Fizzys Journey..

Totally effed this up! Had such a bad day. I ate 4 things again for the 3rd day running, 2 shakes, 1 bar, 1 soup. Then went out for the first time since starting this diet, blacked out in the car for a few seconds, went dizzy, and started feeling sick. My O/H pulled over and I lobbed my head out the car for a few moments..... I was forced to have a coffee (with milk and sugar argh) at my mums and have a couple of digestives. On my way home, we had to stop the car 5 times (its a 5minute drive if that) as I couldnt help it, had no control over it. My O/H always asks me to watch out of my window when hes reversing into our drive as its quite narrow, all I did was turn my head and I blacked out again. Came round, covered in my own vomit! O/H wanted to take me to A&E but I refused, going to go tomorrow to the chemist though. And also, I think it might have something to do with my totm.... I think I could very well have some news, the sort you get around 9 months later. Just dont know where my head is right now...
Good luck hun.. I hope it is nothing serious and you are hopefully feeling better this morning x x
OMG, that doesn't sound good, being sick I mean - not being pregnant......but if you are I'd suggest that you pack in LT straight away and follow ww or something like that. There's only just enough nutrition in LT for you to live, nothing left to help a developing baby.......

I hope it all works out for you x
Oh Fizzy pls get a test right away. I hope you feel better.
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack :)

Been messing around with this diet and todays been 99% (Been having 1 protein meal, although faltered a few times, for a fortnight now) and I dropped a booboo this morning, was determined today was first day of 100%, and I got up and made a coffee with whitener in it DOH! Other than that, ive been 100%. So tomorrow, hopefully will be 100% and no whitener, bad stuff! ;)

I'm still around but not 100%. Still sticking to my 2 + a meal (plus some of my shakes arent even lipo ones!) but yeah im still around, waiting for this weekend to be over with and then going 100%, going away for a 'dirty hotel stay' as my not so better half keeps telling people. Ahhhh I can do this!!!x
Hi Fizz,
Hope you are feeling much better now, i was worried when you disappeared!!
How did you get on with the Crash diet people who were coming to your house to see about you being on their programme??
Good luck with the diet hun xx

I am much better thank you Kat, it werent as bad as I thought but I felt like a naughty school child for coming off the diet - again so disappeared, got my head sorted etc lol and im back now. Today is day 1 at 100%, im on my 3rd cuppa and had one shake, feeling good. I decided after it all that it wasnt for me, tmi but im one who cant help but pull faces when im on the toilet and they want to record you on it - hell no. Plus, I asked if the people coming into my home were CRB checked (as I have a child, and it would be inevitable they would be alone with him, ie on the toilet!) and was told most might be, but cant be 100% certain. The idea of letting someone, who could have a past history in *things* into my home, around my son... was just a big nooo!

Anyway, day 1. Other half having crumpets with lashings of lurpak and I want to throttle him BUT ive had a brainwave, im telling myself I can have those crumpets if I want but either I have them now and I crumble on this diet or I wait til im a skinny minnie and have them in moderation and the latter seems better! I am going to wait, until ive had a stint on the diet and ive lost this flab and I feel good about myself. I still dont belong here, as I eBay'ed and purchased some exante/targetslim so im doing a mix of those with Lipotrim, when these are gone i'm moving over to LT 100% as I need that kick up the ass from the chemist each week. So I still feel like i'm not a LT'er but i'm as good as one haha!xxx
you sure do belong on here missus coz youre doing something about it! well done, and great positive thinking! those damn crumpets can wait! :)
Yesterday went belly up, I ate some chocolate and chicken, although not together (!!!!!) :(

New day today, feel like im setting myself up for disappointment again. I've been like this for about a fortnight now, getting right through til 1-2pm wanting to cave in, caving in, then thinking 'well I caved in then I might aswell eat an evening meal'. I'm on track for today as ive got up and had a cuppa with sweetners in, if I can get past my mums monday visit - around 2hours shes here for - then I can get through today! We'll see x
Spent the past 3 weeks messing about again. From my week 1, 1st january - 6th january... aside from that week ive not got through past day 2 without caving in. I usually cave in day 1 evening or day 2 morning. Dont know why, just kept on caving in. Anyhow...

Im here now, did yesterday at 100% - I say 100%, but I have been having stock (bullion) drinks, had 2 yesterday but I managed the whole day on 1 shake :confused: I wasnt feeling too good yesterday, and was in bed at 7.30pm. So, today ive had 2 stock drinks, an exante vege soup and a LT vanilla shake. Got 1 more left to have and i'm kind of disinterested in even having in. I started my weight at 225lbs about 3 weeks ago, and ive sts since then. Yesterday morning I weighed and was 218lbs, just weighed again and im 217 1/4 lbs :D So actually see a loss straight away, i'm feeling on target! So this time, is the last time im doing this type of diet. If I cave in 1 more time then more fool me for being a tard and thats it then - im going to cry and console myself and tell myself im gonna be a tubby cow forever.

My legs are hurting today - not sure why but theyre really aching! Hopefully that'll pass?
Just noticed a fellow sheffield person on here :) the only one ive spotted so far, just read your diary and it looks like your back and ready to shift the pounds, good luck and remember you can do it this time..... in time for summer :)
Theres a few sheffield'ers on here. I know i'm not the only one, if theyre still doing the diet then thats another thing though :) Good luck with it all xx
Good luck fizzy you can do it! Ur not meant to be a "tubby cow" your going to be a "skinny minnie" babe so come on kets do it together. Stock bullion drinks I dont think will be any good i think u shud stop them and go on peppermint or other leaf teas. Good luck tho :)
Thanks cham pers :) I know I need to stop the bullion but at the minute its getting me through, will drop it after a week I think.

Well its the end of day 2, not cheated as such and feeling quite good :D
Thats the spirit! Another day down they soon add up and before u know it ur on refeed xx

God how I got through last night I dont know! My ever so slightly prick of an other half decided at 11.30pm he was to 'have some toast, cheese on toast, have we any red onion and hendos?' I nearly clipped him and I walked upstairs to cry, thing is, im not hungry - really im disinterested in food but the thought of having cheese and onion on toast with relish just got my gut going round in circles and then it started to talk to me. Oh. My. God. Kind of stormed upstairs with a 'you'll always be fat Craig, I wont!!!!!' (screamed it at him) How I was pleased this morning when he informed me he'd eaten gone off bread mwuahahahhahaa!!! And had been on the toilet all night. Which of course is my fault because I havent noticed (well on this diet I dont tend to stare at the loaf of bread!) bahahaha god it lifted my spirits soooo much!

Anyway, day 3 today, woke up feeling abit sickly, had a pint of water sat on the front garden (I live on a busy B road, one of the main road linking North Sheffield to Rotherham/Meadowhall area) with my ciggy in hand soaking the sun up in my mickey mouse pj's. The sun was out and lovely, and I felt soooo good about myself - bizzare things! I've got a tonne of energy today, so decided to do a ketostick and ive moved up a colour but not in ketosis according to them.

Ahhhhhhh so now ive vented im going to put the pots away, and do a little more cleaning before my first shake. I'm finding it easier to push the first shake til later on in the day, before I was having it at 8-10am, im pushing it til midday-1pm, and ive not cheated [with food] so I think that could well have been my downfall. (I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes, I dropped my laptop and the screen has smashed so theres a huge black patch across my screen and I cant check properly if i've done any mistakes hehe!!) xxx
4pm, day 3.

Its nearly 4pm, i'm laid in bed because my son is just making me want to kill him, so left him downstairs with my lovely [hmmm] other half. I've had 1 soup today, at 1pm. If I could lift myself off the bed, i'd grab a glass of water but I just cant be bothered to move. My achy legs have done one, but the headaches back, with its evil ***** of a sister! I keep weighing myself (i know i know) and yesterday morning I was 217 3/4s lbs. This morning I was 214 3/4s lbs. Cant be right, surely?! I want to weigh myself again but I know i've been drinking my water.. hmmmm! I feel better in myself, and have done all day for some reason. But I think its now time to have an hour in bed and snooze before motivating myself to get through the next few hours. I will say something though, this is the furthest ive got without dying to cave in (or actually caving in) my first ever week, come day 3 I was putting food in my mouth then spitting out saying 'no' to myself, so I certainly dont think I was ready because now im just like 'F*** food' :D