Just read the posts on your predicament with your soon to be ex-employers, bit of advice, play smart with them, don't let them know your ready for battle just yet. Use your acting skills if you have any (we're all women, we got a certain natural talent) act completely compliant until after you get your money on Wednesday, don't show them your upset about the car, they may try to hold off paying you until Friday forcing you to turn up with the car. Be as sweet as pie, tell them you've arranged a lift and dropping the car on friday is fine, say you need the wages to lodge the cheque so it'll be cleared in time for [reason]. Then do as someone else mentioned, just call in sick on Friday, what can you do, there's bugs going around at the moment, your bed ridden, play it up, once you get the money of them you don't owe them any loyalty , there not showing you any, thats sh!t€ saying the cheque can't be ready till Wednesday, it takes two seconds to write a cheque. They sound like right nasty people.
Keep us informed how you get on.
Actually went out with a guy last night, been friends on myspace for months and we met up the other week fro a drink as we can't get over the fact we drink in the same bar all the time and never bump into each other. Anyway hes a lovely guy.. I would be interested in being more than just friends... but since it seems to be a just friends thing i'm happy with that too.. he is a lovely person and I'd rather have him as a mate than not at all. Also it was thoughtful of him to ask me out anyway, he knows my mates are mainly a waste of space with regards to nights on the town, so he suggested I went out with him. Had a great night, talked non-stop and got a tour of his house at end of the night, a coffee and a hug!! He has asked me out for xmas eve and NY Eve too if i'm not doing anything! Good to get male attention even if only as friends.
So to speak lolsneak in from the back .
half of me thinks that if I had never put on so much weight I would have the same level of confidence that I used to have and may have assumed he liked me for more than friends.... even though i've lost loads now and feel good about myself.. i still have a fat way of thinking.... four years ago I wasn't like this, if a guy asked me out for a drink it prob wouldn't have even occurred to me that he just wanted to go out as friends lol!!