Hope you have a good weekend too Steve, any plans? x
I'm doing a major de-junk and sort out of clothes. A cull if you like, if only to make room for some more!! - oh and going away for a few days on Wednesday so might throw a few clothes in a carrier bag
Morning Steve x
This is your guru speaking
Have a cracking Sunday...I've almost calmed down...stupid ref wants to SERIOUSLY think about a career change...
Calm down dear! - it's only a game... (I never, ever thought I'd hear myself say those words to a female after having them said to me virtually every weekend since I was about 9!)
Lynne, leaving Wednesday (Flying from Manchester on Thursday) Everything booked, all tickets, car, villa, ESTA, I'm commiting a cardinal syn by not having a plan! - Florida needs planning, but with so much to do and trying to fit it all in, I've decided to risk "playing it by ear". (Mickey Mouse reference thrown in for free

Looking forward to getting a tan and come back all refreshed! - something that has never happened before
Anyway, I only just logged on to tell you of my non-scale victory! I was sorting out some clothes and stuff when I came across a pair of 42in waist Jeans (form Marksies!) I must have missed them on the last cull as I threw out all of my fat clothes. I now keep them and tried them on

- i'm gutted they no longer fit:cry:- but hope to fit into them in a few months
Seriously it is hard to believe my telly is 2in smaller than them jeans!!! (Pity Sony don't make jeans...)
I would take a photo, but it hasn't been possible to hold the camera with one hand, hold the jeans up with the other hand and trying not to shake with laughter at the image (in the mirror for extra comic effect!!)
OK, back to the "sorting" - I will leave you with this thought for now....
If Peter Cushing had married Whoopie Goldberg, would she have been known as Whoopie Cushing?:8855:
The more astute of you will notice I am not our rambling today! - too much to do and as not feeling 100%, am not risking illnss (man flu) or injury (blisters, ankle etc.) this close to the holiday.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Now back to the grind