From here to Eternally Slim

My advice would be... be patient, and steer clear of those pesky falafels!!! :D

CD, sorry to hear your OP has been postponed, but the 17th is not so far away and I will be with you in spirit that day coz my littlest has to go to the hospital for eye tests. We can breathe in the extra clean air together.
EF...if you bite it then write it!!!! i see so often people think they are doing it 100% but then realise little things here and there that they have forgotten,and these little things all add up.
from when i joined until after i got to target i religiously(anally) kept a notebook food diary and wrote as i ate! that diary saved me so many times when i forgot id had my a/b/all my syns.....its also very useful to be able to look back on if you have a very good or very bad week and correct or copy it!! like jimbob says you know it works if you follow it right - hang in there!

DIZZY....awww hugs hun,what a crap thing to happen :-(

im all a dancing in advance for the weigh ins!!!
My advice would be... be patient, and steer clear of those pesky falafels!!! :D

CD, sorry to hear your OP has been postponed, but the 17th is not so far away and I will be with you in spirit that day coz my littlest has to go to the hospital for eye tests. We can breathe in the extra clean air together.

MLM, good to see you. Those Falafel were nice, but only had 3 small balls, lol. and counted 10 for those.

I don't write any thing down any more, so do need to start doing that I think, Luverick and Sarah, I think I need to do this again. I am loosing, but its hardly moving on the scales and I know by personal experience, I shouldn't be even looking. Maybe I should give them to my son to hide from me ;). xxx
Well, they can be quite high those falafels, depends on the make etc, but I noticed coz it was the same day as the accident with the sushi...
So synwise you would have been over on Tues :)

Spies everywhere you know :8855:

And yes, stop weighing too soon! It might just be a poo waiting to happen!! :D
MLM I like your attitude and can safely say, hands on heart that the Sushi was left in the fridge at work so ate that yesterday :), nice as it was and thought I counted it, I might not be counting as many syns as needed. I like the spies out, makes me feel like I need to be good :) x
:rolleyes:Forgive me fellow SW'ers but I blobbed WI tonight :wave_cry:

I've been in my Jamas all day, think all the stressing brought on a migraine as I had to take my head meds at 1pm and slept all afternoon.....didn't feel much like getting showered & changed then to go to class cos I feel quite crappy still :sigh: a sneaky peak just now on the home scales that my OH has retrieved from the wardrobe top reports a STS anyway....sooooo could be worse.need to pull my finger out when *week is over.

EF keep at it hun....and stop jumping on the scales (thats why mine have been removed.......well I'm a liability trying to balance on them on my own anyway :rolleyes: so its safer that way) when I was a serial weigher my weight would not move for days on end - and I would get really down about it....then it would drop all of a sudden, so just stick at it & DO write it all down what you eat, I think its easy to get complacent when you've been doing the plan for so long to 'forget' about the little nibble of this 'n' that that ends up being eaten & not accounted for, or the missed HEA/HEB here & there.

Right I'm off back to bed now ladies....ta ta for now
JIMBOB - hope my Yorkshire pudding flinging for the past few days did the trick for you!!!
Morning all.

CD, hope things are better for you today honey. Its no wonder why you missed WI, what you had gone through yesterday.

Yes, the scales, I think I'll ask my son to hide them each week, and only give them to me on Saturdays. Having said that, I WI this morn officialy and lost 1lb, so its better then nothing. Might have to get used to being a slow looser. Would normally count Sat as my WI day, but am out tonight and not likely to be back til tom evening.. So will alter my stats, and as I said a lb is a lb, 4 apples and thats officially 6lb loss since I went back on track in 3 weeks, so almost 1/2 stone off.

MLM, I found a recipe for Falafel on here, so gonna do those at the weekend ;)

Have a good day everyone. xxx
hi all
ef am in same boat but am gaining :( - oh said well you dont write it down any more so writing it all down (obviously made my lunch before hand so 15syn gone :( but enjoyed the two rolls) 2.5 gain this morning but i deserve it!!!!!

cd sorry to hear the op was cancelled
Good morning everyone

Looking forward to seeing my family today, then going for a long walk across the woods to a country pub :) so diet coke.., then back to a take away :( Why does things I do involve food.. Have cut right back on my syns this week, after a chinese take away on Friday, and counted every syn (45), writting everything down too.. so have 10 a day left, at this rate, it wil go down to 4 each day.. hmmm, I need to get to do more body magic this week and it might just pay off. So gym and swimming tomorrow and will get to do a class on Tuesday and swim on Wed, if i can manage it another class on Thurs.. I need a 2lb loss, if it kills me ;) for next Fri WI !!

Have a good day and relaxing BH monday too xxx
Afternoon Folks

Hope you have a lovely time with your family EF. Well done for making a start logging EVERYTHING syn wise.....scary though it is, its making sure that you at least cut back on the syns during the week to give yourself the best possible chance of that 2lb loss you want ;)

Well Its a lazy stay at home Bank hol weekend for me, my OH has golf comps today & tomorrow (if his back holds out :rolleyes:) We've STILL got no car....well we have the courtesy car but the least said about that the better :eek: The latest on ours is that when they started putting it back together they decided they needed to order a new 'sub frame'? as they couldn't allign the new wheels properly :mad: so its likely to be the end of next week before that arrives.

I had a text from consultant at group saying sorry to hear about my Op etc & she has put me down as a shift worker so I didnt lose any holidays or have to pay back fees for missing class :) (how lovely was that:)) and any time in the future I am ill with the Op or with migraine just let her know & I dont need to pay as she will sort it, she knows I don't like missing & things are not good at the mo sometimes. I'm going to get her a bottle of wine & some flowers this week as I really didnt expect her to do this....after all, its her wages she is losing out on :eek:

Well I'm off to get settled down & read the mags I got for hospital now. Have a good one everyone x x
CD, not too good about the car, but at least things are underway and there is a light at the end of that tunnel, and thank goodness you have a hire car.. SW consultant, now that is lovely.:D.

Went for a 3 mile up and down hill walk yesterday ;), finished in the pub garden, a glass of wine.. counted it :D.. was then down to 6 syns.. then back to my brothers and huge chinese take away for all of us, so that blew that. Think it came to 35 syns if I got that right, so i am now down to 14 syns now for the week :eek:

So, lots of free food this week and will use those 14 very wisely now :). Im making falafel, just blitzed the mixture and waiting for it to stiffen , excuse the expression, lol... Then to cook them, prob won't be til 9ish. Green Day today, feel much fuller on green days, and doing Red tomorrow, got lots of fresh meat and some gammon shanks in a stickey sweet sauce, when my friend put it through the syn's online calculator, worked out free :) so having those this week too.

Went to visit my friend earlier, shes been in hospital for the last week, home for a few hours a day, and then back in the eves for the weekend, but she's had numbness in her hands and feet, looks like MS, she will know by Wed, such a shame, my sister has MS and know its quite disabling too. Fingers crossed she can get the medication asap so she can get relief at least. But that means she's not coming to Liverpool with a group of us for my sisters 40th in 2 weeks, so hotel room to myself!

Hope the BH has been good for you all. xx

Flipping eck its quiet in here :wave_cry: is everyone recovering from the BH?

Sounds like you had a lovely time EF....lots of Bodymagic - and I'm very proud of you keeping track of your syns the way you did :) *gives a big pat on the back* BH's are always a bit tricky when it comes to sticking to plan I find.....especially when you have 'things to do' even getting the BBQ out here for just me & my OH can snowball into a disaster :eek: if I don't give myself a good talking to & remind myself that I DO NOT WANT TO BE FAT FOREVER before having a bread roll without synning it - or a vodka - and 'forgetting' to add it to the list :rolleyes::eek:

Anyway My BH was not an Issue as we didnt do anything special....I've just got lunch out with a friend tomorrow to somehow 'get away with' but its carvery so shouldnt be so bad (apart from the free icecream that we have vouchers for :eek:....I can't stand waste lol)
Morning all!!

Sorry i havent been on here!! Weighed in last night and gained 5lbs! I really havent been on track for the past 2 weeks so that is fully deserved but still incredibly disappointing!!

Wakefield was ok - quite nice to see how some of the other offices work but SW food was out of the window and the hotel food was not very SW friendly!!

Ronnie - I was over by the new shopping centre and big sainsburys - not sure if you know it!

CD well done for being good over the bank holiday!! I really want a carvery now i havent been there for ages!! lol

EF well done for doing that walking!! I hope your friend is ok!! My aunt has MS and it is a horrible thing to have but luckily there are quite a few medications out there which allow you to lead a relatively normal life without too much hinderance!!

Sorry i havent had a chance to look back at previous pages but hope you are all well!!

Rosie hows baby doing? Last i read you were on a bouncy ball try to lure him/her out! lol xxx
just a quickie to say at wi this week i sts so maintaining x

hope everyone is well and i'll try and catch up properly later - manic half term!!!
yeah pesty its a mile away from wher i live - if you come up again i would love to meet up for a coffee?
Hi all

Pesty, thanks. She is being discharged as an outpatient until the Lumber Puncture results come back, she's in high spirits, just pretty disabled with her hands and feet.

Diz.. I had a good weekend, but paid for it, with syns... was going to have 14 syns for the week from yesterday, but thought that was a bit extreme, so now having 3 a day.. I enjoyed it so thats all that counts and its lots more Body Magic tonight with swimming and Zumba tomorrow night, hopefully that will kick the losses for Sat WI :).

Hi Luverick, hope you are well. Was thinking about Rosie too, hope she is ok and not had the baby yet??

Ronnie, how are you going with writting everything down? It makes you think doesn't it.. just what we eat. But having said that, I haven't made any boo-boo's yet, so fingers crossed for a WI on Sat :).

Oh.. I bought a new car :), picked it up on Saturday, not brand new but the newest I've ever had.. a silver blue Astra 08...Right, off to swimming for me, if I go home, then I get settled and won't go.. so got my gym bag in the boot and im off :)

Enjoy your evening xxx
Hope everyone had a great bank holiday weekend.

Pesty - you will soon lose that gain you've had hun!

EF am sure that you will have a great WI for sat! Am sorry to hear about your friend and hope she gets the results back soon so that she can get the help she needs.

Sorry to hear about you're op being delayed CD - hope it happens on 17th June as planned! Also great news on what your consultant said as well about putting you down as a shift worker.

Thanks for thinking of me guys. I'm still here - still with baby on board, just very uncomfortable so not spending much time in front of the laptop - mostly spending time on the ball bouncing trying to get comfy.
Am still fine just suffering bad heartburn and feeling uncomfortable.

Baby has now dropped a bit and is apparently sitting on the brim so is ready to get engaged, am hoping it keeps going down!

I managed to lose 1lb this week - although I think it's due to me wearing lighter clothes this week as I wore my jeans last week. It's def got nothing to do with food as I've been eating mostly rubbish - I have now gone off fruit and veg which is a bit pants - am mostly eating bread which isn't great - but am hoping to get back into fruit and veg once baby arrives.