From here to Eternally Slim

:wave_cry: Had an accident last night. Going out of the front door to work and slipped over the step, fell and gashed my foot. Thought it was just cut at first, until I saw the amount of blood loss. Luckily my son was still home with his mate as they were off out. So called for him, he came down saw the state I was in and called for an Ambulance. Paramedic came stopped the bleed and dressed me, took me to A & E, where my sister met me and ended up having 9 stitches, the injection they give you to numb it was worse the the stitches.. I screamed at that, lol... God knows how I did it.. or on what, but the shoes I wore had no grips on,so they have now gone in the bin. Had a awkward night as had knocked my knee when I went down so not sure If I've just bruised it, or chipped a bone, but am in agoney. Taken Ibuprofen and paracetamol but need to go out and get somthing else, to put on my knee I think.. How quick things changed, one minute Im on my way to work and the next.. in hospital. Luckily my son was with me and looked after me bless him.

Stictches stay in for the week, so gotta go and have them out next week. So no gym or swimming for me.. I have to do the weekly shop on my own as my son is out at work all weekend, so wil take it easy.

Well.. thats my weekend sorted.. lol..

Hope everyone else is having a better one. xxx
Oh No EF :eek: how awful !! sounds very painful hun :( Bruised/chipped bones can be more painful than a break :cry: (according to my nephew who plays a lot of semi pro Rugby) You take it easy as much as you can.....its sods law that you have to go out to do some shopping:(

Were out tonight for the family meal, my * week has finally arrived and boy do I know about it.... ive got mega aching hips/back now so Im dosing up on painkillers cos there is no way Im missing out on MY PUDDING lol ;)

have a good saturday all x x
oh ef thats not good, sending you a big hug, and hope it gets better quickly.
cd have a lovely meal honey
Good lord woman, you don't do things by halves do you? I hope you are in a bit less pain, but if your knee continues to be troublesome I reckon you should go back to A&E and get it x-rayed.

I chipped my ankle bone at my 21st party - it was excruciating. Was on crutches for 3 weeks. That was my shoes fault too, I had these lace up boots on and I was going down some stairs and the lace snapped and my ankle gave way. I was too drunk to really notice at the time how much it hurt but I couldn't stand on it the next day. Mind you, the memory of that is far less painful than the memory of what I wore that night... Another one of those "bought because it fits" outfits.
Morning all!!

I just wanted to pop in and say thank you all for the hugs and nice words about my great-grandma. I saw my dad at the weekend and the funeral has been arranged for Thursday. I havent been very good this weekend (see food diary) but i can take whatever WI throws at me this week as i know if i have a gain, what i did wrong.

EF sorry about the foot sweety, hope your better soon!!! xx
1 on tonight. Not surprised, think I am approaching *week and I have been playing at it this week. Total 100% week this week to try and minimise any damage from my sons 18th this coming weekend.
Hi folks
EF - hope your foot heals up soon and doesn't cause too much pain - hope the knee is much better today as well.
Pesty - so sorry to hear about your great-grandma *hugs*

Hope everyone is doing well - I've not had much of a chance to keep on top of the thread at the moment really.
I'm not doing too badly - managed a sts this week so am pleased with that at the moment.

Right think I'm off to bed once Glee has finished as I'm shattered all the time at the moment!
Well done on the STS this week Rosie!!!!

MLM well done for staying in target range!!! 1lb is nothing and you'll soon have that off.

I weighed in last night 1.5lb on. Quite disappointed as i wash 100% last week, 1/2 my plate free food and did some power walking. I had one flexi syn day where foodwise i was good and alcohol wise i was very very bad, I thought i deserved a STS at worst but apparantly i cant slip up at all now!!!

Still im not giving in, i am working harder!! Walked to work today and have planned my meals and will be doing another walk tonight!!!

I have my grandmas funeral Thursday and a night out in town on Saturday so im hoping i can do something good this week and avoid the naughtiness!!! xx
Sorry, Pesty. I've replied properly on your thread, but - keep your chin up, & stick with the 100%. it will pay off in the end.
Morning all.

Well, I STS last night.
I'm a bit Grrrrrrrrrrrr about it - but I know it's how much exercise I'm doing at the moment, rather than that my motivation has gone, or that my eating is bad.
So I've got to decide which I want more, haven't I?

The toned body and a slower approach to target?
Or target quickly and more toning left to do afterwards?

The first makes more sense, and is a better long term goal - BUT....
sending hugs to all the sts and gains, not sure about tomorrow, have not writtend it down this week but think i am within weekly syns. had a bad day yesterday tummy did not agree with the sf in my lunch so was in pain. have gone back to having it hidden in dinner and as fruit for brekki and if any veg in lunch its merely tomato or cucumber as cant really eat other raw veg and starting to get too warm to cook :)
well sw helps keep my crohns in check so if its slow losses then thats ok with me too

What a busy few days after my fall.. Had training over night Monday to Tuesday and all day yesterday. nice to get back to the office and be stationary for a while, lol.. Thanks for all your best wishes, Im so clumsy.. lol.

Pesty, that wee gain will be off and you've had a lot to contend with lately, so I wouldn't beat yourself up either.

Ronnie, good luck for WI tonight.

I didn't manage to get to WI due to training, so keeping on track and will be there next Tues eve.

A quick log in and out as at work and they have an eye out, lol..

Have a good one everyone xxx
hi all hope you are well - maintained this week so am pleased. will lose next week :)
Evening all. Sorry Ive been MIA been a bit 'off it' as my spasms & neuralgia have been making an appearance a lot lately so Ive had to take the mega strong morphine sulphate which really knocks me out :( had my Botox at neurology today so hpefully 2-5 days I wont feel like my face is wired up to the mains electic anymore when I touch it or try eat or brush my teeth :( Oh and I wont be winking at minging fellas in full spasm at the shops as it wont get chance to get that bad this time ;)

The good news is Ive weighed in at class.......2lb loss :D now I'm not being funny but I've not eaten particularly well the last couple of days with missing meals on these painkillers, and had a mahooooosive blowout meal on saturday :eek::eek: sooooo I cant help thinking that this is some kind of 'fluke' so I'm treating it as such and being EXTRA good this week in case it comes back and bites me on the Ariss next week :jelous:;)

Well done Ronnie on maintaining,
Hi Rosie '& Bump' :)
EF sounds like you've had a busy few days despite you're poorly foot hun, hope its not as painful now.
Pesty I hope everything was ok for you with your great grandmas funeral today hunni * hugs *x x

Off to bed now....Im shattered x x
Well done, Dizzy.
My namby pamby Southern pompoms were working all the way from France!
Maybe it was their pain au chocolat fuelled energy that helped you to such a great result. I'll try to keep it up for next week too.
Thanks for dragging them pompoms through the water with you Jimbob;) you did amazingly well completing your mammoth swim.....Im really proud of you! :superwoman:

EF new sofas to sit on:bliss:.....what luxury (no more splinters in your bum from the floorboards lol:D)

still waiting for the 'jabs' to work, I can feel a bit of something happening, as the spasm in the corner of my eye is not quite as maybe by tomorrow things should be a lot better. Im keeping a close eye (pardon the pun;)) on my eyebrows to see any tell tale signs of the left one dropping down to meet the right one, then I'l know if they have given me enough to level things out or if I need more.
I really hate when the spasms/neuralgia kick off so badly, it just reminds me that part of the original op that I had done has failed.....and if I hadnt had that Op I wouldnt have had the stroke and all the rest of the crap that came along with it. I know that the balance thing would have happened to some degree because of the tumour but I still wish I hadnt had the Op done now as it was Benign and could have been left alone and Id have still had the same balance issues (but more sickness/vertigo) Oh and I would still be able to hear :mad: anyway im i'l go :(:rolleyes: i'l take my frustrations out on the ironing then take a pill and sleep it off ;) x x