intend 2 b strict wif myself n stay 100% plan until my b'day at the end of the month. Hubby always takes me 2 my fav indian restaurant 4 my b'day treat so I'v got sumthin 2 aim 4. I always seem 2 cope better when I kno I'v got a treat comin up! lol! :D

Yay you're past the halfway point now :) I have been good recently but I think the damage has been done and all I can hope for its maintain till delivery... Just over 3 weeks to due date :)
My hub is bad and always buys me chocs on my birthday :( naughty tony xx
Yay you're past the halfway point now :) I have been good recently but I think the damage has been done and all I can hope for its maintain till delivery... Just over 3 weeks to due date :)
My hub is bad and always buys me chocs on my birthday :( naughty tony xx

He just knos u well hun! lol!
Glad 2 b past the half-way mark now n it seems 2 b flyin in, will prob drag a bit 2wards the end tho cos everybody seems 2 say it does! lol! Yer gettin real close 2 meetin Isobel now, it must b SOOOOO excitin - I bet u can hardly wait! lol!
I'm bein ambitious n hopin 4 a bit of a loss at next week's WI as I intend 2 really stick 2 plan but after that maintainin as much as poss n only gainin actual baby weight will b my goal.
He just knos u well hun! lol!
Glad 2 b past the half-way mark now n it seems 2 b flyin in, will prob drag a bit 2wards the end tho cos everybody seems 2 say it does! lol! Yer gettin real close 2 meetin Isobel now, it must b SOOOOO excitin - I bet u can hardly wait! lol!
I'm bein ambitious n hopin 4 a bit of a loss at next week's WI as I intend 2 really stick 2 plan but after that maintainin as much as poss n only gainin actual baby weight will b my goal.

The end does drag, with Imogen I had early maternity leave and was bouncing off the walls and even this time although I have a toddler to keep me busy I am going crazy with aching back hips Etc. it's very exciting to meet Isobel also a little daunting being mother of 2 small kids?!?
Good luck for the loss all the Pilates and what not you do will help with that and keep you nice and supple. I love Pilates and used to do regularly but lent my friend my DVD and as of yet it's not been returned. X
Breakfast optivita cereal
Lunch tuna pasta salad muller light
Dinner chicken stir fry with peppers and carrots

H ex a milk
H ex b optivita

Syns crcaker bread 4mayo 3 few kernels of granola 2 cheddars 5 hot chocolate 2 (16)
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I feel like crap imi had nightmare at 2 and she was shaking so much so I snuck her in with me as t on nights but then I couldn't sleep needed loo needed drink heartburn ugh whatever :(