Frances' New House, New Life, New Start Diary...

Eek my Jon supports Liverpool so clashes with your Jonathan lol,this also amazes me about football! We woman aren't anti each other cos someone wears red nail varnish and the other blue ( though the men would say it much more then just that)!
Eek my Jon supports Liverpool so clashes with your Jonathan lol,this also amazes me about football! We woman aren't anti each other cos someone wears red nail varnish and the other blue ( though the men would say it much more then just that)!
Yea it baffles me too.. I mean.. How many of these men actually chose to support the team the support? 9 times out of 10 their Dad and Grandad and Uncles etc supported them so they were brought into the world supporting these teams... I don't get it at all...
Dubchick81 said:
Yea it baffles me too.. I mean.. How many of these men actually chose to support the team the support? 9 times out of 10 their Dad and Grandad and Uncles etc supported them so they were brought into the world supporting these teams... I don't get it at all...

Yup that's true! Loyalty they would say lol
I know,I feel mean lol.Has the headache gone?
Not yet but its lifting thank God.. It was a horrible one.. I couldn't only half open my eyes with it ya know them.. And i'd pressure around the top of my nose/under eyes.. tho didn't feel like a sinus headache.. Anyway the lady gave me Nurofen cold n flu.. So they have the headache tablet and decongestant in one.. Its lifting tho so they seem to be working...
Dubchick81 said:
Not yet but its lifting thank God.. It was a horrible one.. I couldn't only half open my eyes with it ya know them.. And i'd pressure around the top of my nose/under eyes.. tho didn't feel like a sinus headache.. Anyway the lady gave me Nurofen cold n flu.. So they have the headache tablet and decongestant in one.. Its lifting tho so they seem to be working...

Ouch sounds nasty! Glad it is going now though :0) will PM you :0)
subscribing Frances :p dont wanna be missin out now do i :cool:
Dubchick81 said:
Just starting the game.... Oh me nerves

Ok. Done. Didn't n won't get to 30 day shred coz I'm fooked!!


This is how much effort I put in!!!!!!!
Dubchick81 said:
Ok. Done. Didn't n won't get to 30 day shred coz I'm fooked!!

<img src=""/>

This is how much effort I put in!!!!!!!

Well done,I've always gone red when I exercise!