Fizzys juddd dance

Been reading up on lots of motivating stuff for tomoro. Totally foodied out at the mo!!

Plans for tomoro, 3 slim and save packs, bath, painting a wall, and potentially some exercise- well see!

15 lost : 52 to goal
Well decorating went ahead, exercising turned more into a browsing amazon for new DVDs than a verb lol. Settled on Josies high intensity one, ordered it and awaiting. Intrigued, it's 20mins of hell- hopefully I can manage that!

Anyway, first part week done, only one DD and I've sts!!! So I'm calling it a false start, having an up wknd and then my three DDs next week. Have bought a coupl elf ADF ebooks to revigorate my motivation. Michael Mosley has a book coming out called the fast diet, it's supposed to be available as a ebook from Monday so might get that too!
Think I've really over done this wknd, have been binging a bit, don't think I've thrown off the holiday mode food thinking. Maybe be easier when I get back to work from tomorrow. Going to go back and start using mfp to keep track of ups and downs

Hope everyone had a good wknd!
Hi Fizzy
I'm the same. I was full of good intentions on New Years Day and had 2 days CWP then realised I wouldn't be able to keep that up and switched to JUDDD, but have had 2 ID's and today an UD. Trying harder from tomorrow and going to copy Hannah's split of 5 till 5 and see if that is easier to handle.

Have you seen Revenge Series 2 starts tomorrow? :eek:)
hi fizzy, you will get there. we all will. i have walked away from adf just now, came to realise i am too greedy for it. i am cc now to try and sort myself out. whilst judding my weight went up, by 20lbs all in. not becaused it doesnt work but because i am tooooo greedy! i am going to incoperate fasting into this but only each day ie not eat after 8 and then first meal at mid day - so like a 14 - 16 hour fast but still cc the rest of day. good luck to you xxx
Hi Fizzy
I'm the same. I was full of good intentions on New Years Day and had 2 days CWP then realised I wouldn't be able to keep that up and switched to JUDDD, but have had 2 ID's and today an UD. Trying harder from tomorrow and going to copy Hannah's split of 5 till 5 and see if that is easier to handle.

Have you seen Revenge Series 2 starts tomorrow? :eek:)

I have, and rte and showing the second ep on Tuesday night! Far too excited! I did han's way on my last go and got on really well with it, but my weekly routine has changed and I don't think it would fit anymore, full days are best at mo

hi fizzy, you will get there. we all will. i have walked away from adf just now, came to realise i am too greedy for it. i am cc now to try and sort myself out. whilst judding my weight went up, by 20lbs all in. not becaused it doesnt work but because i am tooooo greedy! i am going to incoperate fasting into this but only each day ie not eat after 8 and then first meal at mid day - so like a 14 - 16 hour fast but still cc the rest of day. good luck to you xxx

Glad you're on track with cc, but stick around and talk to us. Have you a diary on the go?

Weighed myself this morning at 14'5!! Less than happy, but in good spirits with it. Just finished lunch and been as planned so far. Tho there's a rumour going around that there's a lime cheese cake in the building!

15 lost : 52 to goal
Well done lady! And that 14.5 will soon disappear. X
Defo quiet - wish Jo and Ruth were back
Seen your mfp pal fizzy. Good day! Well done xxx
It's perhaps a bit higher as my soup and sandwich for lunch was in a cafe so hard to judge allowances etc

You seem to be having a restrained day, well done!

Aw yum! Love lunch out! I'm trying. Doing to have something with my cuppa in a minute. That is why I do have restrained days after all lol x