Nice and Normal
Brilliant mate!! That is fantastic. Glad you period weight from last week came off and showed your 'real' weight 
Hey Kirstin,
I don't know if I am imagining it but I feel my body is close to having enough and it wants protein. I have never been like this before and don't know if it is just my head as I am getting closer or whether it is my body.
Weight the same today, will stop weighing myself daily I think over next few days, since its nearly the end of my second week back ss'ing.
Didn't go for a run yesterday in the end, have no excuses other than I felt so damn hungry yesterday, if I had ran I really don't think I would have stuck to SS. Would have made me hungrier. I just want this weight off now, I really need to start introducing some carbs in order for my running to improve. I can't add any mileage on at the moment, my energy is running out at the 3mile (4mile if I am lucky) mark. I have a five mile race on May day and I really need to be at goal and doing a WW stylee diet to get me down to 9 1/2 or 10 stone.
Was going to run this morning, but calf is stiffer in the morning, so will go after my last appointment this afternoon, just hope my soon to be freshly washed, conditioned and shiny hair (just about to jump in bath), won't look too bad afterwards as I have a date tonight (really don't want to have to wash it twice in one day, as then I have to straighten it twice and it knackers it up!)
Pretty certain i'm back in ketosis judging by taste and grotty mouth, feel sure the two glasses of wine I had Sunday night took me out of ketosis and made me feel hungry yesterday. So fingers crossed I am better today.
SO frustrating these last pounds, made even more so by the fact that I really do need to have some carbs in my diet, driving me mad, but i won't stop I have to get to goal! Having said that by payday (a week before the race) I may stop the SS'ing then, I should be into the 10's by then and would have a week to eat some carbs for energy. I need to find out one of my old WW diet books assuming I still have them, but if not I'm sure I have Rosemary Conley book somewhere, the diet is irrelevant really, it just needs to get me eating healthly and still losing weight, but whilst giving me enough energy to burn running!
I've got an archive of diet books that I can loan/give you hun if you can't find them.
Do you do the ketostix tests to tell if you are in ketosis ? It would drive me bananas not being able to know for sure. Control freak that I am - he he![]()
Sounds like you'll defo be well into the 10s before you start that first race.
Thanks for dropping by Chelle.. I really hope I am in the 10's soon.. I'm getting v impatient (all my own fault of course - i should just have got the last stone out of the way back at end of January when I fell off the wagon!)
I may be knocking one of the half marathons on the head, the great north run.... It is two weeks after the marathon and people tell me you need a day recovery for every race mile ran... which means I need 26 days to recover from the marathon... maybe a half, two weeks later, isn't one of my better ideas![]()
But I am plodding!! Anyway - A centipede isn't exactly a whippet or a hare young lady!!!Cheers me dears, I def have the rosemary conley jeans diet or whatever it was called, so may have a look at that one... will let u know if i don't like it. I threw all my others.. had millions! All dieters do don't they lol!
BTW u need a more upbeat ticker... a tortoise really isn't very motivational now is it!
OMG, your soo lucky, only 5lbs till normal BMI,,,oooohhh i'm soooo jealous,,ha ha,,well a little bit jealous, but happy for ya all the same, you've worked hard and you deserve it LOL![]()
Hey hun
Sorry to hear ur leg is playing up - but glad to hear u're resting it. For what its worth, I think u're doing the right thing to start AAM and definately think this'll help ur recovery.
Hope it gets better soon!! If not, more sunbathing is called for!!!
Much love, chelle xx