do not be disappointed in yourself you have been on the diet for 6 weeks and still you continue to lose, think about how much you would of eaten in the same 6 week period when not on the diet. this is a long road that twists and turns.
for me you must get your head in the right place first. i truly believe you need to question yourself as to why you have the relationship with food you do. i dont food see as good or bad just food some can be eaten lot and some should be taken in moderation. you are using a pleasure or at the very least a necessary fuel to hurt yourself. if you do deviate be it planned or not, stop thinking of it as a cheat but a treat. there is less need to punish yourself for something that you dont perceived bad, if your having a planned family meal enjoy it, the company the food the whole damn thing, its called life we will be doing these thing in the future. dont make what should be a happy time into a dreaded event, cause the calories consumed are the same no matter what. but it your putting yourself through the mental torture of i ve failed, im disgusting im weak you are far less likely to just get yourself back in the groove again.
when i originally lost 7st (of which i kept 5 off) the turned around for me came when i accepted myself warts and all. id always thought of myself as a thin person trapped by a fatty, news flash; rubbish, it was just me. and do you know what, the woman of tens years ago i stand by her today cause she is the sum of my parts. would i have the compassion or empathy i have for other now if i hadnt had the experiences of my past like being referred to as "it"? or mocked? as anyone whos been in the big leagues will probably understand. i also wondered what exactly was my crime did i hurt others with my actions or was i just trying to pass through unnoticed? people can be so cruel but it says nothing about you and much more about them.
anyway i digress what i would say is if your friend was in the position you are would you treat them the way you are treating yourself ? some times we do need a firm hand but sometimes we need a break, said it before and will say it again you can t change the past but you can fix the future, be good to yourself you are worth it you deserve to reach your goals
Hey Jen,
Thank you so much.
Your words have meant so much to me, made me feel happier and more in control.
After a lot of bashing myself and feeling miserable, I realised I deserve a break after 6 weeks of being on the diet which for sure is not an easy one, 1 family meal is totally allowed.
As for my relationship with food, it's always been a source of comfort- sad, angry depressed, frustrated, happy, celebratory, joyous food was always my go to solutions.
So I guess you could call me an emotional eater, but I also realise that I am the sort of person who can starve myself for days if I decide to. So yes I am still figuring out the role of food in my life.
I also realised losing weight and being able to do the things that I always wanted to do without being conscious of my body makes me a happier person, so the lesser the need to turn to food to pick myself up.
I agree with what you say that sometimes is okay to be more considerate to myself, if a friend came and told she/he had TREAT in between a diet for 6 weeks. I would be a lot more sympathetic to them. So I guess I should extend the same courtesy to myself
, but I am also sacred of getting into the self pitying that I used to subject myself.
However I am going to stop fretting over all of it, cause I am back on the diet and day 1 has been a success, 3 packets of CD and 3 ltrs of water
and that's it's
Once again a big thank you for your support
- Swatee