From here to Eternally Slim

hey girlies well done pesty glad to see you made target - have ressurected my diary - have put on 7.25 lbs in approx 2 weeks not great.... doen food shop, got to get bottom in gear before it gets too big to get out door :(

well enough is enough i am now 1st off (instead of what i was approx 1 year ago 2st off) I WILL DO THIS!!!!!
My OH crashed the car yesterday coming home from work :cry:
The car is an MX5 & normally really good and sticks to the road like glue. Seemingly the roundabout he came off at had a lot of cherry Blossom on the road & a massive downpour of rain, the back end just spun out and took him 180 and accross the road into the oncoming traffic

He had some stitches a few bruises & a headache, then this morning his back and neck were stiff (he has back probs with his discs so I think its jarred it).....but the car is 'really sick'.

I'm not great with cars but from what he said the front & rear passenger wheels have snapped off when he eventually ploughed into the pavement sideways,drive shaft at the back is broken, the disc brakes have shattered, the back wheel came off completely, the front passenger side wheel & something inside that it connects to? & something else on the body is smashed up, his brother said its pretty messy & he was lucky

so we are car-less & £500 excess to pay too :eek: until the insurance sort things out, bummer eh.....still at least my OH is ok.......I shudder to think what might have happened if it was a wagon coming the other way & not just another car.

And my headache?....... It turned into a whopper (any wonder why :rolleyes:)

Hope you all have a good weekend,

MLM what are Krispy cremes? they sound dangerous to SWers :p

Luverick Im dancing already Hun !! ;)

Ronnie You CAN do it! get your botty back up on that wagon with us.... we WILL GET THERE EVENTUALLY :D x x

EF .... we're eagerly awaiting an update of the Date ;):p

I'm off to do nothing in particular now, lazy day watching rubbish on the box no doubt - Ohhhh a bit of ironing if i MUST :flirt2:
woo hoo!!! 2lb off this morning putting me back in range :) happy girlie!
well done - had a sneaky peak this morning and 5lb off already me thinks alot of the gain was water/ and the fact i could not go all day friday and all night and was very bunged up saturday before i weighed in lol

hope the date goes well hon
Congrats Luverick - well done on getting back in target range.

I gained another 2.5lbs this week - am a bit annoyed as it's taken me back over 13stone which I didn't want but hey ho!

Hope everyone else who is weighing in today is doing well and getting the results that they want :)

Will try and keep dancing for everyone else for this week - but I have to warn you that if I go into labour I may have to cancel the dancing for a couple of days! :) :D
Will try and keep dancing for everyone else for this week - but I have to warn you that if I go into labour I may have to cancel the dancing for a couple of days! :) :D

Well, Rosie, I just don't think that's sufficient dedication to the cause!
You just haven't got your priorities right.
Hold the baby in. Dance. Then, when everyone's weighed, THEN you can let it out. Ok?

I don' think anyone would call that unreasonable - would they?

Morning all!!

Well done Luverick on getting back into the T zone!!! Brilliant work girlie!!!

Ronnie - what a fantastic loss so far!! Keep up the good work hun!!

Rosie we really need your dancing!! lol hope the baby is dancing too in there!! lol

Good luck Tuesday weighers!! Im expecting a gain but fingers crossed Im still in T range!! xx
I'm not going to make it to WI tonight, so I'm going to have to wait till next week to find out whether I'm back in Target range.
But good luck to anyone who is weighing.
Hope you're still in range, Pesty!
Great news on the losses Ronnie and Luverick.. and Rosie, I think you are justified in putting on a few lb's at the moment, lol..

Sat mornings Wi, lost 4lb's, so am back on my tracker and can now add to it with my losses, have taken away my 7lb shiney as need to get that back, hope I can shift 2lb's this week. Did a huge order of sausages, and meat from Joe's, not ordered before so hope its nice. As need to do more red days.

Making Beef Chow mein with spicey black bean sauce tonight for dinner and doubling on quantities for lunch tomorrow :), syns per portion so not bad..

My date on Fri, went really well, he's a nice guy, just needs to take the shirt out of his trousers, lol.. Drives an Alfa Romeao? What ever that is, he walked me back to my car, so didn't see him get into his. Meeting him again next Sat for lunch, after my WI so if there isn't much I can have at least it won't show up the following WI.

Applied for my SW BA hons today with work, only 2 places, so hoping thats one of mine, and also finished completely my NVQ4 this morning, so should be accredited next month, though it holds no weight in the SW BA entry :(. Luckily I studied with OU as that will get me in if Im successful. It does mean if I get it, Im contracted to work there for the next 8 years, so.. it'll mean I'll be 50 by the time I can move jobs.. Heck thats a long way off, lol..

Good luck with WI's tonight, wiggle for everyone in my chair xxx
Good lord, is CDs post invisible? :p

How terrifying for you CD. Glad to hear that its not worse. Obviously the car (which frankly sounds like a write-off, although I am not insurance expert!) is a sorry loss, but at least your DH is ok - cars can be replaced.

Hope things have started to calm down a bit for you now. (((hugs)))

Rosie, in next to no time you will drop over a stone. Forget about what the scales say now. Its only baby weight and you have done remarkably well. I think dancing should be good to bring on the labour and I look forward to hearing about the arrival of our first Eternally Slim baby! Rest up and make the most of the time you have left before babs arrives!!!!

Lurver, told you so. And I WILL blame you if I start having to make a pilgrimage to the Krispy Kreme shop.



So glad to hear your date went well EF!! Keep us posted, we can live vicariously through your adventures.

I went to group but didnt weigh this week. Have decided to weigh fortnightly, as I am at target, but still attend group weekly, coz Im needed to help. Gives me a week every two where I can be a bit more relaxed, and one to be a bit stricter if I need to be. I need to stop focussing on what the scales say and start focussing on balance and being a little more relaxed about what I eat now and again.
Morning all!!

CD i didnt see your post on here hun but thort i'd replied in your thread! Hope you and OH are both ok!

MLM i think that is a really good idea, weighing fortnightly! I went to group last night, weighed and ran away!! I dont find my group inspiring enough so may switch back to my old monday group!! I have to weigh in monday next week anyway cuz im going to Wakefield tues, weds and thurs with work!

EF Im so pleased to hear the date went ok and that you'll be going on another one!! Well done on your NVQ4 and good luck for your BA Hons!! I can think of worse things that having a job secured until your 50 :D

So weigh in last night i gained 3lbs which keeps me just on the edge of my target zone. This week will be a full optimising week as i have to weigh on a monday next week and i would like to be back bang on target for my week in Wakefield next week as i wont really get to eat foods of my choosing!!!

Any weighers today?? Good luck if so!! xx
CD - I hope you know your post isn't invisible - but I did my replying on your fred, rather than here.

Glad all's going well EF, and well done for staying in range, Pesty. That's quite an achievement in Week 1. Well I think so, anyway!

And as for you two Krispy Kreme fiends, well.....
OH CD, I did miss your post as the page had turned over and several posts after that, heck.. Hope you are both ok??? Will teach me to go back further in future too, sorry I did miss that and huge hugs xxx

Pesty, you know that 3lb will be off soon and you are still on the edge of target too, so I wouldn't worry about that, you can chip it back off quick :)

Thanks all for your well wishes, I've put together my supporting startement, for my degree, but with only 2 spaces going out of about 12 people showing interest, its not a huge chance, but its still a chance.

MLM, well done for continuing to go to group, it must keep you focussed even though you weigh every other week, its also good support to the group too.

Right, son is on the scrounge for money to get home from his interview, so better run.. Have a good day all xxxxxx
CD - I'm so sorry I must have missed your post - will teach me to leave me DS alone with my laptop for a moment! I'm so sorry about the car and hope that your DH is feeling better now.

MLM - thank you for your wise words re the losing a stone once baby is out - in my head I know it but am still disappointed but what you said makes sense.

Gotta run - DS has been up all night being sick and with the runs - so now trying to get a tired little boy to feel better! Without causing any further issues!
Rosie, had a quick google and found this...

Breakdown of weight gain during pregnancy.

*7 - 9 pounds of baby
*2 pounds of placenta
*2 pounds of amniotic fluid
*4 - 5 pounds of increased blood volume
*2 pounds uterine enlargement
*3 - 4 pounds of fluid in maternal tissue
*1 pound of breast enlargement to prepare for breastfeeding

So there! Watch those scales drop back down! Some of that you will retain a little while after the birth but a large portion of it you wont, and the rest will soon go as your body adjusts.

Really, dont be disappointed in yourself here, it isnt like you have gained 5 stone during your pregnancy. FYI, with my last daughter, I gained 6!! (Blame the cake cravings), and lost 2 of them just by giving birth.

I know this coz I weighed myself on the scales in the hospital! :D
Thank you very much MLM - this does make me feel a bit better, I'd never thought to add up everything that grows when pregnant. I added it up and it's 21lb's (going on the lower stats) I'm planning on going straight back to class after anyway so I will keep you all up to date on what I do manage to lose after the baby arrives.
I've put on approx 22lb's so far so on reflection I'm satisfied with that. I know that I will gain between now and when baby arrives so know that will add up - but I've lost it before and I can do it again. :)
So many thanks MLM for that info.

Jim - I know it's not acceptable to stop dancing for you all - I will endevour to dance my way through the labour :) :D to make sure that everyone gets a good weight loss/maintain whichever applies to them. ;)
Now Rosie, dancing your way through labour might just do it for all of the group, lol.. Not long to go now :) and a lovely little package will arrive, I love babies.

Silly me, this morning and I know I shouldn't have done it.. I stood on scales :( and they've not moved since last Sat!! Hmmm, I've been really good, been to the gym too, but have done all EE days so maybe thats why.. Joes are delivering on Fri, so from Sat onwards I'll be doing some red days, so hope that will make a difference. Off to the gym again tonight and on Red Day today, so hoping that will also make a difference for Sat's Wi.

Have a good day xxx
Morning all hope everyone is well, after last weeks horifica gain I have lost 6lbs this week woop woop -