bye bye belly
I love reading your diary Fizz you always make me chuckle
You are doing really well now and seem totally in the zone.
Keep up the great work x
Haha thanks
Oh fizzz. U ar so funny. I stopped going to d gym when I started dis lipo as I tire n get dizzy easily. I will take a bnreak 4 a month. Well done n dnt gve up
I'm only just starting! Last time I was in any gym, or did anything to get out of breath, other than in the bedroom, was at school - I left 4 bloomin year ago!!
Right now, ive just had my FIRST shake! Its gone 6pm oooops. And I feel like joining the dog in rumaging through my bin! Taken my mind off it all though, linked up bbc iPlayer to the tv
I've got lots of gardening to do tomorrow, so that'll keep me busy hopefully. But other than that i'm dreading weigh in, my scales havent moved yet eek!!
Oh ive also edited my goals, make the, better abit and taken my ticker down too. It moves very slow for me