Nothing interesting to report
Firstly.. no snog or anything else beginning with s and ending in g... just a peck on the cheek and a matey hug when he walked me to the taxi rank at about 11.30pm ... i'm feeling really fed up! Secondly.. I drank... and not even because i wanted to or i couldn't resist.. purely because he persuaded me to.. and i was kind of thinking maybe it would put him at ease if i had a couple and then he could make his move.. HOW STUPID! Anyway i had four drinks... and am really disappointed with myself.. and well in the night in general really.
I sound like we had a cr@p night... we didn't, we had a laugh, he was a perfect gentleman.. at one point he said whatever happens tonight, ur not to walk back to your hotel (not that I would've it was blowing a gale and i didn't have a coat!!!!).. so i thought maybe he had ideas... how wrong was i. He mentioned his last bus going at midnight at some point in the evening, but I kind of ignored it..hoping he wouldn't be catching it. Anyway at 11ish, we were in a bar just down from the taxi rank and his bus stop, at some point he said I'll have to go soon or i'll miss my bus and the last train has already gone.. i pulled a frown and said u could always stay at my hotel (ok i never said with me but surely he must have realised?!) and I'll give u a lift back home in the morning.. he said i have to be up early to pick mate up from airport (he did tell me this sometime last week)... so being a glutton for punishment I said well i can get up early and take u back early then! He said that he better not coz if he drank anymore he'd be over the limit for driving in the morning............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i left my last drink and he walked me to the taxi rank, hugged me, gave me a peck on the cheek and left.. i didn't even bother turning back to watch him walk off :'(
When i got back to the hotel i texted him saying hope he got his bus okay and thanked him for walking me to the taxi rank. He replied that the bus was late and we could've had another drink. I said i'd had enough anyway, and that i was sorry for making things awkward between us (meaning asking him back to hotel.. although i was the only one that felt awkward!). He texted back saying made what awkward??. I texted nothing, forget it. He replied:
"Whatever it is ur talking about, you shouldn't be worrying. Ur a great friend and at no point did u make me feel awkward. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about! U must be fulfilling ur priviledge as a woman to be paranoid! U in bed yet? x"
I texted back "whatever! I was in bed ages ago btw!"
He texted back "Ah i'm so jealous! And stop being so dismissive young lady! x"
A couple more texts after that about the dismissive thing and that was it............. :'(
So either he doesn't fancy me and the dress wasn't that stunning... or he didn't understand what i meant when i said stay at my hotel.. but if that was the case surely he would still have maybe kissed me goodbye.
I'm really really down! But don't worry girls its not made me want to eat! I toddled off to Edinburgh castle and froze my t*ts off wandering round in the gales... took my mind off him... left edinburgh about 12.30... and took 6 hours to get home, due to lorries blowing over, poor visibility causing everyone to drive at 10-20 mph and just lousy weather full stop!!!!
Hope my alcohol didn't affect my ketosis! Oh and it made me realise, i'm never gonna go out on the p*ss again.. i'm just going to have a couple of wines and then drink mineral waters once my diet is over. My skin looked lousy this morning.. and i realised how healthy i had been looking whilst not on the alcohol! SO i'm gonna be practically teetotal when the diet is over too.. and i'm def never having a drink again during the diet..not even to please a man!