From here to Eternally Slim

half on however with the week i have had expected lots more :) have a fab week everyone
i like that thanks honey, i am totally positive about things - will sort it all out and thankfully have got my busiest time of the year out of the way so am rather chuffed :)
Been MIA as I had a Really nasty migraine Wednesday again so tried out the new tryptan from pinderfields hospital (the last one didnt help) It worked for an hour & half then came back worse than before
back to see the nurse specialist with the neuro team on the 4th of May so hopefully they can tweak the meds to find something that works.

Well I weighed in last night 0.5 ON
Bit disappointed.....but not totally devastated as I did say last weeks 2lb loss must have been a 'fluke' as it certainly wasnt deserved with the naughty blowout meal at the weekend - then missing so many meals with having the neuralgia pain.

Im also thinking that the couple of RED days that I did where I had wm rolls as both my HEB choices (when I craved bacon sarnies
) did me no & bread do not go well together.....I have always known this

Hope everyone is ok.....Its a lovely day here, might even be nice enough to get the BBQ out for tea :) (and that means using a few syns in a couple of vodkas as a treat me thinks) Happy Friday!! :D
Afternoon and what a lovely day it is too :)

CD, bet that half a pound has gone now, a wee and a bit of wind and its gone ;). Sorry to hear the pills didn't work for long, is there anything else you can try that you've not tried already, just to get you passed those bad migraines before the 4th May? Red days are easier this time of year, lots of salads, meat and roasted veg, and bring out the BBQ too, hope you enjoyed that and the vodka must have for a treat too ;).

Ronnie, that half a pound as with CD, would have been gone now too :). Keep up the good work as you've been good.

Pesty, hows things with you honey ;) ?

Went into London to get some childens passports processed from work yesterday, and the SW hadn't given me enough docs for the section they are under, so going again on Monday and if we still can't get our act together for them to be processed, Ireland was not meant to be for those little ones this time.

Took off the steri strips from my cut this morning, and its still weaping, so put another dressing on. Was so hoping to go swimming tomorrow, but think it might get infected if its still open, so might get ot the gym and do the bike, sit ups, weights and toning machines tomorrow. Food wise is going well, get some frozen salmon fillets (BBQ style) and they only work out to be 75 cals for 2, very low in sats fats, so not counting them, lol.. got those with a large salad, roasted peppers and musrooms for dinner tonight and bought some skinny cow choc mint ice lolly's, think they are only 7 syns, so happy days :).

Have had a couple of wobbly days, emotional wise, thinking of being on my own I think, and weekends are lonely at the moment, so need to get myself to the gym. Ex text me and wanted to take me out for my birthday (27th) and I think that if I go, I'd be taking 3 steps back..he hurt me so much and every time I think of him, its not happy memories. He says he wants to stay friends, but how can anyone stay friends with someone who's been so mean to them? Can't seem to get passed that, so will more then likely pass on the invite. Definately not ready to see him, that I know!!

Right, must get things ready for work for tonight so i can cook my dinner and enjoy it with my feet up before work.

If I don't get on tomorrrow, then enjoy the rest of your weekend all xxxx
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Howdy doodies!

WOW NIKKI! Nice new avatar! You dont look like the same person!

I think its perfectly normal to expect a few emotional wobbles as you get over the end of your relationship - and I think you are right not to go out with your ex for your birthday. Too much too soon.

Hope you get those passports sorted tomorrow!!

CD, hope you are feeling a bit better :)

Pesty, good work with the 100%! Hope you are keeping it up! Target is calling you!!

I fear I may have slightly overdone the addressing the gain of last week. It remains to be seen, as always, what the SW scales decree is the outcome, but my bathroom scales have been dropping and dropping and dropping to the point where I am UNDER target on them. Historically, they have always been between 1-2lb OVER what the SW ones say. Hopefully I wont lose again between today and tomorrow, but if I do, there is an outside chance I will still be out of range. But this time, UNDER target, instead of OVER. Which would be quite some achievement being as I was 5.5 OVER this time last week. There should be no interference from *based hormones as I am not at that point of the month, so... we shall see. The week before last I had a small gain, which was *week approaching, and then last week I was full of party food and ON * week. But I had been super active and doing lots of housework lifting boxes and the like, so it may be that I was still losing at that point while being good in anticipation of the party and that this is now showing itself. Bloody hell this maintenance malarkey is hard work. Fingers crossed that I am "in range". And please, for goodness sake, no-one dance.

Its my own fault, I came home off that gain and decided to a)treat it like my first week on SW, and b) to do a fish week to try and counterbalance. So, well, I shall update tomorrow night, but I may end up having to pay and eat more pie the following week. Good luck to all the Monday girls!
EF YOUR AVATAR IS STUNNING!!!!!!!! You look proper gorgeous hun!!

MLM well done for the amazing counterbalance for your gain last week, lets hope your not tooo good in that you'll have to pay!! haha

Well my 100% stopped on Saturday which i will have to call a flexi day. No bad foods but 157.5 syns on alcohol!! (WHOOPS) Sunday i was straight back on plan though and its damage limitation til tues in the hope that i will get some sort of miracle STS!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!! xx

Pesty, 157.5 sys on alcohol :).. its easily done isn't it. If you've been good the rest of the week, you should be fine :)

CD, Is anyone else at group seeing the scales any differntly? If you are loosing on yours, then you should be loosing on those, a loss is a loss after all, and our own scales may be different, but can't fake a loss :). You'll know also by your clothes etc too, so go by that.

Thanks, I had this pic taken when I went to visit my friend in Lincoln a few months ago, about 5lb heavier now, but that will be gone by next week too.

Hope I have some luck at the passport office this afternoon :). Have a good day everyone xxx
Jaysus H Pesty, what were you drinking, real ale???? :D :D :D Good work!!!!

Im impressed you managed to get back on plan Sunday - You must have had one HELL of a hangover!
Hahaha actually the hangover wasnt bad at all!! I drank 15 of the 568ml (pint sized) kopperbergs - 10.5 syns each!! It was an all day drinking session in the sun and spirits just were going to do it lol

Hahaha actually the hangover wasnt bad at all!! I drank 15 of the 568ml (pint sized) kopperbergs - 10.5 syns each!! It was an all day drinking session in the sun and spirits just were going to do it lol



15 pints!

I WISH I could drink that much! :D

Seriously, in my experience, if the drink isn't mixed with too much in the way of synful food, I find that alcohol syns are much more forgivable than, for example, pizza syns, so hopefully it'll not impact as much as you think.

Still....impressive :cool:
Hello All

EF....Amazing PIC hunni !!! I had to check I'd logged into the right look totally different :) stunning!! no I cant try any differnt meds for the migraines until I see pinderfields again :( because I take epilepsy meds they have to juggle & tweak what they do. The prob with this new one is I can only take it twice in a month maximum or It causes rebound headaches which is where I was at a few months ago taking tramadols from the doc & co codamol everyday for the pain (giving myself headaches inbetween the migrains but I didnt realise it:cry:)

Well done MLM on losing your gain from last dont do stuff by halfs do you missy :D (and its the 1st time Ive had a request for NO DANCING LMAO;))

Pesty.....15 PINTS :eek: :D I get tiddly of 2 vodkas :eek:

nice to see you back Scanbran :)

Had a lazy weekend couple of BBQs My OH didnt play golf as his back has been playing up badly and the butrans patches arent touching the pain....hes walking like an old man with it....or like his pooped his pants :rolleyes:(hes got his MRI scan on the 19th so hopefully we will find out more then)
hey scanbran!!! Excellent to see you back on here!!!

CD I shouldnt be proud of 15 pints SW wise or binge drinking wise but i am a little bit impressed with myself haha. I was the last woman standing in the pub and got complimented on how sober i seemed!! hahaha

Sounds like you had a good weekend!! Im very jealous of the bbqness!!!

I really hope WI does forgive me, ive got 15 people coming over for dinner this friday and i cant imagine its going to be a small syn one!! lol I dont really want it to be either!! Im making chilli which will be syn free with rice its just the fajitas, dips, pasta, pizza, puddings and of course the alcohol which is going to be synful!! :D

Hey Scanbran, welcome back! I love your new avatar too, but you are NOT a stupid member!

Good news everyone! I did it! And stayed in range!! I lost.... are you ready for this, its a personal best... 7!!!!! lb. So I am 1.5 UNDER target, but still, happily, in range. RESULT!
MLM - many congrats on the 7lb loss and on staying within target range :)
Pesty - finger's crossed for tomorrow's WI
EF and scanbran - fabulous piccy's hun :)
CD - I hope the migraines settle down and they are able to sort your meds out really soon.

I managed a 1lb loss tonight! However I think part of it is because I'm just not getting hungry at the moment so am only eating when I remember - as I've def not been on plan again this week. However I have SAS logs to use for next week to be able to try and control what I'm eating and also I'm going to try and eat the three meals a day as I've really not been doing that at all!

Anyway I hope everyone is doing well and is safely back on the wagon!