Fit at Forty 1

WI - loss of .9kg 😊😊 reaching club10 and halfway to target (1 which is just into healthy BMI, when I get there I'm going to add a bit more so I've got some wriggle room)

B - berries and yoghurt
L - lentil bolognese and prawns + mullerlight 0.5 syn
D - chicken enchiladas + Mexican rice + homemade guacamole (started with 2 but deconstructed 1 then decided I preferred chicken, beans and pepper without wrap anyway so added the other 1/4 avo to my plate instead 😂😂) 9 syns + HEA cheese
I‘ve had a busy few days decorating but stayed on plan

sat - berries and yoghurt, lunch w/meal cheese salad roll (hea +heb)+ mullerlight, smoked aubergine and black bean chilli with rice and salad + feta (hea). Pkt of quavers and a freddo! 11 syns
body magic - 2 walks, got completely drenched

sun - berries and yoghurt, lunch w/meal cheese salad roll (heb, hea) + mullerlight, olive, tomato, spring onion rice (think this was actually supposed to be a side but daughter is experimenting with being a vegetarian and this is what she had chosen for dinner!) evening snack of mini baby bel and Apple (hea) 12.5 syns
body magic - Clubbercise and a long walk

today - berries and yoghurt, plums, apple
w/meal roll with ham salad and relish + mullerlight (heb + 1 syn)
mango baked feta and lentil salad (2x hea + 1.5 syns)
body magic - last c25k 😀😀:whacky068: 30 min run + quick walk after dinner
I've been feeling puffy all week so weighed myself this morning, not lost anything 😒 feeling slightly perplexed as I've been on plan. Will see if anything changes by Thursday. Decided to shake up breakfast a bit

B - Apple, light & free yoghurt (0.5 syns), 2x boiled eggs, tomatoes
L- w/meal roll with cheese and tomatoes made into cheese on toast (HEA + HEB)
D - pasta with mushrooms, tomato, pepper and leek in passata with mini babybel light (HEA)

Body magic- walk and struggled through clubbercise (everything seemed to ache - strain not flu)


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I've been feeling puffy all week so weighed myself this morning, not lost anything 😒 feeling slightly perplexed as I've been on plan. Will see if anything changes by Thursday. Decided to shake up breakfast a bit

B - Apple, light & free yoghurt (0.5 syns), 2x boiled eggs, tomatoes
L- w/meal roll with cheese and tomatoes made into cheese on toast (HEA + HEB)
D - pasta with mushrooms, tomato, pepper and leek in passata with mini babybel light (HEA)

Body magic- walk and struggled through clubbercise (everything seemed to ache - strain not flu)
Food looks fab today.
I felt that way last week and gained 2lbs for no reason. Hopefully, I have lost what I gained and a bit more.
Just been talking to someone about water fasting and she said it has done her wonders. Might try it for 3 days next week.
Got a few well needed days off as the school holidays have started. Unfortunately I'm filling them with decorating 😆😆🖌🖌
Gave myself a bit of a pep talk today. Even if I have plateaued this week, I've actually had some phenomenal losses over the last 8 weeks and I'll hopefully start losing again soon. Got a bit of a better mindset today too. Think I'm just really tired and need to slow down a bit. Work has been crazy busy lately.
Woke up slightly later than normal - 7:30 a lie-in for me! 😝 Went for a 30 min run for some body magic. I've also ran a few errands today so my steps are up and I'm just going to go for a short evening walk.

B - strawberries & 0%greek yoghurt mixed with some 0% natural yoghurt as I was running out! 2 plums
L - after @Strawberry Madness idea of babybels looking like mozzarella I made capresse for lunch. Unfortunately, babybel can almost pass for mozzarella on top of pasta but not so much on its own! Nevermind, live and learn! (2× HEA + 0.5 syn for mullerlight)
D - a different pea and potato curry from ususal, this one with eggs. It was ok but I prefer our usual recipe. 1 chocolate caramel out my daughters box of chocs (2 syns)


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So I've been starving the past couple of days, even after filling up on speed foods. Fell off the sw wagon yesterday (but actually wasn't too bad calorie wise) then daughter had a bagel so was craving that! 🤣🤣
Think all this combined with a minimal loss means I'm going to try cc for a while. The kids are on holiday now and things are starting to open up so sw is going to be hard while catching up over the next few weeks. Think I'll do 2-4 weeks at 1200-1400 a day and see how I get on. Think I'll still follow sw where I can but focus on the cc instead as that gives me a bit more freedom. On the plus side, I can definitely feel it in my clothes (bra mostly 😂😂)

Fri - breakfast as normal, lunch - cous cous with prawns, peppers and tomatoes. Mullerlight, apple, melon & grape pot. Mullerlight chocolate fix Dinner - pasta with a tomato and chickpea sauce with drizzle of pesto. 4 smalls rounds of French loaf with lurpak lighter. Cocktail, bounty bar

Body magic - 30 min run + walk

Calories for the day 1841 + 95 for mullerlight chocolate fix + 30 cals for pesto (mfp stopped allowing me to search for foods🤔) 1966kcals 🙈 allegedly what the average woman should eat in a day - yeah right. I eat this amount of calsevwey day and I put on weight.

Brunch - leftover pasta + bagel + butter (349 + 232 +72) = 653


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Love the look of your cocktail. Hope you enjoyed it.

Yes, I agree in what you say about 2,000 calories for a woman - that is to maintain the same weight. No way that would work for me. If I have that much every day, I will be as big as a house.

It is funny you say about being hungry this week. You were not alone as I was the same and I think strawberry madness and Larissa felt the same (funny we are all on CC too). Perhaps it is our bodies reaction about easement of lockdown or the weather.

I did some research and for my height, age and weight, it was recommended to take 1400-1600 calories to lose weight but I decided to go for 1100 for a few weeks and see what happens. Of course, I cannot stick to 1100 every day as now that we can socialise, I will be eating at friends - when it is in my house, then I can control my calorie intake.

Have a great day and don't worry too much about it or your body will resist and you end up gaining (like me a couple of weeks ago).