Morning All
Feeling a little down today, but trying not to let it affect my SW stuff :sigh:
Its my only sons 21st Birthday tomorrow. I think you all know that when his Dad and I split he was 15 and stayed with him as things were getting nasty and his dad was causing too much trouble when my son came to his grans to stay with me.
Anyway 2 years down the line, Id still not plucked up the courage to actually start the divorce but we were living apart & I met my new OH....then I went for a divorce as I felt it was 'time'. Things got very messy (I was having my 1st brain surgery to remove the tumour at the time too so I really didnt need the hassle :sigh

and my son turned against me saying I had no right meeting someone when I was still married!! (this I can only say was dripped in his ear from his dad) I hardly saw my son for a couple of years & it broke my heart, my ex used him as a weapon and turned him against me (even though throughout my marriage our son had witnessed the physical & mental abuse his dad had put me through)
Then through my mum I got a little contact with my son again (he still hated my OH though, blaming him for me & his dad splitting up....but we didnt meet until 2 years after

) so I had to see him by picking him up to drive him to college & take him to his work placement etc or just take him out for a couple of hours on a saturday when OH was out. Then after my last Op in march I didnt see him much because I was housebound on the zimmer and he wouldnt come here (even though my OH went out to play golf) I last saw him on my Birthday in August and everything seemed ok.....then he started ignoring my texts & emails (I cant use the phone as Im deaf....and this annoys him he says

) I bumped into him & his dad in Asda this morning, luckily my OH was putting petrol in, My son walked straight past me

I asked what was wrong & he said he didnt want to see me because I had gone on holiday at xmas and neglected my mum (she has cancer) and Ive not been looking after her since I had my last Op.... But Ive been on a zimmer & crutches since then and Im not capable of caring for her so my aunt does this now. PLUS my mum has bought him a brand new GOLF car so he can do her bits of shopping etc knowing that I was going to be pretty unwell for quite a while after this Op. Im just so upset that he is being like this, I did wonder what was going on as I sent a card with £100 at xmas and never got a thankyou text (mum said he didnt have any credit) and ive sent texts a few times asking if he wants to come pick me up totake me to see his gran but hes not replied
sorry for the long post.....I cant talk to My OH about it as it gets him annoyed that my son doesnt get in touch when he lives 1 mile away and goes to see my mum a lot & has to drive past my apartment to get there!