From here to Eternally Slim

Morning all hope everyone is well, after last weeks horifica gain I have lost 6lbs this week woop woop -

Wowwwwwwww ronnie, that is fantastic.. well done woop woop exactly :) xxx
Morning everyone

Have Joe's delivering my package later, quite excited, how sad, lol ;).

Went to the gym again last night, I don't think i've lost much this week, but will know in the morn. But my waiste has certainly gone in a bit.. need to do a measurement. Measured about a month ago, but lost my tape measure, so will but one today from the £1 shop downstairs and will look tomorrow morning.

Have found out that being as I took CSE's many moons ago, lol,, they are not recognised now, so need to do an Adult Literacy and Numeracy Cert, so will start that next week. As long as I have that pending on my UCAS application, then I've been told that will be fine, as I would have had that by the time I start in Sep.

Lovely day out, so hoping everyone is having a good day xxx
well done ronnie x
thanks guys i had to re read your earlier post EF i was all excited when i thought Slimming world did a diploma - nope it was social work :)
Wow - well done ronnie - many congrats :)
EF - hope your application goes really well and that you get the place. :)

I currently feel like I've doubled in size in the last two days - bump has really grown and is being so active at the moment that it hurts sometimes!
Just can't wait for it to arrive now as things are getting rather uncomfortable now!

Rosie, with less then 3 weeks to go now, you must be getting low, they push on the bladder, I remember that feeling, hurts a bit as well as running to the loo. Glad you are on here and can post how things are, big hugs.. your baby just wants out, lol.. xx

I lost a lb, not bad, and although I thought it would have been more I was happy also with the 4 inches loss on my waist. Anyway, have mixed things up, done an all day red yesterday and usually I get halfway through a red day and go onto an ee one.. So I know again, its silly, but it was more curiousity then anything else, I peeked on the scales.. and they have moved down, so I do think its due to the Red day..

Went for a 30 length swim this morn, was going for a date this afternoon, but I cancelled it.. the guy was sending too many messages, when I came out of the pool, I checked my mobile once i'd gotten into the car, and had 4 missed calls and 2 messages,saying i was messing him about.. So, off the scoreboard he went, and told him I wasn't interested anymore..On the plus note, it will now give m time to cook some sw speed soup, meatballs in tom and basil sauce and mini quiches for work in the week, so not all lost :).

Hoping everyone is having a good day, and good luck for losses tomorrow xxx
Sorry to hear your chap turned out to be a bit of a psycho hosebeast, EF, but as you've just escaped one of them I dare say starting up with another one isnt something that makes your heart leap with joy.

Went to WI, gained 1lb, so 1 under target. Thats great, because I may have gone overboard on the buttercream and cupcakes this weekend, had to make them for the fair at my daughters school, and well, you have to test them, dont you? In the interests of research mind!

Anyway, Im not weighing in now for another fortnight - so thats all good. Good luck to everyone else weighing this week.

MLM, you are right there. I had already met him once and he seemed fine, just got the hump cause whilst I was in the gym, I hadn't answered his messages, or picked up his calls. I'm a little bit more weary now, shall we say, lol..

1lb is nothing MLM, that will be off by a fortnight's time and good on you, cupcakes, if we can't enjoy the things we like and then know how to pull it back, then whats the point.

Made some SS soup today for lunch, a wholemeal roll with lots of ham and cucumber, and lots of strawberries.. Also made meatballs (omg they are nice, nearly scoffed the lot) yesterday for lunch for tomorrow, need to do some red days this week, so I can get a good loss by Friday.

Other then the psycho, I had a good weekend,swam 30 lengths and all is well on the food front too :).

Hope everyone else is good xx
Hello Peeples,

Hope everyone is ok, Ive had a manic morning....Had my Physio at Hosp....same old stuff.....progress slow but steady - but BOY does it seem SLOW :eek:

Came home & My OH had text me to say the hosp have phoned and told me my Op for the 'magic ear' is happening THIS FRIDAY!! :D:eek: really excited but really scared all rolled into one IYKWIM? plus I'm not relishing the thought of another dodgy head shave :cry::p
But I can't wait as I can now count down the weeks until I get 'plugged in' with a processor and I will be able to hear again
all being well if the bone & skin graft work with no probs it will be 12 weeks from friday whoop whoop !!!!

Even the news that my car has needed more parts ordering than they originally thought (on the suspension)hasn't put me on a downer today.

EF Brill news about the inch loss.....sorry about the Date turning out to be a bit of a Physcho :sigh::mad: Better to find out early on tho huni eh? ;)

MLM 1lb gain is a mere drop in a maintainers ocean :)......and a little of what you fancy n all that ;)

Rosie Hope you're feeling a bit more comfy with the baby bump hun.....not long to wait now x x

well done Ronnie on your brill loss

Right I'm off to sort some veggies out for tea...... x x
Diz.... Fantastic news honey, roll on Friday in the best possible way and we will all be thinking of you too. So happy for you honey :). xxx

Yes, glad I turned him down too, he was shouting down the phone at me.. heck, thought I'd done something wrong so Im so glad I didn't meet him and more so, more glad I didn't give him any extra contact details other then the contact no on my mobile. But sent a message and told him, if he contacted me again, I'd report him to the police, that was that.. no more messages from him. I don't want to be on my own, but hey.. not sure I want to give my mobile no out again. Might invest in a cheap phone, just for dates ;) lol..until I'm sure the person is fine.

Enjoy your dinner and great news again on your op xxx
Just poppin in super quick as then im off to wakefield!!

Good luck for WIs every1

EF - Bad news about the bloke but well done for all your SW hard work and for getting to the gym

MLM - Well done for staying in target range!! Brilliant work for a 1lb gain for cupcakes!!

CD - Couldnt be happier for you about your op!! If i dont get on here before hand then masses of good luck!!

CD - fantastic news about the magic ear op - hope it all goes well and that in 12 weeks come friday you will be able to hear again - will be thinking of you on Friday hun :)
Hope the car get's fixed too hun - without costing much more!

EF - sorry to hear that the date guy was a bit manic - to be honest if someone had shouted at me over the phone over not replying or answering then I think I'd do the same! Enjoy the freedom hun :)

MLM - Glad to see that you are still in target range - you can lose that lb if you feel you need to.

I'm currently bouncing on my exercise ball trying to help this baba move into a more comfy position - think it's got feet in my ribs and can't get comfy anywhere - hope it settles by the time I go to bed!
I gained 6lb's this week - however not all of it was weight - I was wearing my jeans when I usually wear lightweight 3/4 length trousers, I also didn't take off my trainers - as I couldn't be bothered with baba being in my ribs bending down was nearly impossible. I suspect that I've actually put on 2-4lb's without the clothing issue!
Would love for this little one to pop out asap as I'm now getting fed up with being uncomfy all the time! However there are at least another 4-5 weeks of being like this so I just need to put up with it and try and get as comfy as possible until it arrives! :)
Hi all,

Pesty hope you enjoy wakefield - thats where i live now

EF - lucky escape sounds a bit psycho to me lol you deserve better honey

CD - good luck hon its great news

Minxy - that lb will be off in no time

sorry if i have forgotten anyone :)

Rosie, it will all soon be over and that little lovely will be with you.. Hope the bouncing worked :)

Hope you enjoyed Wakefield Pesty

I have jsut done something silly, had a meeting that had last for 2 hours,drove passed Tesco and bought myself a DIY small salad and sushi, all was going well, then thought I'd grabe some ww crisps. Picked upTesco own frazzles, and oh dear, 6 syns gone!!! Not worth it at all and had 1tbsp croutons too, so thats another 3 syns, and the sushi 1.5. Only 4.5 left now for the day. Really annoyed, usually pretty good with choices on low snacks. But turned this Red day into Ee with sushi, so not all bad.. Can have an options hot choc with my muller light later, so it'll be enough with lots of strawberries.

More meetings planned this afternoon, so need to stay good now.
Bad morning from a really fed up Dizzy

Ive just been getting my bag ready so we could get sorted ready to be at the hospital today as arranged for them to book me in and do all the necessary stuff before my Op in the morning........Phoned the ward as we were told to do..... ITS BEEN CANCELLED
even though they phoned us only a couple of days ago offering me the cancellation!!

MR Dizzy has spoken to the Surgeons Secretary who said I'm on the next listing in 3 weeks time, 17th June, I'm still fed up though ........
boo hiss
Oh, what a massive, pooey, shame, Dizz.
I can understand you being really fed up.

But, look on the bright side: now you can go to WI!
And I'm going today too, cos I didn't make it on Tuesday.

So - I'll keep dancing and shaking those namby pamby Southern pompoms for you, if you keep juggling that Yorkshire Pudding for me.

Tis a deal Jimbob .....just shake em good and hard as Ive still got flipping *week hanging around and feel like an umpah lumpah on steroids at the moment :rolleyes:

Bright blue & constanty reciting poetry?
Oh Diz.. the bloody NHS, causes so many disruption and heartache to so many people. REally sorry to hear that honey, as know you were upbeat and looking forward to the start of the process. Big hugs xxx

Im not sure whats happening with re re the plan. Im sticking to it to a "T" and scales aren't shifting, not since sunday when I peeked and then again this morn. Done 3 Red Days this week too.. I'm getting a bit frustrated :(. Think I need a bit of help, and its not going to be any different going to a group, as have all the books at home and Im doing everything I need to be doing as well as exercise too, and thats not too much to be gaining muscle either.. Advice please? xxx
Stick to it, EF.
If you really are sticking to plan, it does work, you know it does.
And if you start to waver, maybe going back to a full food diary would help you to stay on track.