Foodie thoughts and munchie mumbles, food diary of a self confessed chocoholic

WI TIME :party0049::party0049:
Lost 1.5lb this week making my total loss 11lb, my target before I go away is 12lb so hopefully I can get that last lb before Friday, although my official WI is not while Sunday I am NOT taking the scales on holiday with me :roofles:

That will mean I have lost the 12lb I put on since last years WI at the diabetic clinic, hopefully in another 6 weeks when I go and see my diabetic nurse for a 3 month check up I will have lost a lot more and my sugars and blood pressure will have improved and I won't be getting a telling off :copon:

Right off to get a shower then brekkie and a catchup on every ones food diaries :)
Well done you will defo hit your target by friday I know you will

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Thanks everyone :) Spent too much money again lol! But got a couple of fleeces, a base layer and a pair of trousers, socks etc. So all set up, should be nice and cosy :) Had a nice NSV today too, tried on a pair of 16 jeans that I haven't been able to fasten in a while and they went on easily this morning and also the fleeces and new trousers were also 16s :woohoo: Good day today :)
Yay that's brill its the best feeling in the world

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Yay that's brill its the best feeling in the world

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Most certainly is, plus at work this morning, one of the staff who's been on her hols for the last two week came back this morning and said wow, you've lost some weight. I've been dancing about all morning lol! :party0048:

Yesterdays nosh OOPS! Was a bit naughty, couldn't seem to stop nibbling :party0051:

Sunday, September 08, 2013
1 serving(s) Special K Original Cereal3
1 medium Banana0
60 ml Milk, Semi Skimmed1
1/3 medium Pomegranate0
2 slice(s) Pineapple0
Lunch Ate Out
Cod, Chips & Mushy Peas (Harry Ramsdens sml portion)
1 pot(s) Be Good To Yourself Mini Houmous Snack Pot3
2 individual Multigrain Crispbread2
1/2 serving(s) Taste the Difference Sweetflame Beetroot1
10 individual Olives, in Brine1
Any Time
1 serving(s) Tassimo costa cappuccino1
2 slices Leerdammer light
2 individual Multigrain Crispbread2
1 metcalfe's skinny dark choc rice cakes
1 packet ww Ready Salted Crinkle Crisps
Food ProPoints values total used46
Food ProPoints values remaining0
Activity ProPoints values earned0
Check off these important items daily:
Milk & Dairy
Fruit & Vegetables
Healthy Oil
Today's nosh
Monday, September 09, 2013
1 pack weetabix Fruit & Fibre Breakfast Biscuits
1 medium Banana0
Leerdammer light 2 slices
2 slices Be Good To Yourself Cooked & Cured Sliced Lean Ham
2 slices Wholemeal Sliced Bread, Small Loaf (400g)
1/2 can Tomatoes
200g potato mashed w/cabbage & onion
1 serving(s) Broccoli, boiled0
1 medium Carrot
2 individual Yorkshire Pudding2

sausage casserole4

Any Time
1/2 pt Milk, Semi Skimmed
1 metcalfe's skinny dark choc rice cakes
Food ProPoints values total used30
Food ProPoints values remaining0
Today's nosh
Monday, September 09, 2013
1 pack weetabix Fruit & Fibre Breakfast Biscuits6
1 medium Banana0
Leerdammer light 2 slices3
2 slices Be Good To Yourself Cooked & Cured Sliced Lean Ham1
2 slices Wholemeal Sliced Bread, Small Loaf (400g)3
1/2 can Tomatoes0
200g potato mashed w/cabbage & onion4
1 serving(s) Broccoli, boiled0
1 medium Carrot0
2 individual Yorkshire Pudding2
sausage casserole4
Any Time
1/2 pt Milk, Semi Skimmed4
1 metcalfe's skinny dark choc rice cakes3
Food ProPoints values total used30
Food ProPoints values remaining0

mmmmmmmm sausage casserole!! how's your weekend been hun ? menu looks good xx
Sausage casserole was SOOOO good!

I was busy shopping for our holiday, we needed new walking gear, fleeces, thicker walking trousers, gas for mini stove so we can make a brew lol. Getting way too excited now, I'm driving Mark potty. He hasn't even started putting the routes in to the GPS yet! I like to be organised and have everything done early. I don't like going up into the hills without a map, compass and back up on the gps, better safe than sorry. Especially as we are planning to walk in some of the more out of the way places this time! And he wants us to have a go at Scafell Pike.

Working this afternoon, waiting for postie to deliver some stuff.

Just had

B:30g special K, blueberries, apple, ss milk 4

L: Don't know yet

D: Sausage casserole, broccoli, jacket spud 9

S:WW crinkle crisps, choc rice cake. 5

DK: Milk 1, green tea with lemon, water
Sausage casserole was SOOOO good!

I was busy shopping for our holiday, we needed new walking gear, fleeces, thicker walking trousers, gas for mini stove so we can make a brew lol. Getting way too excited now, I'm driving Mark potty. He hasn't even started putting the routes in to the GPS yet! I like to be organised and have everything done early. I don't like going up into the hills without a map, compass and back up on the gps, better safe than sorry. Especially as we are planning to walk in some of the more out of the way places this time! And he wants us to have a go at Scafell Pike.

Working this afternoon, waiting for postie to deliver some stuff.

Just had

B:30g special K, blueberries, apple, ss milk 4

L: Don't know yet

D: Sausage casserole, broccoli, jacket spud 9

S:WW crinkle crisps, choc rice cake. 5

DK: Milk 1, green tea with lemon, water

mmmmmmm sausage casserole again!!! hahaha is it a ww recipe?? When is the trip away, this weekend? are ye going for long and is it just you and Mark?? all questions today aren't i hehehe.. What did postie bring?? anything nicer than bills.. oooh reminds me I got a car bluetooth kit on the way soon.. got it half price on ******* the other day!! yaaaay me :) xx
Erm.. postie brought a walking guide to the mid-western fells, some photos and some discworld notebooks, I'm a Terry pratchett/Discworld nut!

Sausage casserole was made up by me lol.

half tin tomatoes
pk of sainsbury's low fat cumberland sausages
1 knorr rich beef stock pot
6 tsp low salt gravy granules
2 onions
All chucked in slow cooker for about 4 or 5 hours, added the gravy granules at the end to thicken the sauce.

We are off for the week and we go friday eeeee!!!! Can't wait, I'm like a big kid!

Today so far
B/L: Omlette made with 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, mushrooms 30g mature cheddar, 2 slices wholemeal bread, 1 tbsp ketchup 9

D: Not sure

Snacks for work 1 skinny dark choc rice cake, 1 orange, 1 bag ww chicken crisps, 1 options drink 6
Well today started ok but I somehow managed to eat all my points, my weeklies and now I'm starving. I've had way too much sweet stuff plus 3 bags of crisps, think my head and my stomach are already in holiday mode! I wanted to try and get my ironing done tonight, ended up talking to my Mum on the phone for an hour and a half because she's already stressing about us going away! Working tomorrow evening so hopefully I'll get something done tomorrow before work!

Oh well, night night all.
Yea im trying to not get into holiday mode too early but its soooo hard.
Oh stop my mothers the same every 5mins shes onto me.....have you got this....have you got that....dont forget this. .. ***** mam like seriously!!!!! Then my dad arrived down last night and it was like my mother sent him dwn to ask me all the same questions again

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My Mum hates travelling, hates anything that might involve an element of risk, hates the thought of us being out of the village where she can't keep an eye on us, you wouldn't think we were in our 40's. She's been watching the weather forcasts for the lake district and is convinced we are going to freeze to death or drown in the rain. All she kept saying last night was 'oh well at least you won't be able to go out walking, you'll just have to have a good rest instead'. I actually have to phone her or text my sister every night so she doesn't send out mountain rescue. If she actually saw some of the stuff we do she'd keel over. My Mum has a panic attack if she has to catch a bus somewhere she's never been before and that's when one of us is with her.

I will NOT be showing her photos of me scrambling up rocks with huge drops at the back of me lol! Or that I've just been checking the mountain weather forecasts for the next few days and they have given snow out on some of the peaks lol! She freaked when she saw some of me standing on the top of the gritstone cliffs on Curbar Edge in Feb when it was -18 wind chill and the peat was frozen solid and that's nothing really compare to where we're going. Good job I'm not going abroad lol!

Oh Well last day of tracking, I should be doing enough exercise next week to counteract any over eating I do, roll on tomorrow, last shift tonight so that will stop me getting the munchies as I'm working 4 till 10.

Right better get on with some packing and stuff.
Ah god love don't tell her anything take pics of you drinking tea instead lol
I wouldn't like to see what she's like when you go abroad
Hope you have a great time away enjoy every minute of it

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Yes, good idea there will be lots of tea drinking and possibly cream bun eating too :D For photo purposes of course :Na_Na_Na_Na:
Hey Minis, I'm back :D Had a great holiday despite the weather being crap!

Weighed in this morning and I've lost a lb!!! :eek: Was expecting a gain as we have eaten all sorts of rubbish lol! Mind you we did do a fair bit of walking and I've been full of cold and had a bad chest all week, plus star week decided to appear yesterday on the way home, last one was probably a year or more ago :( Keep thinking I'm done with it!

I climbed Scafell Pike!!! Woooo!!! Highest mountain in England, just need to do Ben Nevis and I'll have done the three peaks :) It was a bloomin gorgeous day, only one we had so it turned out perfect!
Me on the summit of Scafell Pike :character00238:
Hey Minis, I'm back :D Had a great holiday despite the weather being crap!

Weighed in this morning and I've lost a lb!!! :eek: Was expecting a gain as we have eaten all sorts of rubbish lol! Mind you we did do a fair bit of walking and I've been full of cold and had a bad chest all week, plus star week decided to appear yesterday on the way home, last one was probably a year or more ago :( Keep thinking I'm done with it!

I climbed Scafell Pike!!! Woooo!!! Highest mountain in England, just need to do Ben Nevis and I'll have done the three peaks :) It was a bloomin gorgeous day, only one we had so it turned out perfect!
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Me on the summit of Scafell Pike :character00238:

Well done on the loss!! Hope it was just the holiday you needed!!! Heading away for today and tomorrow but half dreading it as had a pure crap week, ate this week and next weeks weeklies... But if I walk my ass off the next 3 days I may be ok :) xx