Gold Member
Dubchick81 said:Hiya hunnie.. welcome back(Take it yer home?)
Yea it was scary but we've both recovered nowI was kicking the thing. Screaming at it. Stomping at it.. But it just lurched.. He knew he was gona jump and that was that.. Turns out it wasn't a husky at all.. it was a japanese akita.. Which aparently are bred to fight bears!!! So lucky he didn't make a "real" attached or poor Stringer would be gone
Yea have been feeling really down. Its just the whole living back at home mainly.. And then not spending much time with Jonathan between dog walks, house viewings and him working late there's just been no time.. I'll be grand and he's paying more attention now to the little things and that's all I ask so its all good..
How are you? How was the wedding/holiday? xxx
Never been happier to be home really. I got eaten my mosquitoes, heat rash and was a slave girl to my sister for a week. Not my idea of a "holiday". Roll on christmas!
God... Those dogs are not supposed to be able to get out? Should've been tied or behind a big wall/gate? Some owners are so annoying. Can't believe they tried to blame stringer for being on "heat"? Unbelievable. Should've been apologizing like!? Asshole.
Awh I hate to hear you feeling down. Poor hon. I hope things start to go right for you now. With feeling unwell lately and being back home and not seeing Jono, can't blame ya for feeling down. Big huuuuugs xxx
It was all wedding and no holiday. Wedding took up thursday, friday and saturday. Running round after other people on other days. I was highly stressed and feeling very low. And very self conscious (I'll put a photo up later and you'll see why). Never went out in bikini once, never got a chance to! I feel like I need another holiday.
And now I've come home to my car STILL not been fixed (I left it in before I went on hols to be ready for NCT on Sat). Got my tax coming too. So I'm broke and my last psychology session is tomorrow. I've also probs gained a million pounds in weight lol. Things are not good eh lol? X
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