Absolutely.. I need to get back on things 100% but until I have a proper kitchen that's not possible.. At the moment the kitchen at home is a building site so its not possible to cook a proper meat n 2 veg dinner... Still trying to stick within PP's tho just to keep me somewhat on trackHey hun, thank you for all of your kind words, they really do mean a lot and we'll overcome this psychological barrier togetherx
Hope you have a fantastic day, the house looks lovely too!
Aww thank you hun.. xxI think you're doing really well considering hun :0)
Yea he loves them.. Litte brat when he gets tired.. But he is still only a baby so I s'pose we have to expect itCool,so i take it the Stringer is loving his walks?
Dubchick81 said:Yea he loves them.. Litte brat when he gets tired.. But he is still only a baby so I s'pose we have to expect it
He's just deadly.. I love him so much.. Had an argument with Jonathan yesterday over his Mam tho.. Stringer is now staying up in Jonathan's.. Just wasn't practical having him in mine with my Dad leaving his power tools lying around the place etc...
So yesterday was the first day Jonathan's Mam was home with him all day.. Stringers feeding routine for the past month has been feed in the morning, feed at 5pm, and feed at 9/9:30pm.. I've had it like this so when we move out into our house we he's not messed about too much routine wise.. And he's on 3 feeds a day now as apposed to the 4 he was on...
So I left work late yesterday, rang Jonathan to check he was home so I could collect Stringer for his early afternoon walk n hav him for a few hours.. So Jonathan says "yea grand. I have fed him yet tho" then his Mam in the background goes "I did. Fed him about 4 o'clock!"
I know she wasn't doing it to be bad or whatever but he has a routine! And one that's been working so F*K OFF INTERFERING!
So I kept my cool and when I got to Jonathan's I asked him to explain to his Mam that Stringer has a routine, and has had for the past month and we want to stick to it so when we get our house he's not too disrupted.. And he went off on one!!
She said he was "crying coz he was hungry!" Eh.. In the past 2 months that we've had him he has not once cried coz he was hungry and as that's been his feeding pattern for a month now, i'm sure that's not true as its what he's used to!!
I mean, even on weekends I try stick to the same feeding times so he's not disrupted.. 3 days in his house and its already disrupted!!!
And breathe....
I know.. I just think he's being messed about so much with living at Hughes Road, then mine, now Jonathans, soon to be somewhere else.. And trying to train him with so much upheavel isn't easy.. So the one thing I wanted and can control being regular is his feeding..Aw bless him,yea he will soon get used to the walks :0) he is great,will need another pic of him soon to see how big he is now getting :0)
Good idea for him to stay at Jonathan's as power tools etc are lying about!
Don't fret hun bout the feeding,he will soon settle back into a routine when he is with you,maybe just explain to Jonathan's Mum that you have a set routine with him.
Dubchick81 said:I know.. I just think he's being messed about so much with living at Hughes Road, then mine, now Jonathans, soon to be somewhere else.. And trying to train him with so much upheavel isn't easy.. So the one thing I wanted and can control being regular is his feeding..
And that's exactly all I asked him to do.. Explain he's in a routine and thanks for feeding him, but please leave it until his set time... I mean, its not that I'm not grateful, I am.. But he has a routine and trying to stick with it as much as possible..
Yea was thinking last night I must get you a pic soon.. He's getting so big!! He just never sits still long enough.. And as soon as I lean down to take a pic he lunges at me for cuddles n kisses.. He's very funny.. But I will try..
Also, on another thread i'm on we've a "goal" set for this week.. not sure if any of you will be interested but its just a little target to meet each day to help us with our journey.. So its the 6-7-8 Goal...
6 - Glasses of water
7 - F&V
8 - Mins of exercise
So what did Jonathan say back Hun when you explain it to him? Believe me..dogs are resilient ..Lola was found abandoned so some lady took her in,then her friend had her for a week(the woman's cats scratched Lola up pretty bad) then she went back to the original lady and then we took her,you would never know the rough start she had in life!
Lol Lola can be funny about having her photo taken sometimes,hope you manage to take one soon.
I like the sound of the challenge you are doing,I'd maybe struggle with the fruit though it's cheap to buy in Morrisons right now! When did you start doing the challenge?