From here to Slimfinity!!! - Team 6

Sunday, 8.38.

Hope someone is out there... having the day from hell. And this is just the start of it. I can't go into details, not now anyway, but so upset/angry/ashamed.... more husband trouble, but different to Suki's problem. Right now I feel so angry I don't want to set eyes on him again, but I suppose that will pass... just so fed up. And feeling such a whirl of negative emotions I know the temptation to fall headlong into a binge is just a breath away... this is SO not what I need.

In the middle of writing this, my 15 year old daughter has come and given me big hugs and let me talk a bit... she is making me a coffee now. I am lucky, I need to remember that. I have two lovely kids and my husband does love me, I just don't know if I can cope with this any more.

Sorry to dump this on you... and thanks for being there.

Hi guys.
I'm off to weigh tonight, not going to assume my loss by my scales so will let you know later.
Suki, I too would feel as you do, in fact I was married for 17yrs to a man who would/could not communicate, so
I can empathise with you there.I think what the girls say makes a lot of sense. Like Katy I know very little about your
culture or how it works. But you do deserve to have your husband communicate with you how it feels for you and why he has
chosen to do this. Things that go on between four walls are peoples own private business of course, but it has to be something they
are both comfortable with for the relationship to harmonise. You are clearly very unhappy about this and
deserve the respect of having your feelings heard and a comprimise being met. It sounds like your husbands silence is also an avoidance
technique as well as, maybe guilt, at being found out or/and for hurting you? I would ask your hubby for a time to sit down and discuss it, no distractions
and ask him to be honest, hard to give advice with knowing so little about the kind of relationship you have, but it sounds like a case of
not allowing him to avoid.. There may be explanations that you can work with together like the girls say. Also try not to turn it back on yourself and what you see as your inhibitions, many relationship include porn (why I dont know personally) in an active way and has nothing to do with performances, just an addage. I think men are carnally drawn to this sort of thing, and like someone said "because it is frobidden, makes it all the more enticing"Good luck hunny, A relationship with
no communication can be very lonely, and maybe its just a case of time, to encourage him to find out he can learn
to communicate? But were here for you. I know Im not on every day as things are a bit hectic at the moment, but I will always respond when I
do come on.
Katy, we all need to offload at times, I lived for years thinking the bottle was half empty, so yes your right it does help to focus on the positive, but easier
said than done when your angry/ frustrated. Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter there. Not knowing what is troubling you I can only
hope you and hubby can sort things out soon.dump away, I sure will when I get to know you guys better.
big hugs to you both, and Hi! to everyone else x
Flob, thanks honey... kind words mean a lot, & both son & daughter have been generous with the hugs, which helps too. I'm OK and sticking to CD 110%, out of spite if nothing else!!!
Hello Flobble and Katy!

Katy I have sent you a PM. Go on and let out whatever you want/need. There are no judgements here. xx

Flobble nice to see you checking in. Hope everyone else is hanging in :)
Just thought i would send a quick message before i sat and concentrated on my 2000 word essay that is due this week!
Sorry katy! to hear you are not feeling a 100% but i know how you feel:( i hope things get better for you hun!

sending loads of positive energy everyones way!:)

Hugs Suki... hope today is a bit easier for you. When things go wrong it helps to be part of a team... thanks guys for being there.
Only 1lb off for me.... not sure if anyone else is about?
Never mind, Quizz and Suki... wasn't the best of weeks for you Suki, and the birthday was probably why you gained Quizz... worth it, I hope!!! Hugs & thanks for the support yesterday.
Hi guys, hope your all feeling a bit better today..
Im afraid Im feeling a little despondant. Last week when we came back from being weighed we jumped straight on our scales (and theyre good ones) to see how different they are to CDC's. anyway we worked it out, Then last night we got on scales just before we left to be weighed and we were both delighted to see that we'd both lost 4lb each (with allowing for difference).
so we arrive at CDC's and she had new scales! so we got on them only for her to tell us weve both stayed the same.... so I was really frustrated, as you know how diffierent individual scales can be, and to make it worse, she only has these for a week until some new ones come again!!
We have both gone back on sole source for a few days (hopefully) but I just kind of feel cheated. ITs so important when you weigh, it boosts morale and all?
So just need to say Aarghhh!!!!
Flob, how annoying! It sounds as though her scale may be at fault, though... hopefully next week you will be rewarded with a big jump! Stay focused and don't let this get you down.

Quizz, I always worry I am not drinking enough water so love your reminders! Have been drinking a lot of coffee lately and think it's actually starting to keep me awake, so time to go back to the herb teas... cold water I just can't get down, somehow. As for targets, I would like to shift more than one pound this week, but it's impossible to put a guess or a figure on it... I just want it to be more than one! I worry that if I name a 'target' and don't achieve it, I will feel disheartened, so this is my way of trying to make sure I am pleased with my loss. (Does that make ANY sense at all?!!!)

So... morning everyone... sun is FINALLY shining here in Scotland, and I'm all set for a 100% day before tomorrow's weigh in. How about you?
morning katy!! "more than 1" is a target so let's go with that.

I need to up my water too. I am thinking let's try for a ltr before midday?
Hmm, how does that translate into pints, anyone know? Have 1 pint down, but it's not enough, I know!