From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

It's so difficult this time of year but you really have to remain focused :( All I know is in years to come i don't want to look at my florida pics and think 'oh no'.

The photos from my trip to Florida this summer are the first holiday photos for years that l don't cringe at when l see myself in them, not that l let myself be photographed much before :eek:, in a lot of them it looks like the rest of the family were on holiday without me, lol.
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Thanks for the motivation disney :)

I'm really confused atm....i weighted myself today (day 5) and I've only lost 3lbs I was expecting more than that in my first week. I know I've got more days to go but seriously I hope it doesn't de motivate.

We go 4 weeks today......................c'mon stone shift shift shift :)

Also why does drinking so much water make you lose weight (apart from filling you up) is there anything else it does.

Hope you're all good
Mum2one, 3lbs isn't bad, it's 3 whole lbs, equivalent of 6 packs of butter - it's a lot if you look at it like that and you've got another few days to go until your weigh-in. Try not get disheartened if the scales aren't as good as you'd hoped, l know it's hard, l've had low losses and plateaus along the way, but the main thing is to keep going, if you do you WILL get there, no doubt about it.

Even after me being on this diet for what seems like ages (guess it is ages :eek:) what the scales say sometimes is a mystery to me, like when l tried really hard last month before my niece's wedding and the results were so slow. This month it's not exactly fast either, but at the beginning of Nov. l made up my mind to keep focused and think positively and it's making a big difference to how l'm coping with it.

Hang in there. Just take it a day at a time, try not to put pressure on yourself re Florida. Just stay focused on the diet and if you can ignore the scales.

:hug99: :hug99:
mum2one I think disney is right ignore the scales I find when I weight myself everyday and don't see the loss I expect it makes me disappointed and more likely to cheat!
Pleased with how today went - took my 14 y o daughter to get her hair cut and do some Christmas shopping, had thought about taking her out for lunch to a really good restaurant l was given gift vouchers at my birthday for, but resisted the temptation of that and took her to Cafe Nero instead, where l had a green tea and half a CD bar while she had lunch. I figured we'll go out for lunch with those vouchers in a couple of months or so once l'm at goal and maintaining and l'll enjoy lunch much more then and won't feel guilty afterwards.

We also went to Beanscene cafe on the way home (shopping is hard work :D) where my daughter had a delicious looking milkshake and l had a diet coke, not sure if diet coke is ok on CD, does anyone know if it affects ketosis?

I know me resisting temptation won't have helped me lose extra lbs, but l know if l had given in all my effort all week would have been wasted.
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Copied this over from another thread
Weight loss is a journey
Hi everyone, I can't remember where I found this poem, but just thought I'd share it with you. :)

Weight loss is a journey – tackle it in stages.
Some may get there very quick, whilst other may take ages.
Weight loss is a journey, some take the stopping train,
And they get off at the station, and then get back on again.
While other lucky people seem to travel by express,
With no apparent effort, each week they weigh in less.
For some of us the journey, too often seems uphill.
We never seem to get that far, struggle though we will.
Weight loss is a journey – anyone can go
But as you travel on your way there’s something you should know.
Losing weight’s a journey that different for everyone,
Some are happy to stroll along while others need to run.
If you want to complete this journey, then forget about the rest.
Each of you must travel the way that suits you best.
As long as you believe it, you WILL get there some day,
And so what does it matter if you’ve gone the pretty way?
Weight loss is a journey, that certainly is true,
And each of you must travel in the way that best suits YOU.
You’ll make much better progress if you go at your own pace.
‘Cos weight loss is a journey – and NEVER is a race

Have a lovely evening. x

I know l've certainly taken the scenic route, with detours on the way. :rolleyes: :eek:
love the coke?????? I didn't know that.

3lbs down but still gonna stcik to it....3,5 weeks to go. The key is water I'm not drinking enough :( will drink more
also I've just realised I've been in the team for about a year :)

Love you girlies xxxx
well done mum2one thats a great loss. I'm struggling with the water at the moment, its so cold. I've tried having it warm/hot but its still a struggle.

wi lost 2lbs not good over about 2 weeks but better than expected
Mum2one, well done on the 3lb loss. It's maybe less than you've been used to, but it's still good and is a whole lot better than gaining or sts, in fact a whole 3 fab lbs better. :D

Trisha, well done on the 2lbs loss too. Hang in there to both of you.

I keep telling myself this - I maybe can't make the scales say what l want in a hurry, but l'm doing my best and by keeping in a positive frame of mind l'll cope with it a lot easier.

With it being so cold l'm struggling with the water too, usually l drink 3 litres a day, over the weekend it was no where near that, trying to get back into it today, just filled up my jug flask with hot water again, it holds a litre. When l went out a walk yesterday l filled up my water bottle with warm water. :gen125:

My new winter coat arrived today, it's by Hobbs, size 14 and l love it. :)
also I've just realised I've been in the team for about a year :)

Love you girlies xxxx

Happy 1st birthday (or maybe that should be anniversary!). :)
Hi all

I'm baaackkkk! :D

As some of you are aware I've had a bit of a rocky couple of weeks. The last week has been better but I just wanted to time to settle myself before I really started posting again so I focussed on my diary more than anything. I put up a lb last Thursday but I expected that because from the Sat to the Tuesday afternoon I must have eaten about 20,000 calories! :eek: But it's done and I've learnt from it and I'm facing forwards again.

I had hypnotherapy today with the focus to give the feeling that exercise gives me a great positive feeling and therefore I "want" to do it. So we'll see how that goes over the next week :D It's unclear whether or not I'll need a 2nd session - very much depends on how I go.

Trish: nightmare about the paperwork. I know my cousin said she said up a toddler group but ended up having to leave it after a few years because she was up until midnight keeping on top of all the paperwork the government just kept adding and adding.

Disney: sounds like you are powering ahead :D And lunch with your daughter when you can both enjoy it properly will be lovely. With a manicure before maybe?

Mum2one: I couldn't cope with "unofficial" weigh-ins - would mess with my head too much. I don't even have a scales in the house. I'm working to change my focus from the numbers to more on how I feel in my clothes and in myself. I want to feel good rather than have the numbers tell me I should feel good. So I'm just gonna work the plan and trust it works in the long-term.

Quiz: I thought Diet Coke was off the list because of the citric acid and because aspartame can cause carb cravings?

Just to recap - where are we on our team challenge? The last record was:

  • Quizzical - down 20lbs (by 15/12)
  • Trisha - down 14lbs (by 30/11)
  • Gg - down 20lbs (by 30/11) - 4lbs down; 16 to go (+1 for my binge)
  • Mum2one -down 20lbs (by 17/12)
  • Disney: down 10lbs (by 30/11)
  • AOGG: 3 inches off bust (by xmas)
weigh-in: 2lb loss this week. :)

Hi Gg, Welcome back. :)

re the team challenge incl. today's weigh-in l've lost 7lb towards my Nov. target of 10lbs.
Not feeling good today, think l've got the tummy bug my son had. :( Feeling really yuck at the moment, l had plans to do some office work then get on with re-organising all the stuff in my kitchen cupboards. :sigh: Going back to bed to rest for a while & hope l'm better later today. :fingerscrossed:
well done on the loss disney and so sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope you feel better soon x