10 1/2 days to go
Well I ate again last night, have managed to lose the 3lbs (not real pounds) that I had put on after my weekends activities. So back to needing to lose 5lbs to be normal bmi.
But I ate last night and again today... wasn't even hungry, but I did it to aid my running.. today I have no excuse! I went out for a run last night, my first since last week when my calf started to hurt again. Run was going brilliantly, I was running between 8.40 and 9.40 min miles for most of it.. slowed down a bit at times though - meaning I averaged 9.41 min miles ... BUT ... I was feeling all happy with myself, speed was improving again like it had before, legs weren't hurting..... and then.... at 2 3/4 miles my calf started hurting!!!!!
I ran on a little more, but stopped after a bit because I didn't want to do more damage, stretched and walked a bit, ran a bit more.. stopped, stretched etc. The pain was nowhere near as bad as it had been when it first happened two weeks ago, but if i had carried on it would have been! SO i'm GUTTED! I have my first race of the year a week on Monday. Can still feel the pain, and if I press hard on the calf muscle it hurts (yeah I know.. don't press hard on it lol!). Don't think it can be a straight forward calf cramp any longer, when I think back to when it happened, my muscle didn't spasm like with a cramp and it wasn't hard or tight. However the pain isn't really indicative of a muscle strain either.. really hope it isn't a muscle strain.. but I think it may be a slight one. Have looked up millions of websites on sports injuries and its the only thing I can come up with.
Think I will swim today, and try and run tomorrow, but will have to just do mile at a time I think, tomorrow a mile, saturday maybe a mile and a half and try and strengthen it that way.. assuming it lets me!
Its sods law that when I want to run I can't! Oh and what really really pees me off.. is when I was 5 stone overweight I ran with no injuries.. hell I did two half marathons when I was at least 3 stone heavier than I am now! Its like a cruel joke!
Another date last night with "A".. all going very well, like him more and more every time I see him. He didnt' come round till late as he had been out on his bike (he cycles, i run... we're prefectly matched!), but he wasn't supposed to come round until tonight, he asked if we could bring it forward because he couldn't wait until tonight

Seeing him tomorrow and Saturday too