Great news on the losses Ronnie and Luverick.. and Rosie, I think you are justified in putting on a few lb's at the moment, lol..
Sat mornings Wi, lost 4lb's, so am back on my tracker and can now add to it with my losses, have taken away my 7lb shiney as need to get that back, hope I can shift 2lb's this week. Did a huge order of sausages, and meat from Joe's, not ordered before so hope its nice. As need to do more red days.
Making Beef Chow mein with spicey black bean sauce tonight for dinner and doubling on quantities for lunch tomorrow

, syns per portion so not bad..
My date on Fri, went really well, he's a nice guy, just needs to take the shirt out of his trousers, lol.. Drives an Alfa Romeao? What ever that is, he walked me back to my car, so didn't see him get into his. Meeting him again next Sat for lunch, after my WI so if there isn't much I can have at least it won't show up the following WI.
Applied for my SW BA hons today with work, only 2 places, so hoping thats one of mine, and also finished completely my NVQ4 this morning, so should be accredited next month, though it holds no weight in the SW BA entry

. Luckily I studied with OU as that will get me in if Im successful. It does mean if I get it, Im contracted to work there for the next 8 years, so.. it'll mean I'll be 50 by the time I can move jobs.. Heck thats a long way off, lol..
Good luck with WI's tonight, wiggle for everyone in my chair xxx