From here to Eternally Slim

Tnx Rosie! I lost 1.5 which puts me right at bottom of target but still on the right side, and she lost 3.5. Am.still going to be a bit careful this week coz the tablets will be getting properly into my system but am upping my Hexs.
Morning all, WI nlast night instead of tonight and got 1.5lb off so 2lb to go til target - which a am going to try and get this week!!

Well done all for the losses, im dancing for tuesday weighers with an extra little twizzle for Jimbobs last lb!! xx
Thanks, Pesty - I think it's only me today then, if you and Veg both weighed last night.

So everybody dance, please, and the Gods of the Scale might possibly smile on me!
Well done MLM, vegan and pesty :)

Jim i'll be wobbling for you tonight and anyone else who get's weighed tonight as well.

I'm up for tomorrow night - but very doubtful that any amount of dancing will help after what I've eaten this week!
well done MLM, Veg & Pesty !!!

MLM Im glad you've got some meds at last, I hope they start working soon & that you start feeling the benefit hun x x

Jimbob Ive started dancing already for your WI,

Rosie....I'll do some for you tomorrow hun;)

I went to Asda yesterday and was like a rabbit caught in the headlights with the guy whoopsieing the fresh cream buns down to 10p :eek::eek: Ive managed to not have any choccie so far (if I start I wont stop) But I'm a raving *week pmt freak at the mo & I went shopping hungry (yup...stoooopid I know :sigh:)
BUT I managed somehow to walk away :D well my OH did kind of have to push me and the trolley out of the way:eek::p but at least I didnt come home and stuff my face with a £1 worth of 10p cream buns......which for a split second that thought did cross my mind :rolleyes::eek: Disaster averted!!!!!
*dancing like a badass here* Veg is getting on a train at 2.45 this afternoon so I shall remind her to dance en route back to ye grande old Londinium town. I am sure no-one will stare at her doing it on the train.

Well done Pesty!!! :D Not far to go now!

Jimbob, have doubled the pompoms and added extra twizzles and splits.
MadameLaMinx;3533539 Jimbob said:
I've never seen Morris dancing with twizzles and splits. Well, not intentional ones, anyway!

But keep going. Just make sure you twizzle in time with the accordions.
Yeah. Sorry.

I got in from WI, and only had 5 minutes before having to go back out to school. So I managed to update, but not to post.

But anyway - Wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!

Totally smashed target: lost 2.5lb so I'm 1.5lb under!!!

If you could see the grin on my face at the moment....
Yay - well done Jim :) many congrats

very soon this thread is going to be full of lovely target members :)

Thanks for the dancing for tomorrow dizzy - will def need it - was running late with everything today so to get DS to bed on time called in to McD's on the way home - got me and DH one as well - I have to say that I didn't enjoy it at all! :( won't be doing it in a hurry again!
I'm also not going to be able to stay to group tomorrow due to ante-natal classes so am a bit bummed about that - but am going to pick up some SAS logs and hope that they help again! Also I have melon and pineapple in the fridge so hoping to get that cut up tomorrow to snack on next week!
you already know how chuffed i am for you but had to just pop on here and say it again :D:D:D:D:D:D
very proud of you mrs!! told you it would be this week!!
Thanks, all!

I'm still coming to terms with it. I've still got a massive grin, but I'm not quite as far above the ceiling as I was last night!

I'm not calling myself a maintainer yet, though. As I'd always said, I want to be 3 below my original target, which will give me that bit of leeway to be sure I can stay within a "healthy" BMI.

But because I totally smashed my target last night, that's only a pound and a half to go! Wooo hooo!

I had a Chinese takeaway and an Easter egg's worth of celebrating last night, though, so I'm going to have to do a bit of being good this week to stay where I am, but I DON'T CARE!
Well, kinda wish I hadn't gone to WI tonight - damage was 4.5lb's on - knew it was going to be bad but that now puts me at over the stone mark which i'm not impressed with.
Wasn't able to stay to group which also annoyed me a bit - however I have picked up some SAS logs and am planning on using them this week - WI next week is Tuesday so I have till then to try and get things back under control - which is something I've just not been recently!
It's gonna be a struggle though as DS still has a load of choc left in the fridge but I'm an adult and I can and do have will power and I can and will use it (maybe if I tell myself it enough times it'll work!)

Hope you guys are all having a great week - which is involving lots of losing (or maintaining!)
sending you great hugs jimbob,
and also everyone else.
well i managed to make time to weigh in this morning wish i hadn't - 3.5 on but have been time of month since last week as just had coil fitted and easter..... so who knows how its gonnabe for next few months. Still positive and got to make effort to write diary down :)
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Dancing myself Dizzy as we speak!!!

Im watching the scales pile on progressively this week, its crap being a woman sometimes. I did have a "day off" on Tuesday - and I am having a couple of potentially dodgy days tomorrow and Saturday, at my mums tomorrow for the wedding so although roast dinner has been promised to be SW friendly, there may be cake. Then the usual trauma of tea at Minx-In-Laws on Saturday. I may as well give up now, but I wont.

Going entirely syn free today, except maybe I might make a jelly for later. We are having a tinysmall barbecue with synfree goodies from the butchers for tea. Nom.
Oh good. I've had 2 days almost entirely off plan, and I now need to rein myself in in a big way!

Target? What target?