Rosie, with less then 3 weeks to go now, you must be getting low, they push on the bladder, I remember that feeling, hurts a bit as well as running to the loo. Glad you are on here and can post how things are, big hugs.. your baby just wants out, lol.. xx
I lost a lb, not bad, and although I thought it would have been more I was happy also with the 4 inches loss on my waist. Anyway, have mixed things up, done an all day red yesterday and usually I get halfway through a red day and go onto an ee one.. So I know again, its silly, but it was more curiousity then anything else, I peeked on the scales.. and they have moved down, so I do think its due to the Red day..
Went for a 30 length swim this morn, was going for a date this afternoon, but I cancelled it.. the guy was sending too many messages, when I came out of the pool, I checked my mobile once i'd gotten into the car, and had 4 missed calls and 2 messages,saying i was messing him about.. So, off the scoreboard he went, and told him I wasn't interested anymore..On the plus note, it will now give m time to cook some sw speed soup, meatballs in tom and basil sauce and mini quiches for work in the week, so not all lost

Hoping everyone is having a good day, and good luck for losses tomorrow xxx