Exactly.. Its always been said you get from a pet what you put in.. So if he's not gona spend with him, what does he expect!!
In fairness it will be better when we live together again (pup wise) as he'll see him more and will be around more to do stuff for him.. But like, don't text me after 6 o'clock thinking "we'll bring the pup out now as I'm fed and washed etc" when his walk time is 5:30! Like, he needs 3 walks per day.. So bringing him out at 6:30 isn't gona work. Coz he'll be too tired then to go on his later walk at half 8/9... He just thinks of himself.. It'd be so easy for me to think "oh i'll look after myself and then sort out the pup" of an evening but that's not fair on the pup. He's out the back all day long.. the least we can do is bring him out the minute we get in..
Though yes I do agree.. I'll still be doing most of the work when we live together.. But as long as it not ALL left to me I'm cool with that.. I love doing it..