Finally Pregnant!!
That might be worth some Ap as well ;0) glad you're ok apart from that,have you got your fruit today? Am good thanks,just catching up on here :0)
Yup.. had none in so stopped at Tesco on my way to work..
That might be worth some Ap as well ;0) glad you're ok apart from that,have you got your fruit today? Am good thanks,just catching up on here :0)
Dubchick81 said:Yup.. had none in so stopped at Tesco on my way to work..![]()
No it was during that time he said he'd been asleep.. Fuking fuming. Gona smack him right in the chops!just caught up on your diary!!! uh oh to Jonathon!!!! i hope you give it to him!!! he deserves it!! they are sooooooooooooooo oblivious half the time arent they!!! seriously! pretending he didnt call! he would have done better just admitting and saying sorry i called earlier i was drunk....done! but no they take the hard option dont they!! silly silly!
hope your ok!! xx
Dubchick81 said:No it was during that time he said he'd been asleep.. Fuking fuming. Gona smack him right in the chops!
He just rang there and asked "what's wrong with ya?" Is he JOKING??!!!
Then I said what happened and I wanted an explanation.. And he said "yea. What?" Seriously, he's lucky he's not in Dublin!
He's tryna say now he was in bed and he knew who he was ringing but was "joking"!! I've told him to fuk off and not contact me again
I'm actually on the brink of crying (am at work) I'm so angry! Like, HOW is ringing someone who has to be up early for work and dog walking (which I missed coz I was so tired) at 2:45AM in the slightest bit funny???!!Ergh I've had that with Jon in the past..it's a joke im supposed to laugh/I deffo never found whatever it was funny!! And the not knowing what's wrong when it's obvious and when you explain they still don't care! No wonder you are fuming!!!
Dubchick81 said:Ah am grand.. Annoyed.. Ready to f*cking murder him.. But grand
Not sure what way his day will go today... If he's to take apart the set, load the van, THEN drive home.. Or if they dont the taking apart and loading yesterday and are just coming home today.. I think the latter would make more sense otherwise they'd have been doing nothing yesterday... So either way he'll be tied up until later on.. So I'll have the whole day to work up the strength in my arm for the almighty punch he's gona get
Hope you're all good?
Dubchick81 said:I'm actually on the brink of crying (am at work) I'm so angry! Like, HOW is ringing someone who has to be up early for work and dog walking (which I missed coz I was so tired) at 2:45AM in the slightest bit funny???!!
And how is LYING funny??!!
Maybe its my lack of sense of humour, but I don't find any of it at all amusing! And he can eff right off now..
He ended the call by saying "Go on, I'll ring you later" as if everything was OK... So I replied by saying "Don't fuking bother!" Then text telling him EXACTLY what I thought of his "joke" Wouldn't usually text it, I'd usually tell him, but as I said I'm at work and its an open plan office.. I think I'd get sacked on the spot for the language!!
I'm absolutely fuming.. If there's one thing I cannot and will not tolerate its lies.. I will not be lied to!
Vicky, If I try calling him on a work night after 10pm he has a stroke.. Never mind almost 3AM and lying about where I am!!!And your right it's really not funny.. Imagine if you did that to him he would have something to say
Usually he just does his days work, goes home and has his dinner n shower.. Then will ring/text as if its all OK.. but he has text.. Still not apologising or admitting he was out! So I've told him to take a hike!ergh! men and their apparent "jokes" its just NOT funny.........do not call it a "joke" a joke is funny!!
im not surprised you are fuming!!! he is completely out of order!! i hope he realises!!! has he txt u back at all? or do you think he just wont ? xxx
Its makes me think all sorts TBH.. I'm a very insecure person. With Jonathan I never have been coz I know (knew) no matter what he'd never lie.. Being with him before, I knew that's just how it is (was). But now him lying, and me 110% knowing he's lying is making me think he's been up to something.. Up til that call this morning I'd have trusted him 200%... But now all that's going thru my mind is "why is he lying? Clearly there's something to lie about! What's he been up to?" And so on...yer completely agree!! by him not admitting it is A) making him look silly and B)making a big deal out of it when like you said you dont even care if he was out!! tutt they are silly arent they...men! lol xx
Dubchick81 said:Its makes me think all sorts TBH.. I'm a very insecure person. With Jonathan I never have been coz I know (knew) no matter what he'd never lie.. Being with him before, I knew that's just how it is (was). But now him lying, and me 110% knowing he's lying is making me think he's been up to something.. Up til that call this morning I'd have trusted him 200%... But now all that's going thru my mind is "why is he lying? Clearly there's something to lie about! What's he been up to?" And so on...
OK.. I've been a bit bold, and stepped the line.. But he doesn't need to know I have access.. I know I shouldn't but, I've logged into his mobile account to check to see if he called someone else after he'd rang me.. No matter what he said I wouldn't believed him so I needed to check.. Anyway, there has been no activity on his phone since that call to me at precisely 02:43... Apart from 2 text messages both to me.. That's not to say he didn't receive calls or texts but he hasn't replied to them anyway...
I know I shoudn't have.. But I had to check..
azwethinkweiz said:P.s I can NOT stand lies. My ex lied to me constantly even about things that were no big deal and it completely ruined the trust and turned me into a paranoid weirdo... X
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