Fizzys juddd dance

Not to plan today!

Had brought my s&s pack with me tolunch but ended up being stuck in the community between meetings so had to eat out. Ended up at 650 for the day, but m going to a night shift soon so that might compensate considering ill be awake for 24hrs. Going tobe along day until tea time tomorrow lol
Oh and can't wait for wi tomorrow. Sneaky wi this morning (day after up) had me that I didn't gain any after my up. Fingers crossed for a 5lb loss tomorrow :)
Okay so m a silly moo and had a big nasty lunch before getting into bed, so I don't hav an empty body for WI!

But, either way I've just got a 13, 13.8! 5lb loss wich takes me ever so slightly into the 13's

Returning to bed, shattered wouldn't be in it
Aw I really wanna come back to juddd. Wish I wasn't so greedy lol x well done lady xxx
Up ad away weekend, but enjoyed! Didn't manage to weigh this morning, so not sure what damage has been done.

Good DD today though, about 500cals
Hope you feel better soon fizzy and well done on the DD!!

Nope :( defo due to this stupid cough! Such a sore head all day again today

Not even eating that much, but will make my cals up

9 lost : 58 to goal