Afternoon and what a lovely day it is too
CD, bet that half a pound has gone now, a wee and a bit of wind and its gone

. Sorry to hear the pills didn't work for long, is there anything else you can try that you've not tried already, just to get you passed those bad migraines before the 4th May? Red days are easier this time of year, lots of salads, meat and roasted veg, and bring out the BBQ too, hope you enjoyed that and the vodka must have for a treat too

Ronnie, that half a pound as with CD, would have been gone now too

. Keep up the good work as you've been good.
Pesty, hows things with you honey

Went into London to get some childens passports processed from work yesterday, and the SW hadn't given me enough docs for the section they are under, so going again on Monday and if we still can't get our act together for them to be processed, Ireland was not meant to be for those little ones this time.
Took off the steri strips from my cut this morning, and its still weaping, so put another dressing on. Was so hoping to go swimming tomorrow, but think it might get infected if its still open, so might get ot the gym and do the bike, sit ups, weights and toning machines tomorrow. Food wise is going well, get some frozen salmon fillets (BBQ style) and they only work out to be 75 cals for 2, very low in sats fats, so not counting them, lol.. got those with a large salad, roasted peppers and musrooms for dinner tonight and bought some skinny cow choc mint ice lolly's, think they are only 7 syns, so happy days

Have had a couple of wobbly days, emotional wise, thinking of being on my own I think, and weekends are lonely at the moment, so need to get myself to the gym. Ex text me and wanted to take me out for my birthday (27th) and I think that if I go, I'd be taking 3 steps back..he hurt me so much and every time I think of him, its not happy memories. He says he wants to stay friends, but how can anyone stay friends with someone who's been so mean to them? Can't seem to get passed that, so will more then likely pass on the invite. Definately not ready to see him, that I know!!
Right, must get things ready for work for tonight so i can cook my dinner and enjoy it with my feet up before work.
If I don't get on tomorrrow, then enjoy the rest of your weekend all xxxx