20 euro is about £18 or so I'd say now Claire.
Francis that poor boy is probably on some diet and you've ruined his whole day lol
Euro is worth nothing anymore lol. Bring back the punt eh?! X
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MrsLmc said:That poor poor youngfella, but sure he'll learn just to say thanks next time hehe
*Claire-Bear* said:Snack a jacks are MINT !!! go you being healthy !!!
azwethinkweiz said:Well done hon, you did brill steering clear of the fast food and sticking to some low pp stuff. You. Are. Awesome.xx
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azwethinkweiz said:Defo!! I'm terrible snacker and I might not have been as sensible as you hon, I neeeeed your willpowerxx
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Dubchick81 said:Yea was strong today... Tho if WI wasn't tomoro I might not have been so strong![]()