hey fizz looks like you're gettin into the swing of things girl... a few questions for ya... why are you only having 2 shakes some days... i reckon coz you're not having your full 3 shakes that's whats makin you have the soup etc??
i think its mainly some days im too tired to do anything so like on day 1, [tuesday] the sunday i had no sleep, and monday had my usual 7hrs, so tuesday i slept all the time - and only managed one shake. But I havent had a stock for 2 days now
you should take the full 3 coz that's what keeps ya goin??.... also my pharmacist said not to drink diet pop coz it might have citric acid in it which knocks you out of ketosis... dont know if thats right but just concerned for ya after all that hard work and will power dont want a little thing like diet pop to upset the ol apple cart
its zero pop hun - lemonade has acid as does fanta orange, but not coke zero. i know this because i was meant to be doing exante [i applied for a tv programe regarding diets and they got it me hugely discounted, and i found out coke zero is ok in moderation ofc.] but im barely having it anyway so its not too bad 
..... the pains in the legs go away... i had leg aches for a few days... but they soon went away as did the headaches... i hate water but am drinkin tons coz i tell ya when i dont the hunger defo kicks in??!!
my headaches and leg pains have gone slightly, so im much better. It's hard to cook for the family, ive just cooked chicken korma for my hubbie and kids now and god what a gorgeous smell, but i just tune out now and am not bothered..... thats hard for ya when your oh starts to have his blowouts at night... thank god i reckon my hubbie feels a bit sorry for me so hes cut out the junk at night.... but thats good for him coz its a bad habit anyway!!!!!! you're doin fab girl... hang in and stay strong and dont cave.... im into week 5 now and its plain sailing.... before you know it you will be on re-feed and all this will be a distant memory!!!! xxxx