From here to Eternally Slim

Well done, Minxster. Amazing result.
And well done, Rosie. You're doing well even thinking about SW at the moment!

Well, I'm back from my MIA episode. I've had a real "can't be bothered" week.
Quite often I would survive those, but this one has coincided with a birthday & a leaver at work (2 lots of cakes), a party at home (Pringles, Cheddars,...) a work do at someone's house (crisps, nuts, pizza, beer), an episode of being VERY angry with someone (bread - with butter) and FAR too much chocolate at home.
And on account of the aforementioned unbothereditude, I have just given in to the temptations offered, when normally I really don't struggle to resist.

So, I'll take tonight's gain on the chin, and next week - however much will power it takes - I will be 100%.
I really want to be at target for my SW anniversary. That's 3.5lb + tonight's gain in 3 weeks.
I can do it!
cos i said so so there!!!!

im weighing in tomorrow instead of yesterday.....going to a diff group for a change with my friend and staying to class :) so need some wednesday dancing puhleeeeaaasse??????
im hoping i'll just be in range as have an epic bad week planned and coming up! as long as im in range this week it'll be no probs as i then dont need to go for a few weeks so can have my bad planned week then hop back on and shift it:p

minxster......jeez lady you is a superstar xxx
Thanks guys - I have to be honest - it worried me that I had put on 2.5lb's last week - and when I looked at it if I did that every week between now and the arrival then I would have gained 30lb's and that would have been over what I was when I started SW - I'm not prepared for that to happen really if I can avoid it - which i know I can by sticking to plan.
I got the SAS logs last night - and today I've written down everything although I haven't been on plan - tonight I'm going to add up the syns - am sure I will get a massive shock with the number of syns in 1 day - am hoping it will help to keep me on plan the rest of the week!

Good luck all you Tuesday WI's - I'm wobbling for you all :) :D
Wow - I stayed the same.
Which is little short of a miracle, given the week I've had.
So now - full steam ahead for a 100% week next week!
Morning all!!

Well done on the STS Jimbob!!!

I gained 1lb which is not as bad as it could have been considering the amount of alcohol, i think the only reason the gain was so small was because i was so good leading up to Saturday and go straight back on it!!

So joining Jim for a 100% week, well 90% week as i'll be as good as i can friday but i dont want to make promises i cant keep :D

well done hon. I have been mia for a couple of days - not sure how i will have done this week as still not all with it lol but hey ho weigh in tomorrow. really debating if i want to carry on and buy a new countdown in a couple of weeks but then I think - yes as i need to lose weight and if i dont go i will put loads on - but then i think my heart is not in it :(
thought i would post a little update, after som soul searching last night with oh, i am giong to go it alone from home and weigh in at boots after my countdown ends. I know the diet. i am getting nothing from the meetings and get more motivation and support from here from you guys. And we can utilise the monies for savings for improvements to the house. so in 2 weeks i will be starting a new food diary and will put the link in my signature :)

On the plus side lost half a pound this week :)
Well done, Dizz. And Ronnie.

Dizzy, I've posted on your thread. Hope your head feels better soon.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend on plan - I fell off the wagon tonight with tea - had a massive chicken burger from a chip shop with colslaw - was lovely but i dread to think of the syns in it, also had half a portion of chips with it. :(
Oh well - tomorrow is a new day, new start and back on plan - i'll not be needing anything else tonight hopefully so that will be the end of the syns today.
On the plus side I went shopping yesterday with mum for and outfit for a wedding next weekend - before I was pregnant I was looking at size 14 clothes - I had to get size 10's yesterday :) :D they were maternity but there is still plenty of room in them, and I can still fit into some size 14 trousers now - so long as they aren't too high up.
So am hoping this means that I have been losing inches even if it's not weight every week :)
hi guys it took me a while i could not find the thread!!!!! its moved..... hope you are all well... my new scales have arrived so on thursday will weigh in on the am before work and use that weight as my new 'starting' weight
Hello, people! Have we all had a good weekend?

Is anyone weighing in tonight, or can I rest my poor tired limbs from all this dancing?

And if not, please can you start early for us Tuesday people? There's a shiny on the line here, so I need lots of encouragement!
And I'm already waving my pompoms for you, Dizz, as promised. Shinies, here we come!