Thanks Lottie for updating for me and thanx caz for the comments (i ate last night.. but only fish and salad.. but it was two courses!)
Ok as Lottie said, my first appointment yesterday was with the Area Sales Manager from the south... but he was taking me round some of my customers in my area as a way of introducing me. The first one we went to he explained that the contact he had was a Yorkshire Lad (will call him mr YL lol).... so as I normally end up meeting old ancient engineering managers.. I was blown away when I discovered hes young (prob late 20's i reckon) He had heavy yorks accent.. and lived and worked close to where I used to work 9 months ago, so we chatted about the area, drinking (he said he could tell i was a yorkshire lass- although i'm not a native but never mind - because we can hold our drink!!!) Anyway did the whole work discussion too, but that was mainly the other ASM and him... I just drooled lol (JOKE).... he did keep looking at me hopefully appreciatively.. but I couldn't tell.... AND yeah i forgot to check for a ring ... duh!!!! Anyway he has moved to Northants now, he even told me the place name (which is stored in my memory banks!), he said he hadn't been out a whole lot in northampton, but said it was okay.. he wanted to know why i was thinking of moving to Warwickshire when my office is in Northants... I think this can be exploited a hell of a lot more on my next visit

When he shook hands with me at the gatehouse to say goodbye i'm sure his hand lingered more than normal.. but i could have been fantasizing!!!
Not much else to report really.. stayed in a hotel in Shrewsbury last night, and the ASM i was out with booked a table in the restaurant, i had explained about my diet and said i would eat but only protein and veg... it was posh place too so v small portions that normally wouldn't fill an ant! So I had calamares for starter with salad of basil, cherry toms and parmasen shavings (ok that is not strictly to the rules!).. t'was beautiful! I then had sea bass fillets (now i expected a large piece of seabass.. but it was a minute stack of 3 tinsy winsy fillets about 2" square if that and less than a centimetre thick!) this was served on a base of shredded veggies.. i had a salad to go with it rather than the wedges that should have gone with it! Was all v nice and not too un-aam!
Oh and at 2am i got a text from Jon saying he was free on the 27th if i still wanted him to go! SO i sent one back mid morning today, saying that was cool and leaving it at that!
At home now tomorrow and friday i just have one appointment on my own and then i'm going area/house hunting! Theres a certain place near northampton i may check out
Just remembered... went shopping at Fosse Park on way home.. bought a fantastically gorgeous skirt .. cost £110!!!!! Also bought a white shirt and three tops for work!!!! Nearly didn't get the skirt coz of the price tag.. but i had tried on another 5 skirts besides that one... all of which i loved.. so i economised lol and just took the one expensive one instead of five others that would have actually ended up costing me over £200 in total!!! Think i better stop spending now!! Its just so hard now that i need loads of size 12 stuff!