o god, I was wrking most of da day. Had a craving for bread all day today and ate way too mch of it. Wrk n a hotel so food is way too easily available. Say I ate most of my weeklies on bread. BREAD of all things. Wish I kept it for jelly sweeties . Hope everyone had a better day. Will definately need to get to da gym tomorrow. Chat tomorrow.
Hey stef, Dont know which was better but either way I would have enjoyed the jelly sweets better. I am regarding my weeklies as treats and bread is so not a treat :sigh:. O well guess I will be using most of my weeklies again this week Used 9 of my weeklies on bread yesterday !
Ok does anyone know is it better to have a treat first thing in the morning so you can try and burn it off during the day or does it make any difference :sigh:
I can officially announce that I havent had a major binge in over two weeks. I know I went mental last weekend but i would call that over eating rather than binge eating. However, I am now starting to dream about food if i am not eating it I am dreaming about it. Will this ever go away :sigh:.
Well I had a very busy day but made it a point to get out to the gym. Spent about an hour and a half doing cardio, which today mostly consisted of the cross trainer. I find that I can do this for longer without my muscles geting sore. Definately kicked ass today.
Hope everyone is doing well? Find it harder over the weekend to find time to post in the forums but I do read everyones posts daily.
By the way does anyone know how many propoints are in a cupcake with no icing. Had two of them today and dont know if i need to take more prooints out of my weeklies
I have just created a signature with the characters that I am permitted to use but cant see it in my posts. Does anyone know if i have to activate something??
Your doin brill hun u should be super proud
I'm ok thanks! Havin some pain under my arm think its muscle pain but I'm a worrier lol so stressing about that at the moment!
Thanks Jaly. Will take it as 5 propoints just to be on the safe side . They are homemade and made with butter.................... Jst made them this morning and had one when it came out of the oven.............Yummy love them when they are piping hot.
Good news i didnt have to eat into my weeklies.
Just planning my weekly menu and exercise plan for the week. Hope to get to the gym twice this week before my weekly weigh in on friday. Roll on another good weight loss
Thanks Bulldogdaisy. Determned to make it work this time round . will be following your blog too. I am sure i will have lots of reading to do. Thats what i love about these sites...........you learn so much from everyones experiences and you soon learn fairly fast that you are not the only one going through a difficult weight loss patch.
Hey Getfitnana, thanks for poping in. Definately going to be hard work. thing is it took a year to put it on and I keep thinking it will just disappear within a few months. I just have to keep telling myself i have to take babysteps.
I see you are a new mwmber too. Have you got a blog? When is your weigh in day and how much weight are you hoping to lose?
Hmmm no offence but i think thats abit rude coming onto someones diary and the first thing you say is 'you need to do some serious dieting' how about a 'hello u have done great so far well done etc etc and then express your views!? Anyway maybe u didnt mean it to be rude... just saying! I wouldnt go as far as saying 'serious dieting', that sounds almost like its impossible, Just sticking to the plan will work in its own time, I had double to lose than chubster and im over half way to my target, Yep it is hard work but very very do-able if u stick at it as you know, you really are doing brilliant hun