From here to Eternally Slim

Well done, Minx.
I've got my actual appointment today.

What are the chances of a meteorite hitting the Abington area of Northampton between now and 1.30?
Well done, Dizz. I knew you had it in you. (Mainly cos a lot of it kept coming out! :9529:) ;)

Well, I'll pack the pompoms away for another week, then. That's good. It'll give my poor tired arms a rest.
well done cd thats awsome

i maintained - v pleased. had a lovely chat again with consultant we agreed that getting colonoscopy out the way next week then restarting on thursday. (could not stay for meeting yesterday) is the best way forward :)
Morning Morning Morning!!!

Im raring to go for a 100% week :whip:
just looked at my diary and I really need to get a head start with a super dooper loss as were going away again mon 21st to 23rd march(some hotel spa golf thing that OH won at his golf club, he plays golf....I get pampered :D) then we have a big family meal at a restraunt to mark what would have been his dads Birthday on the weekend we get back 26th:rolleyes: soooo Its not gonna be the friendliest of SW weeks for me :eek:

Well done Ronnie on the STS.....I think its a good move to to a restart after your tests. I got a new book and had a fresh start when I went back after my last big op.....It was just getting me down loooking at the numbers where I had got to before and seeing how far I had to go to get it back again :sigh: so a new book - new start felt loads better (and it meant earning shineys again...bonus lol;))

Hope everyone else is ok.....Happy Friday !!!!!

Well done Cd, thats a great loos, you are definately back in that zone:party0011: !

Ronnie, STS is a good week,giving your body time to adjust and have that loss next week. Keep it up :).

Stayed at home last night, got a bad chest infection, very crackly, high temp and low energy. Had to come into work, with only being her for one week now, couldn't afford to take time off. Dosing up so will be fine.

Off to a contact centre, for parents to see their children later, jus to see what goes on, so looking forward to a different day, and now off to database training for the system here.

Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning all!!

It was proper quiet on here yesterday then!!

CD well done for that brilliant loss!! You must be really pleased! Good luck for the half lb to get your shiney next week!!

EF hope your feeling better today hun, being ill is really no fun when you have to work!!

Ronnie, good luck with restarting hun, glad your doing it after the tests so you can be fully focused.

Still on my 100% week :) i havent failed to stay within syns so far and im proper pleased with myself :D I really want a good loss on Tues!! Well im hoping for one, i figure if i can gain 6 in one week surely i can lose at least 3 in the next one!! :)

Hope you all have a good weekend! xxxx
Morning All

Feeling a little down today, but trying not to let it affect my SW stuff :sigh:

Its my only sons 21st Birthday tomorrow. I think you all know that when his Dad and I split he was 15 and stayed with him as things were getting nasty and his dad was causing too much trouble when my son came to his grans to stay with me.

Anyway 2 years down the line, Id still not plucked up the courage to actually start the divorce but we were living apart & I met my new OH....then I went for a divorce as I felt it was 'time'. Things got very messy (I was having my 1st brain surgery to remove the tumour at the time too so I really didnt need the hassle :sigh:) and my son turned against me saying I had no right meeting someone when I was still married!! (this I can only say was dripped in his ear from his dad) I hardly saw my son for a couple of years & it broke my heart, my ex used him as a weapon and turned him against me (even though throughout my marriage our son had witnessed the physical & mental abuse his dad had put me through)

Then through my mum I got a little contact with my son again (he still hated my OH though, blaming him for me & his dad splitting up....but we didnt meet until 2 years after :confused:) so I had to see him by picking him up to drive him to college & take him to his work placement etc or just take him out for a couple of hours on a saturday when OH was out. Then after my last Op in march I didnt see him much because I was housebound on the zimmer and he wouldnt come here (even though my OH went out to play golf) I last saw him on my Birthday in August and everything seemed ok.....then he started ignoring my texts & emails (I cant use the phone as Im deaf....and this annoys him he says :() I bumped into him & his dad in Asda this morning, luckily my OH was putting petrol in, My son walked straight past me:( I asked what was wrong & he said he didnt want to see me because I had gone on holiday at xmas and neglected my mum (she has cancer) and Ive not been looking after her since I had my last Op.... But Ive been on a zimmer & crutches since then and Im not capable of caring for her so my aunt does this now. PLUS my mum has bought him a brand new GOLF car so he can do her bits of shopping etc knowing that I was going to be pretty unwell for quite a while after this Op. Im just so upset that he is being like this, I did wonder what was going on as I sent a card with £100 at xmas and never got a thankyou text (mum said he didnt have any credit) and ive sent texts a few times asking if he wants to come pick me up totake me to see his gran but hes not replied :(

sorry for the long post.....I cant talk to My OH about it as it gets him annoyed that my son doesnt get in touch when he lives 1 mile away and goes to see my mum a lot & has to drive past my apartment to get there!
Oh huni bun!!! Im so sorry, what an awful situation to be in!! Its not your fault for everything that has happened, nor that you cant look after your mum anymore when your not well yourself!

I know that it wont help me saying this as im sure it is making you feel terrible but please dont let it get you down, you're the most caring considerate person and like you have said i think your son has got most of his opinions from his dad, after all if you tell someone something enough times they'll end up believing it!!


you deserve to be happy with your OH and you son should appreciate that at his age now.

I think it may be as you were the one to leave (even though you had to) that may be why your son feels like its not his dads fault when it clearly is! My sister was a bit like that when we left my dad, although she had no choice but to come with us!

Thanks Pesty :eek: x x

Had a horrible day tbh got up late because I slept terrible, and went back to bed Then My OH has come home from golf feeling really grim :( he cant swallow & has a high temp. he was plagued with tonsilitus when he was a youngster/teen and looking in his throat I'd say it could be that again.

On the son front......I left a card with £150 at my mums for him yesterday. Hes been to see her, but Ive had no text or anything even to say thanks :sigh: Mum said he reretted what he said to me (but how come he hasnt been in touch then...he could text or email?) I just know she is trying to make me feel mums do :eek: Its really awful to say but he has got such a nasty streak in him sometimes.....but we used to be so close.

Ive managed to stay away from the crap food though so thats one thing I suppose. Ive not felt in such a low mood since the early days after the Brain surgery....really hate feeling like this.....feel so much guilt over everything
Awww huni, well you've done all you can, maybe he truely does regret what he said but doesnt know how to move forward or how to contact you? Or maybe he does regret what he said but isnt ready to get in touch.

Sorry OH isnt well!! I use to get tonsillitus every 3 months when i was younger, it was only when they blocked my throat that i got taken to hospital in an ambulance and they decided i was right to want them out!!!

Its such a horrible feeling being down but remember your weight loss, how much OH loves you and all of us on here, your getting your magicalness soon and things are better for you than when you first had your surgery, try to think of all of the good things rather than the pooy bad thing

Morning all.

Had a crappy weekend. Expecting a gain tonight as a result. Shouldnt be too bad but I did have the mother of all blow-outs on Friday night, to the point where I ate so much I couldnt sleep properly and ended up puking at about 4am. Feeling a bit better today and have made some efforts to pull myself back from the brink so it could be worse.

CD - hugs for you. Try not to take your sons behaviour personally, if he has been drip-fed poison from your ex he wont be able to be very rational about how he feels about things for a while yet. It takes a long time to really become a "grown-up" about certain things, including the realisation that your parents are people who have feelings and emotions of their own, and who are not faultless heroes.

You just have to content yourself with the knowledge that the reality is different from his view on things until he grows up enough to be able to have an adult conversation with you about it and allows you to put your side across.

TBH, though, if he's not even capable of sending a text message that thanks you for sending him such a substantial present, I wouldnt be inclined to send anything else in future until things change. There is only so much hurt a person can put up with.

I know, hes your son and you want him to know that you are still out there and still love him and want things to be different...

But throwing money at the situation may well be giving him the impression that you are trying to buy his affections. Maybe send him a card, with a letter inside explaining what happened from your perspective, and that you miss him and never wanted to cause him any harm, and giving him the opportunity to have the door to you open. If he chooses not to walk through it, thats up to him, you can only do so much, but if he continues to not want to be part of your life, then he should have to deal with the consequences of that.
MLM, hope your feeling better today, being pukey is no fun!!

CD - I think MLM may be right about the card thing but i would personally say give him the present in the card as usual but maybe a small note just saying that you miss him and maybe confirm your mobile number in it and say 'if you want to get in touch'. I wouldnt go down the route of telling him your side as its very likely he will just show it to his dad and reopen up the can of worms, its likely that he will just take it as an attack against his dad and at this point he may have made it so that any bad word against him and the defenses will go up.

I wasnt thinking that she should be badmouthing his dad Pesty, its easy enough to put things in your own perspective without having to even bring his dad into it, other than factually where he occurs.

Was just a suggestion anyway, he doesnt seem to be able to take the step towards opening channels of communication and is clearly quite bitter - it might be helpful if he could see things from her side and if he cant do that to her face, written down is one way to get the message over without him having to face her.

And I definitely wouldnt be putting any money in with THAT card - because that would look like a bribe - I meant that as something she could do when there wasnt an event occuring. :)
I wasnt thinking that she should be badmouthing his dad Pesty, its easy enough to put things in your own perspective without having to even bring his dad into it, other than factually where he occurs.

Was just a suggestion anyway, he doesnt seem to be able to take the step towards opening channels of communication and is clearly quite bitter - it might be helpful if he could see things from her side and if he cant do that to her face, written down is one way to get the message over without him having to face her.

And I definitely wouldnt be putting any money in with THAT card - because that would look like a bribe - I meant that as something she could do when there wasnt an event occuring. :)

Sorry hun! Didnt mean to sound like i was pooing all over your opinion! :eek:

I didnt think that you meant to bad mouth him, its just i come from a very similar situation and it was best just to let it all go and look forward is all i was meaning :)

Me too, I didnt speak to my mum for 5 years and I havent spoken to my stepdad for the same length of time now, and my own dad, well, lets just say that when I see him for the first time in 17 years (having only met him the once when I was 21) things will be awkward at best!

Dont worry, I didnt think that you were rubbishing my opinion, you had a good perspective on things - and yes, it is better to look forward, I totally agree, but even now with my mum, because things have been left unsaid, I still find myself a bit on edge and occasionally wish we could have just had it all out. But she isnt emotionally strong enough to deal with that - and occasionally she does give me a glimmer of recognition of her part in things, which is enough.
Me too, I didnt speak to my mum for 5 years and I havent spoken to my stepdad for the same length of time now, and my own dad, well, lets just say that when I see him for the first time in 17 years (having only met him the once when I was 21) things will be awkward at best!

Dont worry, I didnt think that you were rubbishing my opinion, you had a good perspective on things - and yes, it is better to look forward, I totally agree, but even now with my mum, because things have been left unsaid, I still find myself a bit on edge and occasionally wish we could have just had it all out. But she isnt emotionally strong enough to deal with that - and occasionally she does give me a glimmer of recognition of her part in things, which is enough.

Oh minxy, Im so glad you posted back quickly i got myself all worried then!!

Sorry to hear about the family stuff hun, I know it is hard and maybe you are right, sometimes me and my mum have a blow out and little bits and pieces come out but thats only now that we are close again, sometimes i have questions and sometimes i prefer not to know.

I think in these situations there is never a right answer

p.s hope your knee is feeling better! x
Awww Pesty! Dont be getting in a flap, I am quite capable of coping when someones opinion differs to mine, I think its really good to offer different perspectives on a situation! Was just elaborating on where mine came from, sorry if it sounded a bit "offended" or something, it wasnt meant to.

Knee is a lot better today thanks, it held up to Jillian quite well. I think I was holding myself badly during some or other of the exercises so I took extra care to follow it to the letter this morning and pay more attention to positioning.