ProPoints From binge eating to a 58 pound weight loss

ChubBuster said:
Thanks Bulldogdaisy. Determned to make it work this time round :). will be following your blog too. I am sure i will have lots of reading to do. Thats what i love about these learn so much from everyones experiences and you soon learn fairly fast that you are not the only one going through a difficult weight loss patch.

Thank you about my blog,I agree about this site,I follow a few diaries and have joined a couple of challenges aswell :0) hope you have a good day.
stef2009 said:
Hmmm no offence but i think thats abit rude coming onto someones diary and the first thing you say is 'you need to do some serious dieting' how about a 'hello u have done great so far well done etc etc and then express your views!? Anyway maybe u didnt mean it to be rude... just saying! I wouldnt go as far as saying 'serious dieting', that sounds almost like its impossible, Just sticking to the plan will work in its own time, I had double to lose than chubster and im over half way to my target, Yep it is hard work but very very do-able if u stick at it as you know, you really are doing brilliant hun :)

Have a lovely day today xxx

Yea hopefully it wasn't meant that way... Things can come across wrong in text but choice of words help aswell ;0)
Hey guys thanks for your words of encouragement. Over the last few months i have been serious about trying every diet going to see which would give me the fastest weight loss. Since then i have realised that dieting doesnt work for me and tends to put on more weight in the long run. So i have changed from implementing diets to implementing a new lifestyle. Thats why i have started up the weight watchers again as this new way of eating allows me to eat whatever i want once it is within my point allocation it also gives me weeklies which i can use for treats or "down" days.

I know I have a lot to lose and I have a rough target date in my head but if i dont make it I wont beat myself up about it.......Its just something for me to work towards to prevent me from binge eating etc. etc. If I keep to healthy eating and regular exercise I will eventually reach where I want to be. Knowing that I am eating healthier is more important to me at the moment than a figure on the scales.

Anyways back to today. Had a sneaky weigh in this morning as I thought I was good over the weekend seen that I didnt eat all my weeklies. Up 2 pound :mad: dont know what happened............ was to the gym, eat healthy, no treats and any weeklies that I used was on Bread........dont know what happened??

Seeing the gain really made me feel bad about myself this morning. Really felt like binging but restrained which is new for feeling good about that :). Guess I just have to struggle on............ Guess I need to have some bad days to be able to experience the good ones. :sigh: Its a tough world out there which i will never seem to understand.
why dont you set yourself mini goals? like lose half a stone by end of June,...etc i think if we set ourselves the end goal then it always seems so far away and it dis-courages us! well it does me! or maybe other goals like clothes? or something like that.

maybe the gain is from the bread? i know with me carbs are my sworn enemy, they bloat me sooooo much!!! even WW bread! i reckon it could be something to do with that, i bet it will drop off over the next few days. Just also (im sure you already do) but limit ur salt as can cause water retention :) xxxx otherwise keep going! your doing brill!!! xxx
Well done hun on keeping strong and carrying on! The scales can really send u in the wrong direction, thats why i tend to stay away from them!
Sometimes alot of exercise in a week can show a gain, r u measuring? because inches are coming off too!!

Have a great evening xxx
Hey stef, ou are so right I must start measuring..........I just have to learn where i am supposed to measure. Get mixed up where the waist line is............think its where the belly button is but others say its where your trousers sit.

The best thing is I have changed since i started back doing weight watchers I have learned to stop analysing why i have gained and have just learned to enjoy my journey to my new life as i know if i am been good slowly and surly the weight will eventually disappear. sometimes i find that i may think too much and as a result I end up creating problems that were actually not there in the first place:eek:
Hey em, I have a mini goal at the back of my head to lose a stone by the end of June but dont now how doable it will be. So far i believe that i will be able to achiev it as i have lost 9 pound so far in two weeks. However, I will not be disappointed if I dont achieve this.

Have you any mini goals set up for yourself?

I am also thinking of setting you rewards for every half stone i lose. Dont know what these will be at the moment all i know is the will not be food related :) Do you do this?
Ohhh good get measuring, I do around the belly button! An ur right it isn't just about loosing weight it's about a whole new lifestyle and learning how to deal with food situations.

Ive always set mini goals by buying a top the next size down and fitting into it was my goal :)

Have a great day xxxx

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How u gettin on hun xxx

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Hello my lovely how are u? everything ok? xx