Hey everyone.. yay i have a connection .... 2hours only for now!!
Thanks for the comments everyone.. wow was good to have so much to read.. i'm typing v fast so i can have time to go read the 16 emails i also have!!!!!
Vicky: Yep think i'm in town on Sat night.. joining my mate and her mate on the town so not sure where i'll be at mo, but will try and give u an idea and hopefully catch u somewhere for a sparkly water!!)
Jennie: Only just saw this.. as u prob guessed.. have PM'd u.. I'm down here one night next week and all the following week, so would be cool to meet for sparklies and compare toyboys lol!
*still getting warm glow and big smile when i think about NY Eve... also still playing More Than This in the car...... oooh my new car lol... err more on that in a minute.. i'm digressing*
Emma.. gonna go find ur diary in a mo.. read on Lotties thread that u had set up ur new diary.. hope its going well.. but will go read in a sec
Melissa: Yep he has been flirty for months really.. even pre-diet (poor guy.. obviously a headcase lol).... I think he should dump his GF too..... but this is err v non PC of me... she looks lovely person... so i guess i'm being unfair to her... but i mean shes only 18... hes 21.... how much longer can it last!!!! Having said that... I guess it would hardly be romance of century with me either.. esp.. when i'm upping sticks... although i wouldn't mind kidnapping him and tying him to my bed...... but thats a whole other story!!!!!!!
As for my diet... well have stuck to it.. but as AAM!!!!!! My boss offered to take me out for a meal last night.. i checked the menu in my hotel room and they had chicken salad.. (although the chicken was marinated (but not in a sauce) in tomatoes and garlic, then chargrilled... so i sent him a text and said i'd join him... i'd already explained the diet and how much I had lost...
Then tonight i'm at hotel on my own... so i have been there again (which is a bit ridiculous coz for the last 11 weeks i've spent loads of time in hotels on my own!),.. tonight i had monkfish and salmon skewers with a large salad (it comes with rice so I told them I didn't want any.. just extra salad.) They commented on whether i was doing atkins and bought the dressings separately so as not to ruin my diet (v sweet of them I thought!) Anyway it was bloomin gorgeous!!!!!!! I was so full afterwards though.. which is weird.. it was only two skewers of fish.. so prob actually less than half a salmon steak and half a monkfish steak i'm guessing! But left me stuffed!!! Oh and i missed out my last shake yesterday and i'm doing the same today (conserving supplies lol... thanx for the offer btw lottie..but i have enough now even if i don't use the blender.. which is still packed at mo!!!)
Erm job update... going v well.. not really done anything other than area/customer base discussion, familiarisation with computer systems and thats about it really... bit weird though..stayed at office til 6pm each day.... so odd working when i've been a complete shirker for last 8 months!!!!! Picked up new car yesterday too.. from the guy they sacked in order to employ me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (He wasn't performing.. sales wise .. i'm sure they don't know how good he is in the sack!)!! So I have a Renault Scenic... its v big.. and v weird coz it doesn't have a handbrake as such.. its messing with my brain.. I actually have to think about how to drive when I get in it... also has a 6 CD changer

But i only have my one cd with me.. set to repeat on More Than This lmao!!!!
Erm have I missed anything out.. my heads gone all mushy again as I have thoughts of S.... incredibly slinky dress (courtesy of Lotties sister) is getting an airing on Friday night.. if hes gonna resist me and stick with his GF I don't see why i should make it easy for him.... for the record.. I would never do anything whilst he has a GF.. I wouldn't like it done to me.. so i won't do it to someone else.. I am aware though that when I have been in a relationship and have suddenly developed lust like feelings for someone else.. it has been a sign that my current relationship is over.. but it has usually taken me ages to actually finish it and move on.. I always think i may change my mind and then i panic about hurting them!!!
Right i've rambled enough.. my 2 hours will be over before i've even left my thread!!!!!!!!