Frances' PP Diary

Jacket looks gorgeous :) size 12!!!!

Good luck for WI xx
MrsLmc said:
Good luck for weigh in tomorrow chickie. And how did curves go?

Goin today hun. Ended up cancelling my appointment the other day to ho see my friend n her lickle baba. Never been so broody as when I left her house ha ha was straight on the phone to Jono.
MrsLmc said:
Aww I love brand new babies. It'll happen for you soon Francis I'm sure, probably once you get to your target weight ha. x

Aww Laura she was just gorgeous. 4 months old this week do playful n all. N do smiley n happy n just gorgeous. N she luv'd her aunty Frances ha ha The giggles from her were just too cute
I frickin love babies...

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I want one lol... Few obstacles in the way of that at mo lol
I have a fella but no plans for babies yet. He isn't afraid of them though which is good :p

Sent from my Galaxy S using MiniMins
MrsLmc said:
my God Claire I just assumed you were the same age as me!

How old are you laura? Lol xxxxxxx

Yeah maybe ive lived a sheltered life lol xxxxxxx
Well done Frances ..... Thats soooo good =) xxxxxxx
Well done Frances ;) good luck with curves x
Btw I don't remember the punt either lol x
Dubchick81 said:
Thanks hun am chuffed. It's only a half but due the results the last 2 days I really wasn't expecting it :)

Still a fab loss =) half closer to your goal xxxxxxx
Dubchick81 said:
Exactly Claire. Am a little shocked it was a loss. Chuffed tho :)

Youve obviously earnt it good =) go you xxxxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Youve obviously earnt it good =) go you xxxxxxx

Well food wise iv been mostly sensible but exercise wise not. But that's all about to change :)
Am off out now. Back in an hour r so xx