Morning Fi
Sorry to hear you had a bad night with Imi, hope she is a better today.
Any plans for today?
Uhh walk in harbour? Take advantage of the sun.. It's lovely in Sussex is it nice where you are? X
Sounds like a lovely day hun. We are in Nottingham and its rather niceI have to wait in for the Virgin media man to come and install my new box which is booked between 8am - 1pm which is a pain but I will be productive whilst I wait for him and then I might go for a walk
Mornin hun, I wish the weather in Northern Ireland was as nice as yer's! It rained constantly yesterday, altho it's sposed 2 b dry 2day. Fingers crossed cos I'm in2 my last few weeks of horse riding n it's much nicer when it's dry! lol! Also I much prefer getting my laundry dried outside in the fresh air!
Hope Imogen (n therefore u!) had a better nite's sleep last nite n that' u all ave a lovely day at the car show. Yer doin amazin wif all the exercise bike n walkin by the way! x
Most people recoil in horror when they discover I'm still horse riding at 26wks but I just can't imagine NOT doin it! I was brought up wif horses so I'v been riding 4 as long as I can remember. Obviously I'm not doin anything overly vigorous these days, no jumpin or gallopin thru the fields! lol! Still I kno I'l not b able 2 keep it up 4 much longer, but I intend 2 get back in the saddle asap after the baby's born....
Oh espec bed sheets! I'm convinced it makes 4 a better nite's sleep on dried outside sheets! lol!
I've been told as long as your body is used to it then its generally ok within reason of course. So you know how far you can push yourself.
I'm still in love with a tumble drier thoughmakes my life lots easier !! X
Still have the yukky period pains. Feel worn out.this is my chance to get all those niggly little jobs done now though x
Looks like your getting there x try and keep on your feet as much as possible and go for a brisk walk the pressure down below should get things moving x