From here to Eternally Slim

really,really need to catch up and read back properly!!!! so busy ive just barely been getting on!

pesty - wow!!! will be yours soon.'ll get a good result at wi next week ;-)

well at my wi i lost 1lb which put me smack bang on target again....a major result for me though as last week i weighed in on weds so was a short week and friday,hmmmm lets not talk about friday toooooo much but the highlights were 3 krispy kremes and all you can eat dinner! ho i was well chuffed!!!
hugs to those that need them....heck or want them.....i'll try and catch up at some point!!!
Can I do jumping jacks on your behalf today? I am attempting Level 2 Jillian for the first time today so I thought it would be an appropriate cheersquad type move.

Scared? Me?
Morning everyone

Blimey, this thread really flies.. congratulations Pesty, wowww, what a result.. and Minxy too, all good losses this week. Luverick, well done for being back to target and CD, good luck for the Wi tonight.

Not sure whats happened to me this week, but Monday had to go back to the house to collect a few last things Id left and also drop keys off. While I was there, I hid a few things, just to make life interesting for him for a few weeks. Car Keys, cuff links etc.. sort of a leaving momento!! LOL. Felt good too! He then text me later that night asking me where his cuff links were, asked him to search high and low and it was just a little game Id left him to play after the horrid games he'd played with mine and my sons life. Heck that felt good. The next morning, i woke up like an annoying flicking light had been turned off. Refreshed and felt I had closure. so things have been good this week, feels like home now and am enjoying being there with my son. he's been really protective of me, reminding me to lock up and making me a cup of tea when i get home from work. Out of all of this I have a much better relationship with him now, I sleep better too.

One thing that did come out of moving out, was what i used to hord not sure if thats spelt right.. but I used to buy clothes from shops and catalogues (run up big bills) and shoved them in the bottom of my wardrobe, not even opening them. I found so many clothes which I'm going to ebay now. I spoke to my mum about this and she thinks it was because I didn't feel like I had a home and it was the only control I had over my life as I was unhappy. Not sure if that was the case, but strange anyway.

CD, hope you are feeling better about your son, and he will in his own time open up to you again. My daughter left home really suddenly to be with her boyfriend and I went through hell and back as she had mild l/d and I was so frightened. I know its not the same thing, but she had to do what she needed to do at the time and I had to stand back, and then she came looking for me. It was a different relationship, but still good to see her when she wants to.

Off to Butlins this weekend with work friends for an 80's weekend and a school girl fancy dress so that should be fun, lol.. xxxx
So glad that you are feeling more relaxed and it certainly sounds as if your life is back on track. Phew!! About time!! I am so pleased for you - as you know, i've been following what's been going on and I'm over the moon as to how it's worked out for you.

All the best for the future sweetie.

Have a lovely lovely weekend too!!

Thanks LV. Its been one hell of a journey last 6 weeks and has turned my life upside down, from a time of feeling so distraught and so low (never felt that low before so it frightened me), to finding some sense with it all and moving on. Think it was reasoning with myself that pulled me back up, thinking and remembering of what he did and how bad he made me feel so many many times. I know I'll probably get a few low points now and then, but i have great friends, all of you guys and family really ready to support me as and when, which feels like a comfort blanket, it really does.
EF - am so glad that things are working out and that you are feeling settled already - that is fab and am so pleased for you hun.

So glad to see everyone's fab losses this week - hoping they continue for you guys. I had a gain of 3.5lb's but I wasn't really very good last week so not surprised. Am going for 100% this week and so far so good. I've even been eating the dreaded fruit! So any gain on Monday will be all from baby/fluids and I'm ok with that.

Not really been on much - have been busy trying to fight for my home birth - only 13 weeks left and at the mo am still not sure what's going to happen - hey ho things will work out.

Hope everyone is doing well, take care all.
hope you have a good weekend EF.

Theres nothing wrong with the scenic route hun, its taken me over a year to lose 2 stone but i would rather it be this way and i get to enjoy myself every now and again than feel really deprived and put it back on!!

Pssst. Pesty, fix your stats!!

EF, sorry, meant to reply to you sooner, but have been in post-Jillian coma. Glad to hear things are so much improved for you :) Have a great weekend, I am most jealous!
well done to all you losers this week, my week was a bit hit and miss hence i was not on here alot/at all this week. did my 'white' week for the colonoscopy,
tuesday took the citramag and went bright fire engine red straight away. the citramag and senokot and not eating tuesday did its magic and went to the hospital on wednesday.
they took my bp 168/128 and were really worried. (no sh!t sherlock!). they made me lay down and relax for half an hour and it went up to 175/113
they cancelled the procedure.

went to dr on thursday am fully expecting to be put back on bp meds straight away it was down to 138/96 which is much better, he wants to test me another couple of times, needs the lower number below 90 .... no meds yet

went to weigh in and (drumroll) maintained which is steller considering the amount of white bread, mash, and not so sw friendly stuff i ate in my white week!

new book, new start, new slimmer me :)
Morning everyone

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Ronne, blimey you have been through the wars, but blooming well done for maintaining at WI over all of that too. Are they rescheduling the procedure at all? What are they doing with your high BP now as well?

My weekend went well, was over at Butlins, seeing Boy George, Shola Ama, Aswad etc.. was a right giggle and over endulged on the alcohol front, not too bad on the food. Back to group tomorrow, new one that is around the corner, so need to get back on track with food wise. looking forward to it though, healthy chow mein etc mmm.

Its very quiet on here, hope you are all ok xxxx
well have bp test on thursday to see if i have got the bottom figure down they need to do another bp test and then the dr will write to the hospital. if i cant get below /90 then i am back on tabs :(
Ronnie, well done for maintaining hun!! Sorry to hear about your bp troubles!!

EF glad you had a good weekend!!

I too over indulged alcohol wise at the weekend!! I was good foodwise but had one (or maybe more) too many vodkas!! So WI i am expecting a STS on Tues, i will definitly be good until then but i wont get my hopes up, with such a small amount to go im not expecting any big losses (unless they follow big gains!! :))

*removes permanent recording medium from device, & places in everything-proof safe*