From here to Eternally Slim

MLM & Pesty Yhanks for both your both make good sense :eek:

I do feel a a lot hurt that hes shut me out, but more hurt that a little text just to say 'thanks' even if it was just the one word from him might have been nice :sigh: But I definately will only be sending cards with no money in future :( Ive learnt in the past not to even mention his Dad to him as he gets very defensive nowadays since I got my new life with my OH, so a letter with my side of the the past would not be a great idea (though from being 13/14 he used to regularly say to me that I should just leave his Dad as he would never change :confused:) Ive just sent my final text to him saying 'hope you had a nice Birthday, you have my number if/when you feel ready to talk to me love mum' I'l just have to leave it now I suppose until he decides what to do :(

OH is off work ill (he NEVER takes time off sick:eek:) been to docs & it is tonsilitus so hes all grotty and on liquids only at the mo (very grumpy too :sigh:)
Sorry OH is still ill huni!!! Hope that doesnt give you too much trouble!

I think you have done the right thing with your son, he has your number and you have left the ball in his court, also giving him the window of opportunity to contact you if he didnt know how.

I think youve handled it perfectly sweetie, i hope it all works out for you.

I hope WIs went well for monday weighers!! xx
Will someone please remind me who it was who said:

You wont ever catch me at group being the person going "omg, I drank 40 vodkas and ate my body weight in chocolate and had three takeaways this week, I cant believe I lost 18lb". It just doesnt happen. I binge, I gain.

Hmmmmmm. Thought so!
A bit of a rare experience for me, this, but it's Tuesday and I'm being a dancer, not a dancee.

Good luck, Tuesdayers. Pesty, I'm even using the pompoms. That's how hard I'm working it for you!
Unfortunately i dont like coffee!! Right not too bothered about the fairies anymore as i have a whole week til another WI.

All your dancing must have worked and i am extremely grateful - esp. JoT for challenging me to a race as it gave me an almighty boost.

WI result????

I lost 6.5lbs :) :D

proper chuffed!! I really thought that the toilet fairies were all guna jump on the scales and hamper my loss but apparantly not!!

2.5lbs til target so another 100% week coming up!! Except for Sat as i have drinks planned but other than that 100%!!! lol xx