Thats the trouble I have lol. All this talk of food just makes me think about it more when all I want to do is push it out of my mind. This thread works though, once Id written it the craving for those things disappeared. How weirds that lol
Wine Gums :-|
chocolate caramel thingys (big bag left over from easter but still in date!) neeeeeeed them = 5

Got weight watchers fruitees instead but just not the same.
Is this tread really food porn?? Or is that my worpped brain talking :D

polo pizza yum yum well and truly taken back out of trolley and put back in supermarket freezer! 800 cals worth and 33% fat. Just thought how many miles would i have to walk to burn one pizza off.
Wine. And any takeaway food that my sons flaunt in my face. I must teach them to put their leftovers in the bin so I'm not tempted when passing the kitchen on my way to bed.
chinese takeaway after finding the takeaway leaflet by accident. Well and truly dumped, had leftover chili con carne instead.

Wasnt the same but a fraction of the calories.

Also had chocolate craving all evening and was tempted to go out and get some but didnt.
I'm trying not to eat so much bread! Love it too much! lol

and these crisps! They're Vegan and lovely! I want them!! lol
Large bag chilli sensations (love them)

craved them, picked them up while in supermarket after work last night, saw they were a massive 750 cals for the whole bag which I probably would have eaten as was in that sort of mood.

Couldnt find any small bags so bought walkers baked crisps instead.

If it wasnt for this food dump thread I would have bought them but all I kept thinking was no I wont cave in I will add to "Food dump" also I worked out how much exercise I would have to do to burn them off.

So, here I am... Well and truly dumping my beloved BIG bag chilli sensations!
The chocolate brownies I've just made!!!!!

They're not for me honest :eek: I've made them to take down the yard..Any left will go home with someone else :)
I keep craving a milky coffee, egg sandwiches and a chinese.. I've worked out the calories I would eat and what I would have to do for how long to work them off...

2 Egg Sandwiches 451 cals
Milky Coffee 122 cals
3 Duck Pancakes 600 cals!!!
1/2 Pork chowmein 200 cals
Portion of Prawn Toast 560 cals !!!
Capital Spare Ribs 480 cals!!
3 Chicken Balls 144 cals
Crispy Pancake Roll 250 cals

Total A Staggering 2807 cals!!

That would be a continous ...
467 mins walk at 3mph!!
Or... 701 mins of brushing my teeth
Or... 935 mins of washing up
Or... 401 mins of mopping the floor or having sex lol!!

At least my floors would be ultra shiny or I would be smiling ALOT hehe xx:D
one very nice tub of rolo ice-cream thats been sitting in freezer for 3 wks looking at me

Walkers baked crisps, had one bag but they are not satisfying enough so could have done with 2 but didnt.

Maybe I should have one decent bag of normal crisps like frazzles or whatever as the baked are nice but just dont have the X factor and kind of defeats the low fat thing if 2 bags are needed to fulfill crisp craving.

Two things well and truly dumped. I think around 600 cals worth so about a 2 hour walk.
Had an accident with the tub of Rolo ice-cream thats been in freezer for about 3 weeks.

Its now been undumped all 270 cals worth as was having a bad day :eek:
I've just been watching Man vs Food and he had to eat 4lbs of blueberry pancakes!!! Not that I'd eat that much lol but I'm sure craving pancakes right now lol So I'm gonna dump them here so they will be out my mind! (in theory lol) :D

Eeeek TWO tubs of ben and jerrys ice cream (phish food and cookie dough) they are sat in my freezer calling out to me.... these are well and truly dumped! :D