Hi Kirsten,
So much to catch up on!! First of all, am really pleased that you had such a good weekend - and look at you, getting all that male attention!!! It's great isn't it!! It shows how much your efforts are paying off!
Good on you for getting the killer-dress, you'll feel even more special for the weekend...in Edinburgh with STEVE!! (Will come back to). Can't believe that you usually get that kind of a reaction from your mum (stumpy???!!!), but ... credit it where it's due, at least she gave you a biggy compliment regarding the new dress - at least you know that she don't lie to you, so you can be assured of how fab you'll look!
Praise due ref: don't go for people that cheat. If you start off on those grounds you are never really sure that you can trust them, so at least you waited until you are both available and... ready for the plucking (so to speak - and it wasn't cockney rhyming slang). I think, if you wait and then take your opportunity when the coast is clear, surely all of that pent-up chemistry will be all the better for the wait? E.g. This Weekend!!
Ref: Steve; Oh I'm really excited for you!!! I love Edinburgh (SO romantic with the castle in permanent view from Princess Street and long walks). It sounds very positive hun, like you are both looking forward to it and that there are some very serious undertones going on as you both remember the chemistry!
Ref: Alcohol; I'd say that it won't be too much of a big deal. You sound as though you can have a great time without drinking and so once Steve sees that, he'll be more than happy. He's prob talking to the 'old you' that prob had a few the last time you met up and lets face it, weekends away usually do involve a few shandy's. Anyway, me thinks, he's nervous himself about seeing you again after last time he admitted that he fancies you and now that you are meeting up when you are both single, he might be hoping something might happen. And, we all know that alcohol has helped many a budding relationship! He prob needs a bit of dutch courage. He's obviously trying to impress you as well, a sushi bar is very 21st century and cosmo (to those of us outside London) and so I'm sure he just wanted to set the scene. I'm so excited, wish I could be a fly on the wall!
Ref: CD porky's. To be honest, I'd just tell him. You may want to spend every breathing (or panting

) minute of the weekend together it may look a bit strange if you are together a long long time and don't eat. You don't need to mention your start weight or loss-to-date, you could say that you only just started, but really need to get into a certain outfit for Xmas. He'll never know that you were bigger, just that you have set yourself a target and once he realises that you are still a heap of fun, he won't be bovvered.
Am looking forward to this week's build up to the big event!! Have your texts/calls/emails been getting flirty with him or has it all been strictly above board?