Well if you are then I totally am!! I'm 30!!!!!!!
I started saving................................. 2 months ago!!! lol Needless to say its not quite hi enough to get a mortgage lol Thankfully Jonathan has the sensible gene and has more than enough to cover our deposit and get us whats needed for the house.. Tho I will be paying half over EVERYTHING... just not right now..

We've agreed once I've cleared my personal loan I'll debit monthly installments into his account until I've paid my half of everything.. Its something I need to do for me.. he hasn't even slightly suggested it was a loan or anything like it.. I need to feel I've worked for and earned my half of the house.. Independant woman n all that..
So I've just over a year left on that, and then I'll start repaying him.. It'll take about 2 years but that's OK
Yea that's why to us its exciting.. But talking about it I feel silly saying its "exciting" coz its boring practical stuff..
We bought a hoover the other day.. Jonathan was delighted with his purchase and couldnt' wait to piece it together n try.. Was funny.. he was like a kid.. Was great to see him get excited tho coz he's a "too kool for skool" kinda bloke and hides every emotion!!
Even when we got the mortgage approval... I dont think he cracked a smile!! I was thinking.. oh... does he really want this?! So was nice to see...