Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

I know... i'll obviously be well working 500% harder than i do now... mainly coz of the pressure.. i think they have some v high expectations of me!!! I'll be working 24/7 lol!!

Just been and bought a new appointment diary for next year.. I usually have the large financial times one.. which i love coz it has lots of useful cr@p in it... but won't get one this year as I no longer have contact with that supplier.... so bought myself a posh managers week to view folder like one... I think i have a thing about diaries! But i hate the electronic ones.. I had one in my old job and i kept forgetting to charge it.. so it kept wiping clear! Drove me mental! Oh got £10 off diary too, bought a couple of other things to make it up to £30 in order to use £10 off xmas gift card that staples kindly gave me - bargain!

Suppose I better work out now where i'm gonna go tomorrow... and how much work i'm gonna put in! So far i've decided to knock SOuth Wales on the head.. was going there after the office on Wednesday.. but they can bu88er off now.. would have got there ridiculously late, coz it was all the way to Swansea, and then I would have had to drive all the way home... Really don't want to go to Kent tomorrow either.. its well out of the way..but will review in a minute and work out travelling time, will try and get everything done tomorrow.

Still gonna write an official complaint to old bosses on Thursday by email and let them know that they are actually in breech of contract - either way... even if they put me down as leaving on the 22nd then they should have acknowledged this as my resignation letter clearly states my leaving date as 29th. SO I am going to pretend i spoke to the tax office (and use the info Jennie kindly gave me) and just give them a bit of a telling off.. may not actually get me anywhere but will make me feel better.. I may also put that something about them having to make their own arrangements to collect the car due to.. i dunno will think of a reason that I cannot make it to office.. maybe due to having to pick up new car since they have been so inconsiderate and unkind.. they don't know i'm getting a hire car and that i'm not getting it till Saturday!

Oh my new boss invited me to their christmas party on Wednesday evening in Wellingborough... I said I would have loved to go and meet everyone and said could I come after the meal due to me being on a diet.. but it is in a restaurant, so meal and bar that is it.... so i have politely declined due to diet!

Suppose i better go figure out this weeks work now.. and also back up files onto a dvd since i have to hand laptop back on friday.. don't panic though (lol).. i have my own somewhat cr@ppy laptop downstairs that can be utilised until i get new one in the new year :D
Hi Kirsten,

You've had a busy day getting things organised, congrats on finding yourself a decent new boss, he sounds the bizz.

Well done for officially getting into the 12's I understand cuz I finally entered the 13's today myself.

Thats weird about the guy they've arrested, he's not been charged but his name and picture are all over the place, his page has been removed off myspace, it probably had thousands of hits today, what if hes just another weirdo. I do hope if its him, they bang him up forever cuz its just terrifying whats going on over there at the minute. Its like watching an episode of "Prime Suspect" except its not make believe.

Nite Nite
Fantastic weight loss (again!!) Kirsten. Sounds like you'll be appreciated in your new job - I've never had any respect for the companies that have tried to treat me like rubbish - don't let them get away with it!! Sounds like your new boss has high expectations though. (no pressure then)
Great news that your car issues are sorted and that you will have transport for Xmas. Brilliant news that you are now 12 stone something - must be a wonderful feeling! I will be buying your lovely dress off you on ebay I think, it will swamp you soon !

Have started my diary thread now, thanks for the photobucket etc help !
Thanks for the comments everyone, have been by ur new diary Melissa and left a comment for u.. glad u got the photobucket thing sorted! :D

Had an incredibly shite day today... left house at 8am -ish to drive to Norfolk and Suffolk... a drive I have always hated!! Took me forever to get to Gt Yarmouth... bloody single carriageways and speed cameras.. and as if there weren't enough static cameras they threw some mobile ones in too!!! Anyway eventually got there about 1.30/2pm... only had two visits in Yarmouth, both my boss's customers.. dropped their bottles in and was done by about 3pm... should then have gone down to Ipswich.. but knew If i had done that I'd still be on the road now... plus my boss hadn't even given me a contact name to give the bottle to! SO i missed it out!

Set off for home at 3pm and got in at 7.15... was in foul mood by this point... its just such a ridiculous sticky out bit of the country.. they could at least bung a motorway in!! Oooh look at me.. no regard for the environment!!!! Okay i love the countryside... so to avoid them having to put a motorway in just to please little me.. I will just cross my fingers that when my new job says midlands area, they don't include that particular area!!!!

Got to go to office tomorrow.. to pick up wage cheque.. which i'm sure she will then try to fob me off until Friday in order to make sure I bring the car back then... but maybe i'm crediting her with too much intelligence! I'm going to insist on the cheque anyway since I will have driven all the way there to get it! Once it is in my sticky little mitt, I can then write my snotty email telling them what I think of the fact they have breached their contract with me... my final paragraph will state that I am unable to arrange to bring the car to the office on Friday, so could they please arrange to collect it. Hopefully I won't have mellowed by this point!

Been a killer of a day today foodwise...had my first pack (choc tetra) at 9.30am ish... but hadn't taken anymore with me... so i had to wait until 7.15 for my second... had a headache for most of the journey home and was craving vanilla shake by time i got here!
OOOf, well done for not giving in Kirsten, hope you are feeling a bit better now. The drive to Yarmouth from up norf is nasty, we do it to see DH's parents and I hate it, thanks for your PM about the tattoos, I know the place and DH is treating me in January so I cant wait, will send you the piccies when I get it done.
Got to go to office tomorrow.. to pick up wage cheque.. which i'm sure she will then try to fob me off until Friday in order to make sure I bring the car back then... but maybe i'm crediting her with too much intelligence! I'm going to insist on the cheque anyway since I will have driven all the way there to get it! Once it is in my sticky little mitt, I can then write my snotty email telling them what I think of the fact they have breached their contract with me... my final paragraph will state that I am unable to arrange to bring the car to the office on Friday, so could they please arrange to collect it. Hopefully I won't have mellowed by this point!
Hi Kirsten,

Sorry you've had such a sh!t€ day, and having to cope with only one tetra, my god you did so well, I would have been starving, I don't think I would have been able to stick to it, so extra points to you. I can only sympathise with your driving cuz i'm not familiar with that part of the UK at all.

In regards to the boss, the cheque and the car...hold your own girl, get that cheque, try not to care what date the 'ol bat puts on it, just remember "revenge is best served cold" take till Friday if you have to, to come up with a humdinger of an email stating everything you want to say to them and then knock them out with the punchline about the car. If your resolve weakens at all, just get on here and we'll help remind you how nasty they've been to you during your employment.

cheers, Caz
wow, I knew I should read this more often.. lol... just a quick comment...

Really hope today and the wage thing goes well, fab news about car for Chrimbo, yukky drives are pooo and I bet that sticky-out bit will be part of your Midlands area.. ;)

So impressed you are managing to hang on to diet through all this!

Cazmaz... about the booze/no booze when out thing.. I was married to an alcoholic and so every time we went out partying etc we were sober, you can do it too. Did this for 12 years. It isn't hard (if you aren't an alcoholic - and I don't mean YOU.. lol.. you know what I mean)..and you don't feel crap in the morning and are safe to drive in the morning too.. lol I have a fantastic time when I go out and once you get used to partying sober you will wonder why you haven't done it for so long! lol (look at how much fun kids have at parties and they don't have booze!)... the other really big plus about being sober when out with the girls is that you can see the danger signs.. you know, dodgy blokes.. married mates perhaps doing stuff they wouldn't if sober and you can help extricate them.. don't get me wrong.. I like to have a drink and have as many stories of drunken nights out as the next person.. just that,.. if you want to stick to your plan and not drink.. it isn't so bad hon :D I'm well impressed you are giving up so much all at the same time - that's a really tall order! Sorry - sort of waylaid yer diary for a mo Kirstin..:eek:
In a foul mood!

Thanx for the comments everyone

Vicky: look forward to seeing ur tatt pic when u get it done, good luck!

Well I have been to the office today, and as predicted she never had my cheque ready!!!!!! So i asked her to get it ready before 12 as I had to leave then.. went back at 12.. she stil hadn't done it, said she was far too busy and I would have to get it on Friday.. I said this was not acceptable as without a car I would struggle to leave the office at 1 (my boss offered lift to manchester), find a bank and pay the cheque in.. she just said it would be ready friday!

So I rang my boss when I left the office and had a go at him, I told him that not only are they being unfair and acting with a lack of integrity over the car, now they couldn't even give me a fair chance of paying the cheque into the bank before the xmas holiday. I told him I wanted a guarantee that the cheque would be ready last thing on Thursday evening and that I would call in to collect it then and would leave the car.. I said i wanted a lift back to manchester then, and since they actually owed me a weeks back tax for the car (assuming they had honoured my resignation letter as written and that my last day was 29 Dec.. and that I could only assume this was the case since I had received nothing in writing or verbally to the contrary) they wouldn't mind giving me the last day off on the Friday... he said he would ring back.

The spineless git rang back a bit later (after getting a missed call from me) saying that the cheques would not be ready until friday morning as she had not received the details from the accountant (I know this was a lie as she had said to me in the morning that she hadn't had time to do the cheque as she had only just received the slips!!!). I said I was not happy but since I could do nothing about it I would be in at 10am, collect my cheque and leave immediately as I had no further wish to be associated with the company. In the meantime while waiting for this call from him, I had rang my bank to see if my expenses had been paid in... lo and behold they hadn't so she owed me two weeks - a total of £250.. which just happens to be the float they gave me when i started with the company... I said she owed me this as I had another further weeks worth of expenses that total nearly £200... therefore when u take the £250 off £450... she owes me £200... I said she should not have held back these cheques as that has left me further out of pocket and since I had to wait for her damn expense cheques to clear when she actually bloody sent them (usually late) she should have had to wait for her ******* £250!!!!!

I said to my boss that I was furious, that I have been discriminated against purely for handing my notice in, that I have acted with honesty and integrity and that it is a shame they couldn't do the same!! I said I would write a fax to the witch detailing the exact amount that I expect cheques for on Friday morning and that I do not expect to have to argue about it... he said it is christmas and he hoped I would be nice!!!!!!!!!!! I said I had nothing to say to the woman, I expect my cheques to be accurate and then I wish to leave!!!!! Such a ******* cheek expecting me not to be acrimonious when in the season of goodwill she chose to take the car that I was entitled to off me and for all she knew left me stranded on xmas day!!!!!!!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad

So I am gonna write my letter detailing what I am entitled to in the cheques.... I will wait until I have the cheque and then for what its worth write my letter telling them how disgusted I am with them!
Total and utter bi'atch!!! Just count to ten and keep counting your blessings that after friday you wont have to deal with them ever again. I would insist that I kept the car until it clears if they are that underhand. It is soooooo unfair. Anyway hun, I suggest that you have a chill this eve, have a hot bath and treat yourself, wash the day away. It's been a vile day (weather wise) from start to finish, so I hope that your drove hasn't been too stressful.

...and maybe if you have any time later, you can make that Voo Doo doll of the cheque with-holder, i'm sure a sample of handwriting is a good substitute for a lock of hair (evil grin).
My xmas decision

This is my plan for xmas... because after saying i'm gonna AAM that day.. i reckon i am gonna do the full roast, tatties and veggies and all... well when i say all, i just mean the roast bit, not having booze and not having xmas pud and cream!!!! I had a heart to heart with myself the other day.. and although I know some people have struggled to get back on track after xmas, I feel i have been so dedicated and not once felt like cheating during the whole of my almost 10 weeks.. I reckon that due to this willpower I can do xmas.. well theres no doubt about it.. I will def not cheat after my xmas day meal... back on track straight after.. prob still in calorie deficit too... as I am going for a 30 min run on xmas day morning to ensure I have burned lots.. also am missing out one shake....

I reserve the right to change my mind and do AAM though... oh and due to stomach shrinkage I doubt i'll eat a whole plate full... so buster has bagsied the leftovers!

As for current weigh update... scales couldn't make their mind up... because i never trust the reading on my scales I always get on and off three times.. assuming i get three identical readings.... if i get an odd one I have to get on again until three readings are the same... hmm bordering on OCD i think lol!!! Anyway i got on the first time and they said 12 st 11lbs.. i was like yay! Got straight back on and they said 12st 13lbs which was what I weighed on Monday.. got on again and again and both times said 12st 13lbs!!!! So I think i haven't lost anything since monday.. maybe i'll be 12st 11lbs tomorrow :rolleyes:
do you keep your scales in the same place all the time? Maybe moving them about is what makes them give uneven readings? mine do the same unless I keep them out for some reason
hehe kati... i carry them to the top of the landing where the carpet is all nice and level.. don't trust the uneven bathroom floor... i put them down in the exact same place every time... bu88er i really do have OCD lol..!!!
hmmmm confused... I called u Kati.. but then saw the Nikki signature... so i am apologising for calling u kati when u are most probably a nikki... :rolleyes:
Jeez Kirsten, that woman is a RUNT or word that rhymes with RUNT. My blood is boiling reading what they did to you, she's an evil vindictive RUNT there's no other word for it, and then the fool of a boss asks you to be nice to her, are they for real, I swear to god, some people are not worth the air they breathe.

My thoughts are with you, I was about to say if only we could think of somehting,, revenge best served cold and all that......why don't you go to tesco's and buy yourself a nice bag of frozen shrimp and carefully stuff a few random shrimp down the back of the seats, it'll take a few days for them to defrost and by the time the Christmas break is over the car will smell like a somebodies died in it, no valeting will clear it out HA HA....

Disclaimer: the above statement is purely fictional and any character living or dead blah blah blah........or is it????